
Tournament Note

Thursday Games start at 1PM



Jun 16 - 19, 2022
Noblesville, IN
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Team W L T
Indiana Bulldogs 2 1 0 35 17
Indy Titans Cassetty 2 1 0 38 30
Indiana Orange 11U (Maifeld) 2 1 0 39 35
Lebanon Lynx 1 2 0 22 36
ZBC White 0 3 0 19 45
Team W L T
Mason Monarchs 3 0 0 28 11
Zionsville Eagles Select - Whisler (Zionsville, IN) 2 1 0 26 14
Noblesville Millers Gold 2 1 0 37 24
Indy Titans Carr 1 2 0 29 35
Indiana Orange Martin 0 3 0 5 31


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Thursday, June 16, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P6 4:00 PM NYB - F7 Indy Titans Cassetty
15 8 ZBC White
P7 6:00 PM NYB - F7 Zionsville Eagles Select - Whisler
8 3 Indiana Orange Martin
Friday, June 17, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P3 2:00 PM NYB - F8 Indiana Orange Martin
1 14 Noblesville Millers Gold
P1 4:00 PM NYB - F8 Indiana Orange 11U (Maifeld)
13 9 Indy Titans Cassetty
P2 4:00 PM NYB - F6 Indiana Bulldogs
11 0 ZBC White
P8 4:00 PM NYB - F7 Noblesville Millers Gold
5 6 Mason Monarchs
P11 4:00 PM NYB - F4 Indy Titans Carr
7 4 Zionsville Eagles Select - Whisler
P4 6:00 PM NYB - F7 Indy Titans Carr
5 13 Mason Monarchs
P5 6:00 PM NYB - F5 Lebanon Lynx
15 7 Indiana Orange 11U (Maifeld)
P9 8:00 PM NYB - F5 Indiana Bulldogs
15 3 Lebanon Lynx
Saturday, June 18, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P12 8:00 AM NYB - F7 Mason Monarchs
9 1 Indiana Orange Martin
P14 8:00 AM NYB - F8 Indy Titans Carr
17 18 Noblesville Millers Gold
P10 10:00 AM NYB - F8 ZBC White
11 19 Indiana Orange 11U (Maifeld)
P15 10:00 AM NYB - F7 Zionsville Eagles Select - Whisler
14 4 Lebanon Lynx
P13 12:00 PM NYB - F8 Indiana Bulldogs
9 14 Indy Titans Cassetty
B1 6:00 PM NYB - F5 [4] Noblesville Millers Gold
6 4 [5] Indy Titans Cassetty
B2 8:00 PM NYB - F5 [3] Indiana Bulldogs
6 7 [6] Indiana Orange 11U (Maifeld)
Sunday, June 19, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B4 10:00 AM NYB - F4 Indiana Orange 11U (Maifeld)
7 9 [2] Zionsville Eagles Select - Whisler
B3 12:00 PM NYB - F4 Noblesville Millers Gold
9 7 [1] Mason Monarchs
B5 2:00 PM NYB - F4 Noblesville Millers Gold
5 4 Zionsville Eagles Select - Whisler
B6 4:00 PM NYB - F6 [7] Indy Titans Carr
7 3 [10] ZBC White
B7 4:00 PM NYB - F7 [8] Lebanon Lynx
7 14 [9] Indiana Orange Martin
B8 6:00 PM NYB - F6 Indy Titans Carr
16 4 Indiana Orange Martin


Noblesville Millers Gold
Indy Titans Carr
[7] Indy Titans Carr - 7
B6 - Sun 6/19 4:00PM NYB - F6
[10] ZBC White - 3
Indy Titans Carr - 16
B8 - Sun 6/19 6:00PM NYB - F6
Indiana Orange Martin - 4
[4] Noblesville Millers Gold - 6
B1 - Sat 6/18 6:00PM NYB - F5
[5] Indy Titans Cassetty - 4
[3] Indiana Bulldogs - 6
B2 - Sat 6/18 8:00PM NYB - F5
[6] Indiana Orange 11U (Maifeld) - 7
Noblesville Millers Gold - 9
B3 - Sun 6/19 12:00PM NYB - F4
[1] Mason Monarchs - 7
Indiana Orange 11U (Maifeld) - 7
B4 - Sun 6/19 10:00AM NYB - F4
[2] Zionsville Eagles Select - Whisler - 9
Noblesville Millers Gold - 5
B5 - Sun 6/19 2:00PM NYB - F4
Zionsville Eagles Select - Whisler - 4
[8] Lebanon Lynx - 7
B7 - Sun 6/19 4:00PM NYB - F7
[9] Indiana Orange Martin - 14