

Buffalo Wild Wings Quarantine Kick OFF Boaz/RBC/Lincoln/Ft Payne 6U-7U-8U-9U-10U-11U-12U-13U-14U

Jun 19 - 20, 2020
SportsEngine Tourney

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Death Valley Baseball

9U FT PAYNE Champion

Fri Jun 19, 2020 - Sat Jun 20, 2020

Pool Standings

Team W L T
5 Star Shockers (Albertville, AL) 2 0 0 34 2
Elite (Oxford, AL) 2 0 0 27 4
Death Valley Baseball (Alexandria, AL) 2 0 0 25 9
Alabama Rebels 9u (Guntersville, AL) 2 0 0 32 26
Predators 9U (Priceville, AL) 1 0 1 24 15
St.Clair Select (Odenville, AL) 1 0 1 19 18
5 Star Wolfpack (Boaz, AL) 0 2 0 18 20
PBC 9U (Rainbow City, AL) 0 2 0 4 25
Yard Goats (Springville, AL) 0 2 0 11 30
Game Time Warriors (Oxford, AL) 0 2 0 22 35
Oneonta 9U (Oneonta, AL) 0 2 0 10 36


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Friday, June 19, 2020
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 6:00 PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 1 5 Star Shockers
16 1 Oneonta 9U
P2 6:00 PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 2 5 Star Wolfpack
9 10 St.Clair Select
P3 6:00 PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 3 Alabama Rebels 9u
12 10 Yard Goats
P4 8:00 PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 1 Elite
10 4 PBC 9U
P5 8:00 PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 2 Death Valley Baseball
10 9 5 Star Wolfpack
P6 8:00 PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 3 Game Time Warriors
16 20 Alabama Rebels 9u
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P7 8:30 AM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 1 WILDCAT BASEBALL 9U
20 9 Oneonta 9U
P8 8:30 AM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 2 Predators 9U
9 9 St.Clair Select
P9 8:30 AM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 3 5 Star Shockers
18 1 Yard Goats
P10 10:30 AM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 1 Elite
P11 10:30 AM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 2 Predators 9U
15 6 Game Time Warriors
P12 10:30 AM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 3 Death Valley Baseball
15 0 PBC 9U
B13 12:30 PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 1 [4] Alabama Rebels 9u
9 13 [5] Predators 9U
B14 12:30 PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 2 [3] Death Valley Baseball
14 7 [6] St.Clair Select
B15 12:30 PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 3 [10] Yard Goats
15 1 [11] Game Time Warriors
B16 2:30 PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 1 Predators 9U
3 10 [1] 5 Star Shockers
B17 2:30 PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 2 Death Valley Baseball
10 8 [2] Elite
B18 2:30 PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 3 [9] PBC 9U
7 6 [12] Oneonta 9U
B19 4:30 PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 1 5 Star Shockers
8 9 Death Valley Baseball
B20 4:30 PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 2 PBC 9U
12 15 [8] 5 Star Wolfpack
B21 4:30 PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 3 Yard Goats
B22 6:30 PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 3 Yard Goats
2 12 5 Star Wolfpack


Death Valley Baseball
Gold Champion
5 Star Wolfpack
Silver Champion
[3] Death Valley Baseball - 14
B14 - Sat 6/20 12:30PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 2
[6] St.Clair Select - 7
Death Valley Baseball - 10
B17 - Sat 6/20 2:30PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 2
[2] Elite - 8
PBC 9U - 12
B20 - Sat 6/20 4:30PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 2
[8] 5 Star Wolfpack - 15
Predators 9U - 3
B16 - Sat 6/20 2:30PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 1
[1] 5 Star Shockers - 10
[4] Alabama Rebels 9u - 9
B13 - Sat 6/20 12:30PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 1
[5] Predators 9U - 13
5 Star Shockers - 8
B19 - Sat 6/20 4:30PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 1
Death Valley Baseball - 9
[10] Yard Goats - 15
B15 - Sat 6/20 12:30PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 3
[11] Game Time Warriors - 1
[9] PBC 9U - 7
B18 - Sat 6/20 2:30PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 3
[12] Oneonta 9U - 6
Yard Goats - 8
B21 - Sat 6/20 4:30PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 3
Yard Goats - 2
B22 - Sat 6/20 6:30PM FT Payne Sportsplex - Field 3
5 Star Wolfpack - 12