
Girls - 8th

Battle for the Belt

Oct 26 - 27, 2019
SportsEngine Tourney

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B2L 8th Black

Girls - 8th Champion

Sat Oct 26, 2019 - Sun Oct 27, 2019

Pool Standings

American Gold
Team W L
Mass Mavericks - Jordan 2 1 6 108 102
Middlesex Magic - Lamarr 2 1 10 119 109
Team Saints 1 2 9 117 106
Spartans Select - Romps 1 2 -25 87 114
International Green
Team W L
B2L 8th Black 3 0 41 122 70
RI Magic 2 1 22 96 74
DB Gladiators - Gio 1 2 -3 104 88
ASA Wildcats - Lara 0 3 -60 40 130
International Purple
Team W L
Massasoit Warriors - Mitch 3 0 54 112 48
Hustle Hoops - Allen 2 1 8 104 96
RI Swarm Purple - Ayala 2 1 25 103 78
B2L White Bhuiya 1 2 -30 64 104
ASA Wildcats - Bobby 1 2 -3 77 74
MetroWest Swarm - Wood 0 3 -54 59 119
International Teal
Team W L
Lady Rivals - Viselli 3 0 60 171 61
Massasoit Warriors - Ferris 2 1 -6 90 96
MT Elite Ducks Amber 2 1 0 82 82
NS Blizzard - Viselli 1 2 -3 63 84
HCBC Havoc - Palace 1 2 -27 59 117
NS Blizzard - Burfoot 0 3 -24 72 97
National Blue
Team W L
MCW Starz - Blue 3 0 51 119 60
RI Swarm Black - Thibodeau 2 1 0 115 115
Mass Premier - Sanders 1 2 -18 94 120
EVOelite 2024 (DH/LC) 0 3 -33 85 118
National Orange
Team W L
Lady Rivals - Marshall 3 0 51 148 63
Bay State Jaguars - Mongo 2 1 28 114 81
Bay State Jaguars - Lamb 2 1 18 105 94
MT Elite Ducks Gold 1 2 -36 80 121
North Shore Thunder 1 2 -10 100 110
Mass Mavericks - Ferdinand 0 3 -51 72 150
National Yellow
Team W L
Take Charge Copeland 3 0 53 128 64
Mass Elite - Davidson 2 1 9 76 65
BDS 1 2 -6 89 102
Mass Huskies - Berger* 0 0 0 0 0
Cap City - Harlow* 0 0 0 0 0
Starland Supernova 0 3 -58 59 123


