
Tournament Note

U14 - $1050.00
U16/U18 - $1250.00
Div I Div II Div III College Recruiting Showcase
4 Pool Games, Extra Game, Single Elimination

This is a unique showcase event where teams will be playing in front of
120+ top Northeast Colleges
Delcastle Recreation Center - Wilmington DE


U18 Class A


Jul 16 - 18, 2021
Wilmington, DE
SportsEngine Tourney

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Valley Forge Patriots Select Showcase

U18 Class A Champion

Fri Jul 16, 2021 - Sun Jul 18, 2021

Pool Standings

Pool A
Team W L T
Delaware Express 18U* 4 0 0 33 34 1 0
PA Chaos Showcase DiMario* 3 1 0 5 18 13 0
PA Strikers 18u Elite* 2 2 0 2 20 18 2
SJ Thunder 18U Showcase -Allen 2 2 0 -4 15 19 1
CNY Monsters 18U Showcase 2 2 0 -9 13 22 -3
Pittsburgh Spirit LeViere* 1 3 0 -8 11 19 0
Conklin Raiders 18U* 0 4 0 -13 5 18 0
Pool B
Team W L T
Arlington Impact National* 4 0 0 28 30 2 0
SCC SWAT 18u Gold* 4 0 0 36 39 3 0
PA Strikers Gold* 2 2 0 4 14 10 0
Empire State Huskies-South* 1 3 0 -9 5 14 0
Northeast Angels 18U Black 1 3 0 -13 13 26 0
Pittsburgh RIOT* 1 3 0 -28 6 34 0
NJ Mystics 18U McGrath/Bill* 0 4 0 -32 4 36 0
NJ Hotshots 0 4 0 -19 8 27 0
Pool C
Team W L T
Coatesville lady steel 18u elite 5 0 0 17 25 8 0
Valley Forge Patriots Select Showcase 3 2 0 7 21 14 -3
Lady Black Sox 18U Elite 3 2 0 4 18 14 4
NY Lady Rebels Gold 3 2 0 10 31 21 -1
Gama Storm 2 2 0 0 19 19 0
Mid Atlantic 18U-Gattuso 2 3 0 -1 18 19 0
DE Fillies 18U 1 3 0 -12 12 24 0
Southcoast Scream 0 5 0 -25 10 35 0
Pool D
Team W L T
Avalanche Showcase* 4 0 0 20 25 5 0
Northeast Angels 18U Red* 4 0 0 14 19 5 0
Delaware Magic Showcase 18u 3 1 0 16 30 14 0
Valley Regional Warriors 18U 2 2 0 -2 13 15 0
Spooky Nook 18u Gold 2 2 0 0 24 24 0
Maryland Patriots - McQueeney 1 3 0 -9 16 25 0
Pitbulls Fastpitch - 18U NJ Division* 1 3 0 -12 15 27 0


