
Tournament Note

3 pool games. The top 2 teams from each pool will advance to the championship bracket.


2021 Summer Faceoff

Jun 5 - 6, 2021
Championsgate, FL • Davenport, FL • Kissimmee, FL
SportsEngine Tourney

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Snipers Black

U12A Champion

Sat Jun 5, 2021 - Sun Jun 6, 2021

Pool Standings

Pool 1
Team W L T
Snipers Black 3 0 0 32 3
SL Leatherbacks Gold 3 0 0 29 14
Palms 1 2 0 18 16
PVAA Jaws 1 2 0 8 28
Old Bay LC 1 2 0 16 22
Tarpons 0 3 0 5 25
Pool 2
Team W L T
Swarm 3 0 0 22 9
True Turtles 3 0 0 17 13
Stealth 2027 2 1 0 21 8
First Coast Crush 1 2 0 13 14
Manatee Wildcats 0 3 0 9 21
Palm Beach Revolution 2027 0 3 0 6 23


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Saturday, June 05, 2021
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 8:00 AM Omni - Field 6 Tarpons
3 6 Old Bay LC
P2 8:00 AM Omni - Field 7 PVAA Jaws
1 14 Snipers Black
P3 8:00 AM Omni - Field 8 SL Leatherbacks Gold
10 8 Palms
P4 9:00 AM Omni - Field 3 Palm Beach Revolution 2027
1 10 Stealth 2027
P5 9:00 AM Omni - Field 5 Manatee Wildcats
4 10 Swarm
P6 10:00 AM Omni - Field 5 True Turtles
7 6 First Coast Crush
P7 10:00 AM Omni - Field 6 Old Bay LC
5 6 PVAA Jaws
P8 10:00 AM Omni - Field 7 Tarpons
1 6 SL Leatherbacks Gold
P9 10:00 AM Omni - Field 8 Snipers Black
5 1 Palms
P10 11:00 AM Omni - Field 3 Stealth 2027
7 2 Manatee Wildcats
P11 12:00 PM Omni - Field 3 Palm Beach Revolution 2027
3 5 True Turtles
P12 1:00 PM Omni - Field 3 Swarm
4 3 First Coast Crush
Sunday, June 06, 2021
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P13 8:00 AM NERP - Field 3 SL Leatherbacks Gold
13 5 Old Bay LC
P14 8:00 AM NERP - Field 6 Palms
9 1 PVAA Jaws
P15 9:00 AM NERP - Field 3 Snipers Black
13 1 Tarpons
P16 9:00 AM NERP - Field 4 True Turtles
5 4 Stealth 2027
P17 9:00 AM NERP - Field 5 First Coast Crush
4 3 Manatee Wildcats
P18 9:00 AM NERP - Field 6 Swarm
8 2 Palm Beach Revolution 2027
B1 11:00 AM NERP - Field 5 Snipers Black
10 1 True Turtles
B2 11:00 AM NERP - Field 6 SL Leatherbacks Gold
7 5 Swarm
B6 11:00 AM NERP - Field 4 Old Bay LC
4 6 Manatee Wildcats
B7 11:00 AM NERP - Field 3 Tarpons
1 3 Palm Beach Revolution 2027
B5 12:00 PM NERP - Field 3 PVAA Jaws
0 5 First Coast Crush
B3 1:00 PM NERP - Field 6 Snipers Black
6 5 SL Leatherbacks Gold
B4 1:00 PM NERP - Field 3 Palms
4 8 Stealth 2027


Consolation Games
Snipers Black
Palms - 4
B4 - Sun 6/6 1:00PM NERP - Field 3
Stealth 2027 - 8
PVAA Jaws - 0
B5 - Sun 6/6 12:00PM NERP - Field 3
First Coast Crush - 5
Tarpons - 1
B7 - Sun 6/6 11:00AM NERP - Field 3
Palm Beach Revolution 2027 - 3
Old Bay LC - 4
B6 - Sun 6/6 11:00AM NERP - Field 4
Manatee Wildcats - 6
Snipers Black - 10
B1 - Sun 6/6 11:00AM NERP - Field 5
True Turtles - 1
SL Leatherbacks Gold - 7
B2 - Sun 6/6 11:00AM NERP - Field 6
Swarm - 5
Snipers Black - 6
B3 - Sun 6/6 1:00PM NERP - Field 6
SL Leatherbacks Gold - 5