
Tournament Note

All teams must have rosters submitted online prior to the start of the tournament.
NO Metal cleats on portable pitching mounds
Park Policies: NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINK! NO COOLERS! NO PETS! This policy will be strictly enforced!

11U A/AA

Armed Forces Day Classic (A/AA) - Arnold, MO

May 19 - 20, 2018
Arnold Athletic Association - Arnold, MO
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

11U A/AA
Team W L T
BOMBSQUAD 11U (St.Louis, MO) 0 0 0 0 0
Gorillas (St. Louis, MO) 0 0 0 0 0
STL Force/Sapa (St. Louis, MO) 0 0 0 0 0
Team Force (Imperial, MO) 0 0 0 0 0
Sullivan Pirates (Sullivan, MO) 0 0 0 0 0


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Saturday, May 19, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 1:30 PM Arnold Athletic Association - Field 3 BOMBSQUAD 11U
STL Force/Sapa
P2 3:20 PM Arnold Athletic Association - Field 3 STL Force/Sapa
Sullivan Pirates
P3 3:20 PM Arnold Athletic Association - Field 4 Team Force
P4 5:10 PM Arnold Athletic Association - Field 3 Team Force
Sullivan Pirates
P5 5:10 PM Arnold Athletic Association - Field 4 BOMBSQUAD 11U
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B1 8:00 AM Arnold Athletic Association - Field 4 11U A/AA 4th Place
11U A/AA 5th Place
B2 10:00 AM Arnold Athletic Association - Field 4 11U A/AA 1st Place
Bracket Winner B1
B3 12:00 PM Arnold Athletic Association - Field 3 11U A/AA 2nd Place
11U A/AA 3rd Place
B4 2:00 PM Arnold Athletic Association - Field 3 Bracket Winner B2
Bracket Winner B3


11U A/AA Bracket
Bracket Winner B4
11U A/AA Champion
11U A/AA 1st Place
B2 - Sun 5/20 10:00AM Arnold Athletic Association - Field 4
Bracket Winner B1
11U A/AA 4th Place
B1 - Sun 5/20 8:00AM Arnold Athletic Association - Field 4
11U A/AA 5th Place
11U A/AA 2nd Place
B3 - Sun 5/20 12:00PM Arnold Athletic Association - Field 3
11U A/AA 3rd Place
Bracket Winner B2
B4 - Sun 5/20 2:00PM Arnold Athletic Association - Field 3
Bracket Winner B3