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Friday, July 16, 2021
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 9:30 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1 DE Fillies 18U (Pool C)
7 0 Southcoast Scream (Pool C)
P2 9:30 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2 NY Lady Rebels Gold (Pool C)
4 9 Gama Storm (Pool C)
P3 9:30 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3 Mid Atlantic 18U-Gattuso (Pool C)
1 2 Coatesville lady steel 18u elite (Pool C)
P4 9:30 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4 Lady Black Sox 18U Elite (Pool C)
6 3 Valley Forge Patriots Select Showcase (Pool C)
P5 11:00 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1 DE Fillies 18U (Pool C)
0 10 NY Lady Rebels Gold (Pool C)
P6 11:00 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2 Southcoast Scream (Pool C)
1 8 Gama Storm (Pool C)
P7 11:00 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3 Mid Atlantic 18U-Gattuso (Pool C)
2 4 Valley Forge Patriots Select Showcase (Pool C)
P8 11:00 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4 Coatesville lady steel 18u elite (Pool C)
3 0 Lady Black Sox 18U Elite (Pool C)
P10 11:00 AM Powell Ford - Field 3 Northeast Angels 18U Black (Pool B)
2 7 Maryland Patriots - McQueeney (Pool D)
P11 12:30 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1 Empire State Huskies-South (Pool B)
0 2 Arlington Impact National (Pool B)
P12 12:30 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2 Northeast Angels 18U Red (Pool D)
3 0 Pittsburgh RIOT (Pool B)
P13 12:30 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3 NJ Mystics 18U McGrath/Bill (Pool B)
0 5 PA Strikers Gold (Pool B)
P14 12:30 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4 SCC SWAT 18u Gold (Pool B)
5 0 Conklin Raiders 18U (Pool A)
P15 12:30 PM Powell Ford - Field 2 Delaware Magic Showcase 18u (Pool D)
14 2 Northeast Angels 18U Black (Pool B)
P16 12:30 PM Powell Ford - Field 3 Spooky Nook 18u Gold (Pool D)
2 7 Avalanche Showcase (Pool D)
P18 2:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2 Arlington Impact National (Pool B)
12 0 Pittsburgh RIOT (Pool B)
P19 2:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3 NJ Mystics 18U McGrath/Bill (Pool B)
2 12 SCC SWAT 18u Gold (Pool B)
P20 2:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4 PA Strikers Gold (Pool B)
3 2 Conklin Raiders 18U (Pool A)
P21 2:00 PM Powell Ford - Field 2 Pitbulls Fastpitch - 18U NJ Division (Pool D)
6 1 Valley Regional Warriors 18U (Pool D)
P22 2:00 PM Powell Ford - Field 3 Maryland Patriots - McQueeney (Pool D)
5 8 Delaware Magic Showcase 18u (Pool D)
P23 2:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1 Delaware Express 18U (Pool A)
4 0 Pittsburgh Spirit LeViere (Pool A)
P17 3:30 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1 Empire State Huskies-South (Pool B)
2 3 Northeast Angels 18U Red (Pool D)
P24 3:30 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2 CNY Monsters 18U Showcase (Pool A)
6 1 Pittsburgh Spirit LeViere (Pool A)
P25 3:30 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3 SJ Thunder 18U Showcase -Allen (Pool A)
2 4 PA Strikers 18u Elite (Pool A)
P26 3:30 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4 PA Chaos Showcase DiMario (Pool A)
3 0 NJ Hotshots (Pool B)
P27 3:30 PM Powell Ford - Field 2 Pitbulls Fastpitch - 18U NJ Division (Pool D)
9 10 Spooky Nook 18u Gold (Pool D)
P28 3:30 PM Powell Ford - Field 3 Valley Regional Warriors 18U (Pool D)
2 5 Avalanche Showcase (Pool D)
P29 5:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1 Delaware Express 18U (Pool A)
17 0 CNY Monsters 18U Showcase (Pool A)
P31 5:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3 SJ Thunder 18U Showcase -Allen (Pool A)
3 9 PA Chaos Showcase DiMario (Pool A)
P32 5:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4 PA Strikers 18u Elite (Pool A)
12 3 NJ Hotshots (Pool B)
Saturday, July 17, 2021
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P34 7:30 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2 Northeast Angels 18U Black (Pool B)
1 5 Avalanche Showcase (Pool D)
