

TN Game 7 Fall Clash

Sep 16 - 17, 2017
SportsEngine Tourney

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Team Demarini

13U-Open Champion

Sat Sep 16, 2017 - Sun Sep 17, 2017


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Saturday, September 16, 2017
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 8:00 AM Donelson Rotary - Field 1 13U Knights Baseball - Brentwood
14 3 MJ Mojo
P2 8:00 AM Donelson Rotary - Field 6 615 Team Mizuno
9 4 F-S Firestorm
P3 10:00 AM Donelson Rotary - Field 1 13U Knights Baseball - Brentwood
3 6 angels Baseball White
P4 10:00 AM Donelson Rotary - Field 6 615 Team Mizuno
4 9 Middle Tennessee Outlaws - Miles
P5 12:00 PM Donelson Rotary - Field 1 angels Baseball White
6 6 MJ Mojo
P6 12:00 PM Donelson Rotary - Field 6 Middle Tennessee Outlaws - Miles
4 0 F-S Firestorm
P7 2:00 PM Donelson Rotary - Field 1 angels Baseball Red
4 6 Central Arrows
P8 2:00 PM Donelson Rotary - Field 6 Team Demarini
4 3 Bowling Green HITS
P9 4:00 PM Donelson Rotary - Field 1 angels Baseball Red
2 6 Raiders
P10 4:00 PM Donelson Rotary - Field 6 Team Demarini
9 1 The Diamond Dawgs
P11 6:00 PM Donelson Rotary - Field 1 Hendersonville Rangers 13U
10 5 Central Arrows
P12 6:00 PM Donelson Rotary - Field 6 The Diamond Dawgs
4 1 Bowling Green HITS
P13 8:00 PM Donelson Rotary - Field 1 Hendersonville Rangers 13U
9 3 Raiders
Sunday, September 17, 2017
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B14 8:00 AM Donelson Rotary - Field 1 [4] angels Baseball White
2 6 [5] 13U Knights Baseball - Brentwood
B15 8:00 AM Donelson Rotary - Field 6 [11] Bowling Green HITS
10 8 [12] angels Baseball Red
B16 10:00 AM Donelson Rotary - Field 1 [3] Hendersonville Rangers 13U
7 1 [6] The Diamond Dawgs
B17 10:00 AM Donelson Rotary - Field 6 [10] MJ Mojo
3 1 [13] F-S Firestorm
B18 12:00 PM Donelson Rotary - Field 1 [2] Middle Tennessee Outlaws - Miles
12 0 [7] Raiders
B19 12:00 PM Donelson Rotary - Field 6 Bowling Green HITS
9 1 [8] 615 Team Mizuno
B20 2:00 PM Donelson Rotary - Field 1 [1] Team Demarini
11 1 13U Knights Baseball - Brentwood
B21 2:00 PM Donelson Rotary - Field 6 MJ Mojo
4 5 [9] Central Arrows
B22 4:00 PM Donelson Rotary - Field 1 Hendersonville Rangers 13U
0 10 Middle Tennessee Outlaws - Miles
B23 4:00 PM Donelson Rotary - Field 6 Bowling Green HITS
10 1 Central Arrows
B24 6:00 PM Donelson Rotary - Field 1 Team Demarini
9 8 Middle Tennessee Outlaws - Miles