Tournament Note
Coaches must complete Tourney Machine stats roster prior to event.*** team needs to complete rosterComplete roster here: CHECK IN LOCATION (Coaches only) (Check-in at least 1 hour prior to start time, Check-in opens at 10:00 AM on Saturday):(12U-8U) : WVU Recreational Center - 2001 Rec Center Dr, Morgantown, WV 26506USA Open Basketball QualifierTop Team/First Team Listed is home team and wears white.The following groupings of play at Big Shots Next West Virginia serve as an Official Qualifier to the USA Basketball 2018 U.S. Open Basketball Championships: 8th grade boys, 13U boys and 12U boys. Age and Grade Groupings 8th Grade: Enrolled in 8th grade or lower as of October 1, 2017 AND cannot turn 15 prior to September 1, 2018. 13U: Cannot turn 14 prior to September 1, 2018 (this is an age division, grade exceptions are not permitted). 12U: Cannot turn 13 prior to September 1, 2018 (this is an age division, grade exceptions are not permitted).Eligibility VerificationIt is the responsibility of the head coach to provide age and grade (if applicable) verification for players at any time throughout the event. Permitted forms of player age verification include birth certificates, passports and government-issued IDs (originals, hard copies or digital copies).Good luck to all teams!
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