
4th/5th Grade Girls

MAYB Lawrence, KS (Sat. Only) Feb. 22nd

Feb 22, 2020
Lawrence, KS • Perry, KS
SportsEngine Tourney

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Saturday, February 22, 2020
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P5 9:00 AM Langston Hughes Elementary Ottawa Tornadoes
6 24 Eclipse 5th-Black
P6 1:00 PM Billy Mills Middle School - Aux Gym Destroyers
37 0 Lady Eagles
P2 3:00 PM Bishop Seabury Lady Eagles
7 36 Ottawa Tornadoes
P1 4:00 PM Langston Hughes Elementary Destroyers
10 23 Eclipse 5th-Black
P3 6:00 PM Langston Hughes Elementary Eclipse 5th-Black
52 2 Lady Eagles
P4 6:00 PM Bishop Seabury Destroyers
15 4 Ottawa Tornadoes


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