
8th Grade Boys

Throw Down in B Town

Mar 4 - 6, 2022
Bellevue, NE • Papillion, NE
SportsEngine Tourney

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NLA Heat

8th Grade Boys Champion

Fri Mar 4, 2022 - Sun Mar 6, 2022

Pool Standings

Alabama Crimson Tide
Team W L
NRE bros United (Omaha, Ne) 4 0 36 207 165 0
East Supreme - White 2 1 -2 147 155 0
Silver Hawks Supreme - Shouse (-, -) 1 2 -2 123 125 2
Lincoln Warriors (Lincoln, Ne) 1 2 -12 150 162 -2
Bellevue T-Birds Gold Jungers 0 3 -20 143 163 0
Creighton Blue Jays
Team W L
NRE (Omaha, Ne) 3 0 45 207 88 0
Ashland Jays 8th (Ashland, NE) 2 1 15 176 128 0
Primo's 1 2 -15 114 158 0
Bellevue Beast Purple Barona 0 3 -45 73 196 0
Duke Blue Devils
Team W L
CMA All Stars 3 0 24 127 87 0
Silver Hawks Supreme - Silver (-, -) 2 1 18 115 84 0
Cavalry Red (Wahoo, NE) 1 2 3 131 122 0
PBC - Patriots 8th White (Omaha, NE) 0 3 -45 76 156 0
Gonzaga Bulldogs
Team W L
MOQ Mustangs (Omaha, NE) 2 1 19 134 112 4
LBA Lions 8th - A 2 1 17 121 102 2
NRE bros (Omaha, Ne) 2 1 5 120 115 -6
ALBA (Council Bluffs, IA) 0 3 -41 86 132 0
Kansas Jayhawks
Team W L
Jr. Cougars (Herting) 3 0 24 136 112 0
St. Geralds (Glendening) 2 1 -5 125 130 0
Westside Jr. Red 1 2 2 106 104 0
Thunder Supreme - Gold 1 2 1 120 119 0
Jr Rams Blue (Omaha, NE) 1 3 -22 160 182 0
Nebraska Cornhuskers
Team W L
Syracuse - Green (Syracuse, NE) 3 0 37 191 111 0
Storm Warriors Tenacious 2 1 9 141 126 0
Plattsmouth 8th (Plattsmouth, NE) 1 2 -1 124 139 0
Average Joe's (Omaha, Nebraska) 0 3 -45 90 170 0
Purdue Boilermakers
Team W L
Omaha Nation Bombers (Walthill, Ne) 2 1 17 143 120 2
Moseley's Monarchs 2 1 12 132 116 -3
MBA Wildcats - Kutash (Omaha, NE) 2 1 10 129 119 1
GBA (Gretna) 8th Johnson 0 3 -39 82 131 0
Texas Longhorns
Team W L
NLA Heat (Omaha, Nebraska) 2 0 20 71 51 0
Bellevue T-Birds Purple Schaefer 1 1 -2 73 75 0
Ralston Jr Rams (Omaha, NE) 0 2 -18 64 82 0
Texas Tech Red Raiders
Team W L
Storms Warriors Endurance 3 0 30 121 74 0
Lincoln Knights (Lincoln, Ne) 2 1 4 111 107 0
Jr Mustangs 8th WHITE (Omaha, NE) 1 2 5 113 108 0
MBA Wildcats - Vcelik (Omaha, NE) 0 3 -39 86 142 0
Villanova Wildcats
Team W L
Millard West Wildcat (Ertz) 2 1 14 114 99 13
JCC White (Omaha, NE) 2 1 3 129 121 -13
Bruins (Bellevue, NE) 2 1 1 133 132 0
Bellevue Beast White Barona 0 3 -18 106 130 0