P35 7:30 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3 Delaware Express 18U (Pool A)
7 1 PA Strikers 18u Elite (Pool A)
P36 7:30 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4 PA Chaos Showcase DiMario (Pool A)
6 4 Pittsburgh Spirit LeViere (Pool A)
P37 9:00 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1 Pitbulls Fastpitch - 18U NJ Division (Pool D)
0 8 Northeast Angels 18U Black (Pool B)
P38 9:00 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2 Spooky Nook 18u Gold (Pool D)
10 3 Maryland Patriots - McQueeney (Pool D)
P40 9:00 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4 PA Strikers 18u Elite (Pool A)
3 6 Pittsburgh Spirit LeViere (Pool A)
P41 9:00 AM Powell Ford - Field 2 DE Fillies 18U (Pool C)
3 8 Coatesville lady steel 18u elite (Pool C)
P42 9:00 AM Powell Ford - Field 3 Valley Forge Patriots Select Showcase (Pool C)
6 0 Gama Storm (Pool C)
P45 9:00 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3 SJ Thunder 18U Showcase -Allen (Pool A)
6 5 NJ Hotshots (Pool B)
P39 10:30 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3 Delaware Express 18U (Pool A)
6 0 PA Chaos Showcase DiMario (Pool A)
P43 10:30 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1 Delaware Magic Showcase 18u (Pool D)
3 5 Valley Regional Warriors 18U (Pool D)
P44 10:30 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2 Pitbulls Fastpitch - 18U NJ Division (Pool D)
0 8 Avalanche Showcase (Pool D)
P46 10:30 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4 CNY Monsters 18U Showcase (Pool A)
6 0 NJ Hotshots (Pool B)
P47 10:30 AM Powell Ford - Field 2 DE Fillies 18U (Pool C)
2 6 Valley Forge Patriots Select Showcase (Pool C)
P48 10:30 AM Powell Ford - Field 3 Coatesville lady steel 18u elite (Pool C)
8 2 Gama Storm (Pool C)
P49 12:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1 Delaware Magic Showcase 18u (Pool D)
5 2 Spooky Nook 18u Gold (Pool D)
P50 12:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2 Valley Regional Warriors 18U (Pool D)
5 1 Maryland Patriots - McQueeney (Pool D)
P51 12:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3 SJ Thunder 18U Showcase -Allen (Pool A)
4 1 CNY Monsters 18U Showcase (Pool A)
P53 12:00 PM Powell Ford - Field 2 Mid Atlantic 18U-Gattuso (Pool C)
4 1 Southcoast Scream (Pool C)
P54 12:00 PM Powell Ford - Field 3 NY Lady Rebels Gold (Pool C)
0 1 Lady Black Sox 18U Elite (Pool C)
P55 1:30 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1 Empire State Huskies-South (Pool B)*
9 0 Pitbulls Fastpitch - 18U NJ Division (Pool D)*
P56 1:30 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2 SCC SWAT 18u Gold (Pool B)*
8 5 PA Strikers Gold (Pool B)*
P58 1:30 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4 Pittsburgh RIOT (Pool B)*
3 6 Avalanche Showcase (Pool D)*
P59 1:30 PM Powell Ford - Field 2 Mid Atlantic 18U-Gattuso (Pool C)
6 11 NY Lady Rebels Gold (Pool C)
P60 1:30 PM Powell Ford - Field 3 Southcoast Scream (Pool C)
3 10 Lady Black Sox 18U Elite (Pool C)
P61 3:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1 NJ Mystics 18U McGrath/Bill (Pool B)*
0 0 Delaware Express 18U (Pool A)*
P62 3:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2 Arlington Impact National (Pool B)*
7 1 PA Strikers 18u Elite (Pool A)*
P63 3:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3 Northeast Angels 18U Red (Pool D)*
0 0 PA Chaos Showcase DiMario (Pool A)*
P64 3:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4 Conklin Raiders 18U (Pool A)*
5 4 Pittsburgh Spirit LeViere (Pool A)*
P66 3:00 PM Powell Ford - Field 3 Valley Forge Patriots Select Showcase (Pool C)
2 4 Coatesville lady steel 18u elite (Pool C)
P71 4:30 PM Powell Ford - Field 2 Mid Atlantic 18U-Gattuso (Pool C)
5 1 Lady Black Sox 18U Elite (Pool C)
P72 4:30 PM Powell Ford - Field 3 NY Lady Rebels Gold (Pool C)
6 5 Southcoast Scream (Pool C)
P73 4:30 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3 Empire State Huskies-South (Pool B)
3 2 PA Strikers Gold (Pool B)
P74 4:30 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2 SCC SWAT 18u Gold (Pool B)
15 1 Pittsburgh RIOT (Pool B)
P75 4:30 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1 NJ Mystics 18U McGrath/Bill (Pool B)