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Saturday, October 26, 2019
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 9:00 AM J Mass Premier Courts - Court 6 EVOelite 2024 (DH/LC)
29 32 Mass Premier - Sanders
P2 9:00 AM E The U - Court 4 RI Swarm Black - Thibodeau
23 34 MCW Starz - Blue
P3 9:00 AM G Wolves Den - Court 3 Spartans Select - Romps
33 25 Mass Mavericks - Jordan
P5 9:00 AM L Forekicks Norfolk - Court 2 MT Elite Ducks Amber
30 35 Massasoit Warriors - Ferris
P1 11:00 AM J Mass Premier Courts - Court 6 HCBC Havoc - Palace
21 72 Lady Rivals - Viselli
P2 11:00 AM E The U - Court 7 Team Saints
44 22 Spartans Select - Romps
P4 11:00 AM L Forekicks Norfolk - Court 1 NS Blizzard - Burfoot
28 30 MT Elite Ducks Amber
P4 12:00 PM E The U - Court 8 MT Elite Ducks Gold
28 47 Bay State Jaguars - Lamb
P1 1:00 PM 1 Millworks - Court 6 BDS
25 31 Mass Elite - Davidson
P2 1:00 PM J Mass Premier Courts - Court 5 Lady Rivals - Viselli
62 24 NS Blizzard - Viselli
P4 1:00 PM E The U - Court 7 Middlesex Magic - Lamarr
42 36 Team Saints
P4 1:00 PM G Wolves Den - Court 1 MetroWest Swarm - Wood
10 36 ASA Wildcats - Bobby
P6 1:00 PM L Forekicks Norfolk - Court 1 MCW Starz - Blue
48 20 Mass Premier - Sanders
P6 2:00 PM E The U - Court 4 B2L White Bhuiya
11 41 Massasoit Warriors - Mitch
P6 2:00 PM Andover High School - Court 2 Mass Huskies - Berger*
52 31 Cap City - Harlow*
P7 2:00 PM G Wolves Den - Court 3 Bay State Jaguars - Lamb
45 26 Mass Mavericks - Ferdinand
P9 2:00 PM E The U - Court 8 MT Elite Ducks Gold
17 42 Bay State Jaguars - Mongo
P3 3:00 PM E Dana Barros Basketball Club - Court 3 DB Gladiators - Gio
53 14 ASA Wildcats - Lara
P3 3:00 PM G Wolves Den - Court 2 RI Swarm Purple - Ayala
34 14 MetroWest Swarm - Wood
P3 3:00 PM Sage School NS Blizzard - Viselli
20 0 HCBC Havoc - Palace
P4 3:00 PM E Dana Barros Basketball Club - Court 2 B2L 8th Black
34 33 RI Magic
P5 3:00 PM Andover High School - Court 4 BDS
44 20 Starland Supernova
P1 4:00 PM E The U - Court 4 ASA Wildcats - Bobby
22 26 B2L White Bhuiya
P6 4:00 PM E The U - Court 5 Lady Rivals - Marshall
62 15 Mass Mavericks - Ferdinand
P7 4:00 PM 1 Millworks - Court 4 Mass Elite - Davidson
8 25 Take Charge Copeland
P1 5:00 PM E Dana Barros Basketball Club - Court 2 ASA Wildcats - Lara
12 43 B2L 8th Black
P2 5:00 PM E Dana Barros Basketball Club - Court 3 RI Magic
29 26 DB Gladiators - Gio
P2 5:00 PM Andover High School - Court 2 Starland Supernova
24 42 Cap City - Harlow*
P2 5:00 PM Foxboro Charter Elementary School Massasoit Warriors - Mitch
33 18 Hustle Hoops - Allen
P5 5:00 PM E The U - Court 6 Bay State Jaguars - Mongo
29 33 North Shore Thunder
P10 6:00 PM 1 Millworks - Court 5 Mass Huskies - Berger*
36 52 Take Charge Copeland
P5 7:00 PM Foxboro Charter Elementary School Hustle Hoops - Allen
37 28 RI Swarm Purple - Ayala
P8 8:00 PM E The U - Court 7 North Shore Thunder
35 46 Lady Rivals - Marshall
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P3 8:00 AM E The U - Court 2 MCW Starz - Blue
37 17 EVOelite 2024 (DH/LC)
P6 8:00 AM J Mass Premier Courts - Court 3 NS Blizzard - Burfoot
28 30 Massasoit Warriors - Ferris
P7 8:00 AM H Taunton High School - Court 2 ASA Wildcats - Bobby
19 38 Massasoit Warriors - Mitch
P6 9:00 AM J Mass Premier Courts - Court 6 DB Gladiators - Gio
25 45 B2L 8th Black
P8 9:00 AM E The U - Court 1 MT Elite Ducks Amber
22 19 NS Blizzard - Viselli
P1 10:00 AM F Whitman Hanson - Court 1 Bay State Jaguars - Lamb
13 40 Lady Rivals - Marshall
P4 10:00 AM E The U - Court 5 Mass Premier - Sanders
42 43 RI Swarm Black - Thibodeau
P6 10:00 AM G Wolves Den - Court 1 Spartans Select - Romps
32 45 Middlesex Magic - Lamarr
P7 10:00 AM Thayer Sports Center - Court 1 NS Blizzard - Burfoot
16 37 Lady Rivals - Viselli
P8 10:00 AM Thayer Sports Center - Court 2 RI Swarm Purple - Ayala
41 27 B2L White Bhuiya
P9 11:00 AM Andover High School - Court 4 MetroWest Swarm - Wood
35 49 Hustle Hoops - Allen
P2 12:00 PM Foxboro Charter Elementary School Mass Mavericks - Ferdinand
31 43 Bay State Jaguars - Mongo
P4 12:00 PM L Forekicks Norfolk - Court 2 Mass Elite - Davidson
37 15 Starland Supernova
P5 12:00 PM E The U - Court 3 EVOelite 2024 (DH/LC)
39 49 RI Swarm Black - Thibodeau
P5 12:00 PM E The U - Court 5 Mass Mavericks - Jordan
42 37 Team Saints
P9 12:00 PM Thayer Sports Center - Court 2 HCBC Havoc - Palace
38 25 Massasoit Warriors - Ferris
P3 1:00 PM E The U - Court 8 North Shore Thunder
32 35 MT Elite Ducks Gold
P3 1:00 PM J Mass Premier Courts - Court 6 Take Charge Copeland
51 20 BDS
P5 1:00 PM E The U - Court 1 ASA Wildcats - Lara
14 34 RI Magic
P1 2:00 PM E The U - Court 5 Mass Mavericks - Jordan
41 32 Middlesex Magic - Lamarr
B3 3:00 PM Andover High School - Court 4 [1] Massasoit Warriors - Mitch
50 22 [2] Massasoit Warriors - Ferris
B4 3:00 PM Andover High School - Court 3 [2] Hustle Hoops - Allen
16 48 [1] Lady Rivals - Viselli
B6 3:00 PM Andover High School - Court 2 [1] Lady Rivals - Marshall
34 18 [1] Take Charge Copeland
B1 4:00 PM E The U - Court 7 [1] Mass Mavericks - Jordan
35 39 [2] Middlesex Magic - Lamarr
B2 4:00 PM E The U - Court 5 B2L 8th Black
32 29 [2] RI Magic
B7 4:00 PM B Salemwood Elementary - Court 1 [2] Bay State Jaguars - Mongo
37 41 [1] MCW Starz - Blue
B5 5:00 PM Andover High School - Court 4 Massasoit Warriors - Mitch
17 51 Lady Rivals - Viselli
B8 6:00 PM B Salemwood Elementary - Court 1 Lady Rivals - Marshall
29 25 MCW Starz - Blue


