

2019 High Heat - Baseball

May 17 - 19, 2019
Sandusky, OH
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Team W L T
Release 2 0 0 7 7 0
Flood City Elite 2 0 0 24 25 1
Spikes Baseball - McGill 2 0 0 11 17 6
Upper St. Clair 1 1 0 6 11 5
Yeti Baseball 1 1 0 7 13 6
Willoughby Wildcats 1 1 0 -10 2 12
Michigan Ospreys Gold 0 2 0 -3 1 4
Total GameCocks 0 2 0 -19 2 21
Hitters Edge 0 2 0 -23 1 24


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Saturday, May 18, 2019
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P4 8:30 AM SFP - Field 3 Spikes Baseball - McGill
6 4 Yeti Baseball
P7 8:30 AM SFP - Field 4 Flood City Elite
15 1 Hitters Edge
P3 10:45 AM SFP - Field 3 Total GameCocks
2 11 Spikes Baseball - McGill
P5 10:45 AM SFP - Field 4 Release
5 0 Upper St. Clair
P2 1:00 PM SFP - Field 4 Flood City Elite
10 0 Total GameCocks
P9 1:00 PM SFP - Field 3 Hitters Edge
0 9 Yeti Baseball
P1 3:15 PM SFP - Field 3 Michigan Ospreys Gold
0 2 Release
P6 3:15 PM SFP - Field 4 Willoughby Wildcats
0 11 Upper St. Clair
P8 5:30 PM SFP - Field 3 Willoughby Wildcats
2 1 Michigan Ospreys Gold
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B1 8:30 AM SFP - Field 3 Total GameCocks
15 0 Hitters Edge
B2 10:45 AM SFP - Field 3 Release
5 2 Total GameCocks
B5 10:45 AM SFP - Field 4 Spikes Baseball - McGill
14 4 Willoughby Wildcats
B3 1:00 PM SFP - Field 3 Upper St. Clair
6 8 Yeti Baseball
B4 1:00 PM SFP - Field 4 Flood City Elite
14 4 Michigan Ospreys Gold
B6 3:15 PM SFP - Field 3 Release
9 12 Yeti Baseball
B7 3:15 PM SFP - Field 4 Flood City Elite
13 3 Spikes Baseball - McGill
B8 5:30 PM SFP - Field 3 Yeti Baseball
6 7 Flood City Elite


Flood City Elite
Release - 5
B2 - Sun 5/19 10:45AM SFP - Field 3
Total GameCocks - 2
Upper St. Clair - 6
B3 - Sun 5/19 1:00PM SFP - Field 3
Yeti Baseball - 8
Total GameCocks - 15
B1 - Sun 5/19 8:30AM SFP - Field 3
Hitters Edge - 0
Release - 9
B6 - Sun 5/19 3:15PM SFP - Field 3
Yeti Baseball - 12
Yeti Baseball - 6
B8 - Sun 5/19 5:30PM SFP - Field 3
Flood City Elite - 7
Flood City Elite - 13
B7 - Sun 5/19 3:15PM SFP - Field 4
Spikes Baseball - McGill - 3
Flood City Elite - 14
B4 - Sun 5/19 1:00PM SFP - Field 4
Michigan Ospreys Gold - 4
Spikes Baseball - McGill - 14
B5 - Sun 5/19 10:45AM SFP - Field 4
Willoughby Wildcats - 4