
5th Grade

WYBA Youth Basketball Tournament

Feb 5 - 6, 2022
Mt. Vernon, IN
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

5th Grade Pool A
Team W L
ECS (Evansville, IN) 2 0
South Spencer (Reo, IN) 1 1
Perry Central (Leopold, IN) 1 1
Mt. Vernon (Mt. Vernon, IN) 0 2
5th Grade Pool B
Team W L
Castle (Newburgh, IN) 2 0
Harrison (Evansville, IN) 2 0
Mater Dei (Evansville, IN) 0 2
North Posey (Poseyville, IN) 0 2


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Saturday, February 05, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 4:00 PM Mt. Vernon Schools - JH Aux Gym Court 5 Mt. Vernon
23 24 Perry Central
P3 4:00 PM Mt. Vernon Schools - HS Aux Gym Court 2 Harrison
31 25 Mater Dei
P2 5:00 PM Mt. Vernon Schools - JH Aux Gym Court 5 South Spencer
23 30 ECS
P4 5:00 PM Mt. Vernon Schools - HS Aux Gym Court 2 Castle
54 24 North Posey
P5 6:00 PM Mt. Vernon Schools - JH Aux Gym Court 5 Perry Central
19 25 South Spencer
P6 6:00 PM Mt. Vernon Schools - HS Main Gym Court 1 Mt. Vernon
10 27 ECS
P7 6:00 PM Mt. Vernon Schools - JH Main Gym Court 4 Mater Dei
12 41 Castle
P8 6:00 PM Mt. Vernon Schools - HS Aux Gym Court 2 Harrison
41 17 North Posey
Sunday, February 06, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B1 3:00 PM Mt. Vernon Schools - JH Aux Gym Court 5 ECS
40 15 North Posey
B2 3:00 PM Mt. Vernon Schools - HS Aux Gym Court 2 Harrison
39 1 Perry Central
B3 3:00 PM Mt. Vernon Schools - HS Aux Gym Court 3 South Spencer
26 29 Mater Dei
B4 4:00 PM Mt. Vernon Schools - JH Aux Gym Court 5 Castle
40 11 Mt. Vernon
B5 5:00 PM Mt. Vernon Schools - JH Aux Gym Court 5 ECS
B6 5:00 PM Mt. Vernon Schools - JH Main Gym Court 4 Mater Dei
B7 6:00 PM Mt. Vernon Schools - JH Main Gym Court 4 Harrison


Bracket Winner B7
Castle: Champion
Bracket Loser B7
Harrison: 2nd Place
Harrison - 39
B2 - Sun 2/6 3:00PM Mt. Vernon Schools - HS Aux Gym Court 2
Perry Central - 1
South Spencer - 26
B3 - Sun 2/6 3:00PM Mt. Vernon Schools - HS Aux Gym Court 3
Mater Dei - 29
B7 - Sun 2/6 6:00PM Mt. Vernon Schools - JH Main Gym Court 4
Mater Dei
B6 - Sun 2/6 5:00PM Mt. Vernon Schools - JH Main Gym Court 4
B5 - Sun 2/6 5:00PM Mt. Vernon Schools - JH Aux Gym Court 5
Castle - 40
B4 - Sun 2/6 4:00PM Mt. Vernon Schools - JH Aux Gym Court 5
Mt. Vernon - 11
ECS - 40
B1 - Sun 2/6 3:00PM Mt. Vernon Schools - JH Aux Gym Court 5
North Posey - 15