
Tournament Note

Tournament Pass: $30, Day Pass $20
Sun 8:40 AM: All games at Prince George CC canceled for Sunday.

Towson - Turfs only in cages. No throwing, swinging, fungos in front of dugouts on the grass. No seeds/gum/drinks on turf areas. No large coolers. No tents in stands.
Harford CC - No seeds/gum on turf or in the dugouts.

18/17U Showcase

Georgetown, Stevenson Univ, Harford CC, Towson, Anne Arundel CC June 9-10, 2018

Jun 9 - 10, 2018
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings


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Saturday, June 09, 2018
Game Time Location Away Score Home
P1 8:00 AM Anne Arundel Community College Teel Ravens 17u
9 3 BCC Patriots 17u
P2 9:00 AM Joe Cannon Stadium Sykesville Cyclones
0 0 Maryland Undertakers 18u
P30 9:00 AM Prince George Community College HCYP Raiders 17U D'Alonzo
5 4 D-BAT ELITE (National East) 17U
P3 9:30 AM Georgetown Univ (Shirley Povich) Canes North Showcase 2019
1 9 FTB Tucci Mid Atlantic 17u Darnell
P4 10:20 AM Anne Arundel Community College Calvert Cutters 17U
0 10 Teel Ravens 17u
P5 11:20 AM Prince George Community College GS Surge Team Akadema Select 17u
P6 12:00 PM Georgetown Univ (Shirley Povich) Pride Baseball 18u
3 2 Tomcats Baseball
P7 12:40 PM Anne Arundel Community College Maryland Undertakers 18u
3 1 Canes North 2019
P29 1:40 PM Joe Cannon Stadium HCYP Raiders 17U D'Alonzo
6 5 Sykesville Cyclones
P9 3:00 PM Anne Arundel Community College D-BAT ELITE 17U
6 4 Blue Chips USA Upper Class 17U
P10 3:00 PM Howard HS BCC Patriots 17u
6 9 FTB Tucci Mid Atlantic 17u Darnell
P11 4:00 PM Joe Cannon Stadium Canes North Showcase 2019
5 3 Calvert Cutters 17U
P12 5:20 PM Anne Arundel Community College GS Surge Team Akadema Select 17u
0 0 Tomcats Baseball
P14 6:20 PM Joe Cannon Stadium Blue Chips USA Upper Class 17U
5 13 Pride Baseball 18u
Sunday, June 10, 2018
Game Time Location Away Score Home
P16 8:00 AM Towson University Calvert Cutters 17U
7 9 FTB Tucci Mid Atlantic 17u Darnell
P17 9:00 AM Harford Community College Sykesville Cyclones
6 5 FTB Tucci Mid Atlantic 17u Kail
P18 10:20 AM Towson University Teel Ravens 17u
12 3 Canes North Showcase 2019
P19 11:15 AM Harford Community College D-BAT ELITE (National East) 17U
2 3 Canes North 2019
P20 11:20 AM Stevenson University BCC Patriots 17u
6 5 Calvert Cutters 17U
P21 11:20 AM Oakland Mills HS D-BAT ELITE 17U
6 7 Tomcats Baseball
P22 12:40 PM Towson University FTB Tucci Mid Atlantic 17u Kail
0 0 Maryland Undertakers 18u
P23 1:30 PM Harford Community College Canes North 2019
0 0 Sykesville Cyclones
P15 1:40 PM Oakland Mills HS Pride Baseball 18u
P24 1:40 PM Stevenson University Canes North Showcase 2019
7 5 BCC Patriots 17u
P25 2:40 PM Howard HS FTB Tucci Mid Atlantic 17u Darnell
5 4 Teel Ravens 17u
P26 3:00 PM Towson University Maryland Undertakers 18u
0 0 D-BAT ELITE (National East) 17U
P32 3:00 PM Anne Arundel Community College HCYP Raiders 17U D'Alonzo
0 0 GS Surge Team Akadema Select 17u
P28 5:20 PM Towson University Tomcats Baseball
0 0 Blue Chips USA Upper Class 17U


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