Middlesex Magic - Lamarr
B2L 8th Black
Lady Rivals - Viselli
Lady Rivals - Marshall
B2L 8th Black - 32
B2 - Sun 10/27 4:00PM E The U - Court 5
[2] RI Magic - 29
[1] Mass Mavericks - Jordan - 35
B1 - Sun 10/27 4:00PM E The U - Court 7
[2] Middlesex Magic - Lamarr - 39
[2] Bay State Jaguars - Mongo - 37
B7 - Sun 10/27 4:00PM B Salemwood Elementary - Court 1
[1] MCW Starz - Blue - 41
Lady Rivals - Marshall - 29
B8 - Sun 10/27 6:00PM B Salemwood Elementary - Court 1
MCW Starz - Blue - 25
[1] Lady Rivals - Marshall - 34
B6 - Sun 10/27 3:00PM Andover High School - Court 2
[1] Take Charge Copeland - 18
[2] Hustle Hoops - Allen - 16
B4 - Sun 10/27 3:00PM Andover High School - Court 3
[1] Lady Rivals - Viselli - 48
[1] Massasoit Warriors - Mitch - 50
B3 - Sun 10/27 3:00PM Andover High School - Court 4
[2] Massasoit Warriors - Ferris - 22
Massasoit Warriors - Mitch - 17
B5 - Sun 10/27 5:00PM Andover High School - Court 4
Lady Rivals - Viselli - 51