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Friday, March 04, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P5 5:30 PM Bellevue West High School - BWN2 Average Joe's
27 70 Syracuse - Green
P18 5:30 PM Bellevue West High School - BWS2 Bellevue T-Birds Purple Schaefer
46 40 Ralston Jr Rams
P30 5:30 PM Papillion Landing - Court 1 Lincoln Knights
46 33 MBA Wildcats - Vcelik
P46 5:30 PM Logan Middle School GBA (Gretna) 8th Johnson
32 41 MBA Wildcats - Kutash
P51 5:30 PM Lied Center - C2 JCC White
53 32 Bellevue Beast White Barona
P4 6:30 PM Lied Center - C2 NRE
75 17 Bellevue Beast Purple Barona
P29 6:30 PM Papillion Landing - Court 1 Jr Mustangs 8th WHITE
31 33 Storms Warriors Endurance
P44 6:30 PM Bellevue West High School - BWS1 Bellevue T-Birds Gold Jungers
39 46 NRE bros United
P45 6:30 PM Bellevue East High School - Up Stairs 1 Omaha Nation Bombers
51 47 Moseley's Monarchs
P52 6:30 PM Bellevue East High School - Down Stairs NRE bros
35 34 LBA Lions 8th - A
P20 7:30 PM Bellevue East High School - Up Stairs 2 St. Geralds (Glendening)
50 44 Jr Rams Blue
P23 7:30 PM Papillion Landing - Court 2 Syracuse - Green
55 48 Storm Warriors Tenacious
P24 7:30 PM Papillion Landing - Court 1 Average Joe's
32 48 Plattsmouth 8th
P33 7:30 PM Lied Center - C2 Bellevue Beast White Barona
44 45 Bruins
P54 7:30 PM Bellevue West High School - BWN2 Ralston Jr Rams
24 36 NLA Heat
P9 8:30 PM Bellevue East High School - Up Stairs 1 GBA (Gretna) 8th Johnson
23 42 Moseley's Monarchs
P11 8:30 PM Papillion Landing - Court 2 Lincoln Knights
41 37 Jr Mustangs 8th WHITE
P12 8:30 PM Papillion Landing - Court 1 Storms Warriors Endurance
51 19 MBA Wildcats - Vcelik
P16 8:30 PM Bellevue East High School - Up Stairs 2 MOQ Mustangs
40 43 LBA Lions 8th - A
P49 8:30 PM Bellevue West High School - BWN2 CMA All Stars
43 35 Cavalry Red
P6 9:30 PM Papillion Landing - Court 1 Storm Warriors Tenacious
41 40 Plattsmouth 8th
P10 9:30 PM Lied Center - C1 MBA Wildcats - Kutash
46 44 Omaha Nation Bombers
P15 9:30 PM Bellevue East High School - Up Stairs 2 Bruins
46 49 JCC White
P17 9:30 PM Bellevue West High School - BWN1 ALBA
32 43 NRE bros
P36 9:30 PM Mission Middle School - Court 1 NLA Heat
35 27 Bellevue T-Birds Purple Schaefer
P37 9:30 PM Bellevue East High School - Down Stairs Jr Rams Blue
45 59 Jr. Cougars (Herting)
Saturday, March 05, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P2 8:00 AM Lied Center - C1 Thunder Supreme - Gold
36 47 Jr Rams Blue
P28 8:00 AM Lied Center - C2 GBA (Gretna) 8th Johnson
27 48 Omaha Nation Bombers
P47 8:00 AM Lied Center - C3 MBA Wildcats - Vcelik
34 45 Jr Mustangs 8th WHITE
P53 8:00 AM Bellevue East High School - Down Stairs MOQ Mustangs
45 27 ALBA
P58 8:00 AM Bellevue West High School - BWN1 Westside Jr. Red
29 37 Jr. Cougars (Herting)
P26 9:00 AM St. Columbkille East Supreme - White
