
U10 Pacific

2021 Summer Round Up

Aug 12 - 15, 2021
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Pool A
Team W L T P
Blue Army Red 2 0 1 5 6 15 9
OMG Ice Force 1 1 1 3 0 12 12
Mustangs White 1 2 0 2 -3 7 10
Northern Elite 1 2 0 2 -3 11 14
Pool B
Team W L T P
Northern Elite White 3 0 0 6 14 14 0
Hometown Hockey 2 1 0 4 8 11 3
South Side Elite U10 1 2 0 2 -9 4 13
Ice Cougars Red 0 3 0 0 -13 3 16


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Friday, August 13, 2021
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 2:00 PM St. Michael Albertville Arena - STMA Gold OMG Ice Force
4 4 Blue Army Red
P2 3:30 PM St. Michael Albertville Arena - STMA Gold Northern Elite
2 3 Mustangs White
P3 6:30 PM St. Michael Albertville Arena - STMA Gold South Side Elite U10
4 2 Ice Cougars Red
P4 8:30 PM St. Michael Albertville Arena - STMA Blue Hometown Hockey
0 2 Northern Elite White
Saturday, August 14, 2021
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P5 8:30 AM St. Michael Albertville Arena - STMA Blue Northern Elite
6 5 OMG Ice Force
P6 10:00 AM St. Michael Albertville Arena - STMA Blue Blue Army Red
5 2 Mustangs White
P7 11:30 AM St. Michael Albertville Arena - STMA Blue Ice Cougars Red
0 7 Northern Elite White
P8 2:30 PM St. Michael Albertville Arena - STMA Blue South Side Elite U10
0 6 Hometown Hockey
P9 2:30 PM New Hope Ice Arena - New Hope North Rink Northern Elite
3 6 Blue Army Red
P10 4:00 PM St. Michael Albertville Arena - STMA Blue Mustangs White
2 3 OMG Ice Force
P11 7:00 PM St. Michael Albertville Arena - STMA Blue Hometown Hockey
5 1 Ice Cougars Red
P12 7:00 PM Fogerty Ice Arena - Fogerty South Rink South Side Elite U10
0 5 Northern Elite White
Sunday, August 15, 2021
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B7 9:30 AM St. Michael Albertville Arena - STMA Gold Northern Elite
2 3 Ice Cougars Red
B6 11:00 AM St. Michael Albertville Arena - STMA Gold Mustangs White
2 1 South Side Elite U10
B5 12:30 PM St. Michael Albertville Arena - STMA Gold OMG Ice Force
3 8 Hometown Hockey
B4 2:00 PM St. Michael Albertville Arena - STMA Gold Blue Army Red
4 7 Northern Elite White


Hometown Hockey
5th Place
Bracket Winner B3
Northern Elite White
3rd Place
Northern Elite White
Hometown Hockey
3rd Place
Ice Cougars Red
7th Place
Mustangs White
5th Place
Blue Army Red - 4
B4 - Sun 8/15 2:00PM St. Michael Albertville Arena - STMA Gold
Northern Elite White - 7
Mustangs White - 2
B6 - Sun 8/15 11:00AM St. Michael Albertville Arena - STMA Gold
South Side Elite U10 - 1
OMG Ice Force - 3
B5 - Sun 8/15 12:30PM St. Michael Albertville Arena - STMA Gold
Hometown Hockey - 8
Northern Elite - 2
B7 - Sun 8/15 9:30AM St. Michael Albertville Arena - STMA Gold
Ice Cougars Red - 3