

Highlands Ranch, CO - Rocky Mtn Regional

Jul 10 - 11, 2021
Littleton, CO
SportsEngine Tourney

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Man U

2006/2007 MALE FEMALE OPEN Champion

Sat Jul 10, 2021 - Sun Jul 11, 2021


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Saturday, July 10, 2021
Game Time Location Home Score Away
P1 9:00 AM Redstone Park - Field 13 Man U
8 1 Arsenal Amigas
P2 9:00 AM Redstone Park - Field 14 Grass Kickers
8 10 Fuerte
P3 9:30 AM Redstone Park - Field 14 Average Joe's
12 8 B-Town FC
P4 10:00 AM Redstone Park - Field 13 Arsenal Amigas
7 5 Grass Kickers
P5 10:30 AM Redstone Park - Field 13 Man U
7 4 Average Joe's
P6 10:30 AM Redstone Park - Field 14 Fuerte
6 8 B-Town FC
P7 11:30 AM Redstone Park - Field 13 Average Joe's
9 5 Arsenal Amigas
P8 11:30 AM Redstone Park - Field 14 B-Town FC
7 7 Grass Kickers
P9 11:30 AM Redstone Park - Field 12 Fuerte
6 7 Man U
B1 12:30 PM Redstone Park - Field 13 [4] Fuerte
1 0 [5] Arsenal Amigas
B2 12:30 PM Redstone Park - Field 14 [3] B-Town FC
12 6 [6] Grass Kickers
B3 1:30 PM Redstone Park - Field 12 Fuerte
2 4 [1] Man U
B4 1:30 PM Redstone Park - Field 13 B-Town FC
10 11 [2] Average Joe's
B5 2:30 PM Redstone Park - Field 12 Man U
7 6 Average Joe's
B6 2:30 PM Redstone Park - Field 14 Fuerte
12 7 B-Town FC