53 41 Bellevue T-Birds Gold Jungers
P19 10:00 AM Lied Center - C1 Jr. Cougars (Herting)
40 38 Thunder Supreme - Gold
P21 10:00 AM Lied Center - C2 Primo's
20 61 NRE
P22 10:00 AM Lied Center - C3 Ashland Jays 8th
64 20 Bellevue Beast Purple Barona
P35 10:00 AM Bellevue East High School - Down Stairs MOQ Mustangs
49 42 NRE bros
P60 10:00 AM Mission Middle School - Court 1 Millard West Wildcat (Ertz)
39 42 Bruins
P7 11:00 AM Lied Center - C2 NRE bros United
63 42 East Supreme - White
P34 11:00 AM Bellevue East High School - Down Stairs LBA Lions 8th - A
44 27 ALBA
P56 11:00 AM St. Columbkille Lincoln Warriors
64 63 Bellevue T-Birds Gold Jungers
P57 11:00 AM Bellevue West High School - BWN1 Jr Rams Blue
24 37 Westside Jr. Red
P14 12:00 PM Lied Center - C1 PBC - Patriots 8th White
21 52 CMA All Stars
P27 12:00 PM St. Columbkille Moseley's Monarchs
43 42 MBA Wildcats - Kutash
P39 12:00 PM Lied Center - C3 Bellevue Beast Purple Barona
36 57 Primo's
P40 12:00 PM Lied Center - C2 Ashland Jays 8th
51 71 NRE
P8 1:00 PM Lied Center - C4 Silver Hawks Supreme - Shouse
34 37 NRE bros United
P48 1:00 PM Lied Center - C2 Lincoln Knights
24 37 Storms Warriors Endurance
P13 2:00 PM Bellevue East High School - Down Stairs Silver Hawks Supreme - Silver
40 36 Cavalry Red
P42 2:00 PM Lied Center - C2 Average Joe's
31 52 Storm Warriors Tenacious
P31 4:00 PM Papillion Landing - Court 2 Cavalry Red
60 39 PBC - Patriots 8th White
P59 6:00 PM Bellevue West High School - BWS2 Millard West Wildcat (Ertz)
32 30 Bellevue Beast White Barona
P32 7:00 PM Lied Center - C1 Silver Hawks Supreme - Silver
31 32 CMA All Stars
Sunday, March 06, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P38 8:00 AM Bellevue West High School - BWS2 St. Geralds (Glendening)
32 46 Thunder Supreme - Gold
P43 8:00 AM Bellevue West High School - BWN1 Silver Hawks Supreme - Shouse
38 36 Lincoln Warriors
P50 10:00 AM Bellevue West High School - BWN2 Silver Hawks Supreme - Silver
44 16 PBC - Patriots 8th White
P55 10:00 AM Bellevue West High School - BWN1 Silver Hawks Supreme - Shouse
51 52 East Supreme - White
P25 12:00 PM Lied Center - C3 Lincoln Warriors
50 61 NRE bros United
P61 12:00 PM Lied Center - C2 Millard West Wildcat (Ertz)
43 27 JCC White
B1 1:00 PM Logan Middle School [2] Bellevue T-Birds Purple Schaefer
63 44 [3] Ralston Jr Rams
P3 2:00 PM Bellevue West High School - BWN1 Ashland Jays 8th
61 37 Primo's
P41 2:00 PM Bellevue West High School - BWN2 Plattsmouth 8th
36 66 Syracuse - Green
P1 4:00 PM Logan Middle School St. Geralds (Glendening)
43 40 Westside Jr. Red
B2 4:00 PM Lied Center - C3 [1] NLA Heat
41 34 Bellevue T-Birds Purple Schaefer


NLA Heat
[1] NLA Heat - 41
B2 - Sun 3/6 4:00PM Lied Center - C3
Bellevue T-Birds Purple Schaefer - 34
[2] Bellevue T-Birds Purple Schaefer - 63
B1 - Sun 3/6 1:00PM Logan Middle School
[3] Ralston Jr Rams - 44