
Tournament Note

Gyms will be open 15 minutes prior to Friday night games; 30 minutes prior to Saturday & Sunday games.

Team listed FIRST will be home, wear white uniform and supply the book keeper; team listed SECOND is away, wear dark uniform and supply a clock operator.

At this time all pool placements and schedule requests have been collected and we are doing everything we can to accommodate the requests we have received. Any new requests for scheduling cannot be guaranteed at this point in time. Should there be an in error on our part we will do everything in our power to resolve it; we have worked to ensure that those who are not local to Loudoun or the Western part of Fairfax County have minimal time between games when/where possible as we understand travel time and logistics.

Coaches please check the schedule each day for any modifications or changes; all scores and standings will be updated by midnight on Saturday evening in preparation for Sunday's bracket play.

Good Luck this weekend.

Boys 16U/10th BLUE

6th Annual Commonwealth VA Basketball Classic 2018

May 4 - 6, 2018
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Team W L
LBA ATTACK - Richardson 2 0 57 32
D1SA Dombrowski 1 1 7 75
Catoctin 10 0 2 -64 105
Team W L
Saints 2 0 50 75
SOLO 10th Boys 1 1 -26 117
LBA Attack- Silver 0 2 -24 107
Team W L
LBA Morrison 2 0 46 60
Gainesville Hurricanes 1 1 -13 100
Fairfax Fury 0 2 -33 101


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Friday, May 04, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P2 8:50 PM Belmont Ridge Middle School - Main Gym Saints
56 35 LBA Attack- Silver
Saturday, May 05, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P5 8:00 AM Belmont Ridge Middle School - Main Gym SOLO 10th Boys
40 69 Saints
P9 1:50 PM Briar Woods High School - Main Gym Fairfax Fury
27 47 LBA Morrison
P8 3:00 PM Briar Woods High School - Aux Gym LBA Attack- Silver
48 51 SOLO 10th Boys
P1 4:10 PM Briar Woods High School - Aux Gym LBA ATTACK - Richardson
46 20 D1SA Dombrowski
P6 4:10 PM Briar Woods High School - Main Gym LBA Morrison
59 33 Gainesville Hurricanes
P4 6:30 PM Briar Woods High School - Aux Gym Catoctin 10
12 43 LBA ATTACK - Richardson
P3 8:50 PM Briar Woods High School - Main Gym Gainesville Hurricanes
54 41 Fairfax Fury
P7 8:50 PM Briar Woods High School - Aux Gym D1SA Dombrowski
62 29 Catoctin 10
Sunday, May 06, 2018
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B2 8:30 AM Belmont Ridge Middle School - Main Gym [2] SOLO 10th Boys
68 67 [2] D1SA Dombrowski
B1 9:40 AM Belmont Ridge Middle School - Main Gym [1] LBA ATTACK - Richardson
35 38 [2] Gainesville Hurricanes
B4 10:50 AM Briar Woods High School - Main Gym SOLO 10th Boys
45 67 [1] LBA Morrison
B3 12:00 PM Briar Woods High School - Main Gym Gainesville Hurricanes
30 43 [1] Saints
B6 2:20 PM Riverside HS - Aux Gym [3] Catoctin 10
29 59 [3] LBA Attack- Silver
B5 3:30 PM Briar Woods High School - Main Gym Saints
50 45 LBA Morrison
B7 4:40 PM Riverside HS - Aux Gym [3] Fairfax Fury
LBA Attack- Silver


[1] LBA ATTACK - Richardson - 35
B1 - Sun 5/6 9:40AM Belmont Ridge Middle School - Main Gym
[2] Gainesville Hurricanes - 38
[2] SOLO 10th Boys - 68
B2 - Sun 5/6 8:30AM Belmont Ridge Middle School - Main Gym
[2] D1SA Dombrowski - 67
Gainesville Hurricanes - 30
B3 - Sun 5/6 12:00PM Briar Woods High School - Main Gym
[1] Saints - 43
SOLO 10th Boys - 45
B4 - Sun 5/6 10:50AM Briar Woods High School - Main Gym
[1] LBA Morrison - 67
Saints - 50
B5 - Sun 5/6 3:30PM Briar Woods High School - Main Gym
LBA Morrison - 45
[3] Fairfax Fury
B7 - Sun 5/6 4:40PM Riverside HS - Aux Gym
LBA Attack- Silver
[3] Catoctin 10 - 29
B6 - Sun 5/6 2:20PM Riverside HS - Aux Gym
[3] LBA Attack- Silver - 59