

CWBC Midseason Classic

May 12 - 15, 2022
Cincinnati, OH • Miamitown, OH
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

11u Visi
Team W L T
Villa Hills Longhorns - Roesel (Hull) 2 0 0 33 0
Milford Mustangs (Wilke) 2 0 0 20 13
O.L.Visitation (Zureick) 1 1 0 20 19
Our Lady of Victory (Schultz) 1 1 0 16 28
OHYA Elite 11U (Korb) 0 2 0 9 23
Thunder (Johnston) 0 2 0 17 32


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Thursday, May 12, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 6:15 PM Our Lady of Visitation - Field 5 OHYA Elite 11U (Korb)
0 10 Villa Hills Longhorns - Roesel (Hull)
Friday, May 13, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P2 6:15 PM Our Lady of Visitation - Field 2 O.L.Visitation (Zureick)
16 12 Thunder (Johnston)
Saturday, May 14, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P3 9:00 AM Our Lady of Visitation - Field 3 Our Lady of Victory (Schultz)
0 23 Villa Hills Longhorns - Roesel (Hull)
P4 11:00 AM Our Lady of Visitation - Field 3 O.L.Visitation (Zureick)
4 7 Milford Mustangs (Wilke)
P5 1:00 PM Our Lady of Visitation - Field 5 Our Lady of Victory (Schultz)
16 5 Thunder (Johnston)
P6 1:00 PM Our Lady of Visitation - Field 3 OHYA Elite 11U (Korb)
9 13 Milford Mustangs (Wilke)
Sunday, May 15, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B1 8:30 AM TCYO/Farwick - Field 10 OHYA Elite 11U (Korb)
7 9 Our Lady of Victory (Schultz)
B2 10:30 AM TCYO/Farwick - Field 10 Thunder (Johnston)
10 11 O.L.Visitation (Zureick)
B3 12:30 PM TCYO/Farwick - Field 10 Our Lady of Victory (Schultz)
2 18 Milford Mustangs (Wilke)
B4 1:45 PM TCYO/Farwick - Field 8 O.L.Visitation (Zureick)
7 9 Villa Hills Longhorns - Roesel (Hull)
B5 4:30 PM TCYO/Farwick - Field 3 Milford Mustangs (Wilke)
0 23 Villa Hills Longhorns - Roesel (Hull)


Villa Hills Longhorns - Roesel (Hull)
Milford Mustangs (Wilke) - 0
B5 - Sun 5/15 4:30PM TCYO/Farwick - Field 3
Villa Hills Longhorns - Roesel (Hull) - 23
O.L.Visitation (Zureick) - 7
B4 - Sun 5/15 1:45PM TCYO/Farwick - Field 8
Villa Hills Longhorns - Roesel (Hull) - 9
Thunder (Johnston) - 10
B2 - Sun 5/15 10:30AM TCYO/Farwick - Field 10
O.L.Visitation (Zureick) - 11
OHYA Elite 11U (Korb) - 7
B1 - Sun 5/15 8:30AM TCYO/Farwick - Field 10
Our Lady of Victory (Schultz) - 9
Our Lady of Victory (Schultz) - 2
B3 - Sun 5/15 12:30PM TCYO/Farwick - Field 10
Milford Mustangs (Wilke) - 18