

MSC's 2018 Fall Classic - "The Fields of Opportunity Cup"

Aug 31 - Sep 3, 2018
Muscatine, Ia
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Team W L T P
NSSC NITRO (Long Grove, IA) 3 0 1 11 10 18 7
QC Strikers (Davenport, IA) 2 0 2 9 4 11 7
ISC Thunder 2 (Iowa City, IA) 2 2 0 7 5 11 6
ISC Thunder 1 (Iowa City, IA) 1 2 1 4 -2 13 15
MSC 08 Boys 0 4 0 0 -17 5 23


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Saturday, September 01, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 9:30 AM MSC - Field 2A ISC Thunder 2 (Purple)
6 1 MSC 08 Boys (Purple)
P2 12:30 PM MSC - Field 2B ISC Thunder 1 (Purple)
4 6 NSSC NITRO (Purple)
P3 12:30 PM MSC - Field 2A QC Strikers (Purple)
2 0 ISC Thunder 2 (Purple)
P4 3:30 PM MSC - Field 2B MSC 08 Boys (Purple)
0 7 NSSC NITRO (Purple)
P5 3:30 PM MSC - Field 2A ISC Thunder 1 (Purple)
3 3 QC Strikers (Purple)
Sunday, September 02, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P6 9:30 AM MSC - Field 2A NSSC NITRO (Purple)
3 1 ISC Thunder 2 (Purple)
P8 9:30 AM MSC - Field 2B ISC Thunder 1 (Purple)
6 2 MSC 08 Boys (Purple)
P7 12:30 PM MSC - Field 2A QC Strikers (Purple)
2 2 NSSC NITRO (Purple)
P10 2:00 PM MSC - Field 2B ISC Thunder 2 (Purple)
4 0 ISC Thunder 1 (Purple)
P9 3:30 PM MSC - Field 2A MSC 08 Boys (Purple)
2 4 QC Strikers (Purple)


No Bracket Games for this Division

Bracket Winner B1