2 10 Arlington Impact National (Pool B)
P76 4:30 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4 Northeast Angels 18U Red (Pool D)
4 3 Conklin Raiders 18U (Pool A)
P77 6:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3 Empire State Huskies-South (Pool B)
0 7 SCC SWAT 18u Gold (Pool B)
P78 6:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2 PA Strikers Gold (Pool B)
4 5 Pittsburgh RIOT (Pool B)
P79 6:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1 NJ Mystics 18U McGrath/Bill (Pool B)
0 9 Northeast Angels 18U Red (Pool D)
P80 6:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4 Arlington Impact National (Pool B)
6 0 Conklin Raiders 18U (Pool A)
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B17 7:30 AM Powell Ford - Field 3 [6] Mid Atlantic 18U-Gattuso (Pool C)
7 0 [7] NJ Mystics 18U McGrath/Bill (Pool B)
B18 7:30 AM Powell Ford - Field 2 [5] Northeast Angels 18U Black (Pool B)
2 3 [8] Southcoast Scream (Pool C)
B19 7:30 AM Powell Ford - Field 1 [6] Maryland Patriots - McQueeney (Pool D)
7 3 [7] Conklin Raiders 18U (Pool A)
B1 8:00 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1 [1] Delaware Express 18U (Pool A)
9 6 [4] Valley Regional Warriors 18U (Pool D)
B2 8:00 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4 [2] Northeast Angels 18U Red (Pool D)
6 2 [3] PA Strikers 18u Elite (Pool A)
B3 8:00 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3 [1] Arlington Impact National (Pool B)
6 3 [4] NY Lady Rebels Gold (Pool C)
B4 8:00 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2 [2] Valley Forge Patriots Select Showcase (Pool C)
3 0 [3] PA Strikers Gold (Pool B)
B21 9:15 AM Powell Ford - Field 3 [6] Pittsburgh Spirit LeViere (Pool A)
0 8 [7] Pitbulls Fastpitch - 18U NJ Division (Pool D)
B23 9:15 AM Powell Ford - Field 1 [6] Pittsburgh RIOT (Pool B)
8 0 [7] DE Fillies 18U (Pool C)
B5 9:45 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1 [1] Coatesville lady steel 18u elite (Pool C)
0 1 [4] Empire State Huskies-South (Pool B)
B6 9:45 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4 [2] SCC SWAT 18u Gold (Pool B)
1 0 [3] Lady Black Sox 18U Elite (Pool C)
B7 9:45 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3 [1] Avalanche Showcase (Pool D)
13 2 [4] SJ Thunder 18U Showcase -Allen (Pool A)
B8 9:45 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2 [2] PA Chaos Showcase DiMario (Pool A)
8 5 [3] Delaware Magic Showcase 18u (Pool D)
B9 11:30 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1 Delaware Express 18U (Pool A)
4 5 Valley Forge Patriots Select Showcase (Pool C)
B10 11:30 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2 Arlington Impact National (Pool B)
14 2 Northeast Angels 18U Red (Pool D)
B11 11:30 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3 Empire State Huskies-South (Pool B)
3 0 PA Chaos Showcase DiMario (Pool A)
B12 11:30 AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4 Avalanche Showcase (Pool D)
14 15 SCC SWAT 18u Gold (Pool B)
B24 12:45 PM Powell Ford - Field 4 [5] CNY Monsters 18U Showcase (Pool A)
0 1 Mid Atlantic 18U-Gattuso (Pool C)
B25 12:45 PM Powell Ford - Field 3 Southcoast Scream (Pool C)
0 1 Maryland Patriots - McQueeney (Pool D)
B26 12:45 PM Powell Ford - Field 2 [5] Gama Storm (Pool C)
1 0 Pitbulls Fastpitch - 18U NJ Division (Pool D)
B27 12:45 PM Powell Ford - Field 1 [5] Spooky Nook 18u Gold (Pool D)
11 1 Pittsburgh RIOT (Pool B)
B13 1:15 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1 Valley Forge Patriots Select Showcase (Pool C)
4 3 Arlington Impact National (Pool B)
B14 1:15 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4 Empire State Huskies-South (Pool B)
0 1 SCC SWAT 18u Gold (Pool B)
B28 2:30 PM Powell Ford - Field 3 Mid Atlantic 18U-Gattuso (Pool C)
1 0 Maryland Patriots - McQueeney (Pool D)
B29 2:30 PM Powell Ford - Field 2 Gama Storm (Pool C)
1 0 Spooky Nook 18u Gold (Pool D)
B15 3:00 PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1 Valley Forge Patriots Select Showcase (Pool C)
6 0 SCC SWAT 18u Gold (Pool B)
B30 4:15 PM Powell Ford - Field 2 Mid Atlantic 18U-Gattuso (Pool C)
1 0 Gama Storm (Pool C)


