
Tournament Note

Team Check-in

All Teams (Coaches only) MUST check-in 1 hour prior to the first game. Teams will need the following items at check-in and will need to have access to until the event concludes:

Complete and print Roster
Teams will receive 2 coaching bands per team.
Coach's name must be on the team roster to receive band.
Coaching bands are to be worn the entire weekend.
Teams that fail to check-in will not be allowed to participate.

Teams will ONLY be allowed to check-in at the Locations listed below:
Gym Locations
17U-13U Check-in: Maret School, 3000 Cathedral Ave NW, Washington, DC 20008
12U-9U Check-in: Hoops Plus, 45496 Ruritan Circle, Sterling, VA 20164

10U Boys

BIG SHOTS DC TEAM DURANT (Washington, DC | 17U-8U)

Apr 1 - 2, 2017
Sterling, VA • Washington, DC
SportsEngine Tourney

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Saturday, April 01, 2017
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 9:00 AM Hoops Plus - Ct 1 SPOTSY UNITED GREY
18 38 Takeover black
P2 9:00 AM Hoops Plus - Ct 2 Southern Maryland Knicks (Orange)
19 29 Team Durant 10***
P4 11:00 AM Hoops Plus - Ct 2 Virginia Elite
2 36 Southern Maryland Knicks (Orange)
P3 12:00 PM Hoops Plus - Ct 2 Southern Maryland Knicks (Navy)
P6 1:00 PM Hoops Plus - Ct 2 Team Durant 10***
37 6 Virginia Elite
P5 2:00 PM Hoops Plus - Ct 2 Takeover black
47 13 Southern Maryland Knicks (Navy)
Sunday, April 02, 2017
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B1 9:00 AM Hoops Plus - Ct 1 Takeover black
36 10 Southern Maryland Knicks (Orange)
B3 9:00 AM Hoops Plus - Ct 3 Virginia Elite
B2 10:00 AM Hoops Plus - Ct 1 Southern Maryland Knicks (Navy)
11 31 Team Durant 10***
B4 12:00 PM Hoops Plus - Ct 1 Takeover black
Team Durant 10***


Bracket Winner B4
Takeover black
B4 - Sun 4/2 12:00PM Hoops Plus - Ct 1
Team Durant 10***
Southern Maryland Knicks (Navy) - 11
B2 - Sun 4/2 10:00AM Hoops Plus - Ct 1
Team Durant 10*** - 31
Takeover black - 36
B1 - Sun 4/2 9:00AM Hoops Plus - Ct 1
Southern Maryland Knicks (Orange) - 10
Virginia Elite
B3 - Sun 4/2 9:00AM Hoops Plus - Ct 3