
10B/C Seaside

Sock Monkey Tourney

May 15 - 16, 2021
Aurora, OR • Newberg, OR • Seaside, OR
SportsEngine Tourney

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Saturday, May 15, 2021
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 8:30 AM Sons of Norway North Coast Merchants 10u White
7 10 Clatsop Clash
P3 10:00 AM Sons of Norway Clatsop Clash
14 7 North Coast Merchants (Blue Team)
P4 11:30 AM Sons of Norway North Coast Merchants 10u White
1 15 Canby Rebels - Heckathorn
P2 1:00 PM Sons of Norway North Coast Merchants (Blue Team)
4 11 Bat Company 10u Hoyle
P5 2:30 PM Sons of Norway Bat Company 10u Hoyle
15 0 Canby Rebels - Heckathorn