Valley Forge Patriots Select Showcase (Pool C)
Mid Atlantic 18U-Gattuso (Pool C)
Bracket Winner
[1] Arlington Impact National (Pool B) - 6
B3 - Sun 7/18 8:00AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3
[4] NY Lady Rebels Gold (Pool C) - 3
[1] Avalanche Showcase (Pool D) - 13
B7 - Sun 7/18 9:45AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3
[4] SJ Thunder 18U Showcase -Allen (Pool A) - 2
Empire State Huskies-South (Pool B) - 3
B11 - Sun 7/18 11:30AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 3
PA Chaos Showcase DiMario (Pool A) - 0
[2] PA Chaos Showcase DiMario (Pool A) - 8
B8 - Sun 7/18 9:45AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2
[3] Delaware Magic Showcase 18u (Pool D) - 5
[2] Valley Forge Patriots Select Showcase (Pool C) - 3
B4 - Sun 7/18 8:00AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2
[3] PA Strikers Gold (Pool B) - 0
Arlington Impact National (Pool B) - 14
B10 - Sun 7/18 11:30AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 2
Northeast Angels 18U Red (Pool D) - 2
[1] Delaware Express 18U (Pool A) - 9
B1 - Sun 7/18 8:00AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1
[4] Valley Regional Warriors 18U (Pool D) - 6
[1] Coatesville lady steel 18u elite (Pool C) - 0
B5 - Sun 7/18 9:45AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1
[4] Empire State Huskies-South (Pool B) - 1
Delaware Express 18U (Pool A) - 4
B9 - Sun 7/18 11:30AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1
Valley Forge Patriots Select Showcase (Pool C) - 5
Valley Forge Patriots Select Showcase (Pool C) - 4
B13 - Sun 7/18 1:15PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1
Arlington Impact National (Pool B) - 3
Valley Forge Patriots Select Showcase (Pool C) - 6
B15 - Sun 7/18 3:00PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 1
SCC SWAT 18u Gold (Pool B) - 0
[2] SCC SWAT 18u Gold (Pool B) - 1
B6 - Sun 7/18 9:45AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4
[3] Lady Black Sox 18U Elite (Pool C) - 0
[2] Northeast Angels 18U Red (Pool D) - 6
B2 - Sun 7/18 8:00AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4
[3] PA Strikers 18u Elite (Pool A) - 2
Avalanche Showcase (Pool D) - 14
B12 - Sun 7/18 11:30AM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4
SCC SWAT 18u Gold (Pool B) - 15
Empire State Huskies-South (Pool B) - 0
B14 - Sun 7/18 1:15PM Delcastle Recreational Park - Field 4
SCC SWAT 18u Gold (Pool B) - 1
[6] Pittsburgh RIOT (Pool B) - 8
B23 - Sun 7/18 9:15AM Powell Ford - Field 1
[7] DE Fillies 18U (Pool C) - 0
[6] Maryland Patriots - McQueeney (Pool D) - 7
B19 - Sun 7/18 7:30AM Powell Ford - Field 1
[7] Conklin Raiders 18U (Pool A) - 3
[5] Spooky Nook 18u Gold (Pool D) - 11
B27 - Sun 7/18 12:45PM Powell Ford - Field 1
Pittsburgh RIOT (Pool B) - 1
[5] Northeast Angels 18U Black (Pool B) - 2
B18 - Sun 7/18 7:30AM Powell Ford - Field 2
[8] Southcoast Scream (Pool C) - 3
[5] Gama Storm (Pool C) - 1
B26 - Sun 7/18 12:45PM Powell Ford - Field 2
Pitbulls Fastpitch - 18U NJ Division (Pool D) - 0
Mid Atlantic 18U-Gattuso (Pool C) - 1
B30 - Sun 7/18 4:15PM Powell Ford - Field 2
Gama Storm (Pool C) - 0
Gama Storm (Pool C) - 1
B29 - Sun 7/18 2:30PM Powell Ford - Field 2
Spooky Nook 18u Gold (Pool D) - 0
[6] Pittsburgh Spirit LeViere (Pool A) - 0
B21 - Sun 7/18 9:15AM Powell Ford - Field 3
[7] Pitbulls Fastpitch - 18U NJ Division (Pool D) - 8
[6] Mid Atlantic 18U-Gattuso (Pool C) - 7
B17 - Sun 7/18 7:30AM Powell Ford - Field 3
[7] NJ Mystics 18U McGrath/Bill (Pool B) - 0
Southcoast Scream (Pool C) - 0
B25 - Sun 7/18 12:45PM Powell Ford - Field 3
Maryland Patriots - McQueeney (Pool D) - 1
Mid Atlantic 18U-Gattuso (Pool C) - 1
B28 - Sun 7/18 2:30PM Powell Ford - Field 3
Maryland Patriots - McQueeney (Pool D) - 0
[5] CNY Monsters 18U Showcase (Pool A) - 0
B24 - Sun 7/18 12:45PM Powell Ford - Field 4
Mid Atlantic 18U-Gattuso (Pool C) - 1