
Tournament Note

ALL Teams must have rosters submitted online prior to the start of the tournament. ALL teams must check-in before your first game.
Rainout Hotline: 314-514-4111

Strehl Fields Park Policies: NO PETS! NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINKS! NO COOLERS!! Team water coolers only and must be kept in the dugout. THESE POLICIES ARE STRICTLY ENFORCED!!

10U A/AA

Father's Day Classic - Ozzies, O'Fallon MO/ Woodlands,/Strehl

Jun 16 - 17, 2018
SportsEngine Tourney

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Louisville Sun Devils

10U A/AA Champion

Sat Jun 16, 2018 - Sun Jun 17, 2018

Pool Standings

10U A/AA
Team W L T
Louisville Sun Devils (Louisville, KY) 3 0 0 40 10
Rawlings Tigers-Simon (St Louis, MO) 2 1 0 21 26
Union Wildcat 10U (Leslie, MO) 1 2 0 17 22
MO Gators - Blackstun (OFallon, MO) 0 3 0 12 32


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Saturday, June 16, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 8:00 AM Strehl Fields - #93 MO Gators - Blackstun
7 8 Rawlings Tigers-Simon
P2 9:50 AM Strehl Fields - #93 MO Gators - Blackstun
3 11 Union Wildcat 10U
P3 11:40 AM Strehl Fields - #93 Rawlings Tigers-Simon
7 14 Louisville Sun Devils
P4 1:30 PM Strehl Fields - #93 Union Wildcat 10U
1 13 Louisville Sun Devils
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P5 12:00 PM Strehl Fields - #92 Rawlings Tigers-Simon
6 5 Union Wildcat 10U
P6 2:00 PM Strehl Fields - #92 MO Gators - Blackstun
2 13 Louisville Sun Devils
B1 4:00 PM Strehl Fields - #92 [1] Louisville Sun Devils
6 3 [2] Rawlings Tigers-Simon


10U A/AA Bracket
Louisville Sun Devils
10U A/AA Champion
[1] Louisville Sun Devils - 6
B1 - Sun 6/17 4:00PM Strehl Fields - #92
[2] Rawlings Tigers-Simon - 3