
Tournament Note

Team listed first on app is home team. Please wear lighter colored Jersey if possible.

7th/8th Grade Boys

MAYB Lindsborg, KS - Jan. 4th (Sat. Only)

Jan 4, 2020
Lindsborg, KS
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Team W L
Trojans 3 0
MoKan Rage 2 1
Butler Timberwolves 1 2
Swish 0 3


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Saturday, January 04, 2020
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 12:00 PM Bethany College Swish
17 47 Trojans
P2 12:00 PM Lindsborg Middle School Butler Timberwolves
30 35 MoKan Rage
P3 4:00 PM Bethany College Trojans
33 31 Butler Timberwolves
P4 4:00 PM Lindsborg Middle School Swish
26 62 MoKan Rage
P5 9:00 PM Bethany College MoKan Rage
27 33 Trojans
P6 9:00 PM Lindsborg Middle School Swish
26 62 Butler Timberwolves


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