
Tournament Note

Tournament Rules & Admission Prices:

Home team is the top team. Light Jerseys

Daily admission gets you into any of our sites and games for the entire day!

$10 Per Adult, Per Day
$6 Per Student, Per Day
Children 5 and Under are FREE

Tournament Rules:

Regulation Game:

 3rd Grade Boys, 3rd Grade Girls & 4th Grade Girls will play on a 10' high rim with a 12' free throw line.
 All other grades/levels will play on a 10' high rim with a 15' free throw line.
 All grades will use an intermediate size 28.5" basketball, except 8th grade boys will use an official size 29.5" basketball & 3rd grade 27.5"
 Each game will consist of two 20 minutes halves with a running clock. Clock stops on all timeouts, injuries and all dead balls during the last 1 minute of each half.
 Each team must provide an adult volunteer for the score book or clock.

Full Court Pressing:
 No Full Court Press at 3rd Grade boys, 3rd Grade Girls and 4th Grade Girls
 Full court pressing is allowed at all other grades and levels to a 15-point lead.

Time Outs:
 Each team will receive 3 full 60 second per game, no carryover to the second half or overtime.

 The first OT will be two minutes, with the clock stopping on all timeouts, injuries and all dead balls in the last minute of overtime.
 If the game remains tied after the first overtime, the 2nd overtime will be the first team to score wins.
 Each team gets one 1 full 60 second timeout in each OT period; no carryover.

Standings / Tie Breakers:
 Round Robin Tie-Breakers: (When you move down to the next tie-breaker, the previous one drops off and will no longer be used)
1) Record
2) Head to Head
3) Point Differential (15 point maximum)
4) Total Points Allowed

4th Grade Girls

The Real Deal Holiday Jam Fest

Dec 16 - 18, 2022
SportsEngine Tourney

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Jr. Cougars (Miller)

4th Grade Girls Champion

Fri Dec 16, 2022 - Sun Dec 18, 2022

Pool Standings


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Friday, December 16, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P2 6:00 PM Papillion Landing - Court 2 Jr Monarchs 4th Maroon
9 13 Papio Power 4th
P25 6:00 PM Papillion Landing - Court 1 Bellevue Thunder (Sears)
18 22 Deleon Youth Sports
P26 9:00 PM Mission Middle School Deleon Youth Sports
1 22 Junior SkyHawks 4th Black
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P11 8:00 AM Papillion Landing - Court 1 NE Attack 4th Elite
20 9 OSA 4th Elite Anderson
P4 10:00 AM Lied Activity Center - Court 2 OSA 4th Elite Anderson
11 19 Elkhorn Elite All-Stars (Swartz/Connealy)
P10 10:00 AM Papillion Landing - Court 3 VRLY Storm 4th
24 4 Papio Power 4th
P13 12:00 PM Lied Activity Center - Court 3 Bellevue Thunder (Sears)
14 19 Play4Him Academy 4th Black
P18 12:00 PM Papillion Landing - Court 3 VRLY Storm 4th
30 12 Jr Monarchs 4th Maroon
P8 2:00 PM Papillion Landing - Court 1 BBA Badgers- Ehlers
20 6 Lady Express United
P9 2:00 PM Bellevue West High School - North Gym 2 NE Attack 4th Select
20 13 Jr Monarchs 4th Maroon
P5 3:00 PM Papillion Landing - Court 1 Play4Him Academy 4th Black
12 20 Junior SkyHawks 4th Black
P6 3:00 PM Mission Middle School Jr Monarchs 4th White
1 28 3rd Ne Attack Elite
P12 4:00 PM Mission Middle School Team Factory
7 24 Elkhorn Elite All-Stars (Swartz/Connealy)
P14 5:00 PM Mission Middle School Jr. Cougars (Miller)
15 0 Jr Monarchs 4th White
P16 5:00 PM Bellevue West High School - North Gym 1 Elkhorn Elite All-Stars (Hohman)
19 13 Lady Express United
P17 5:00 PM Papillion Landing - Court 1 Papio Power 4th
16 14 NE Attack 4th Select
P21 5:00 PM Papillion Landing - Court 2 Junior SkyHawks 4th Black
22 2 Bellevue Thunder (Sears)
P22 7:00 PM Lied Activity Center - Court 4 3rd Ne Attack Elite
15 16 Jr. Cougars (Miller)
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 8:00 AM Mission Middle School VRLY Storm 4th
24 18 NE Attack 4th Select
P24 8:00 AM Papillion Landing - Court 1 Elkhorn Elite All-Stars (Hohman)
13 15 BBA Badgers- Ehlers
P3 9:00 AM Papillion Landing - Court 3 Team Factory
11 31 NE Attack 4th Elite
P19 11:00 AM Mission Middle School Elkhorn Elite All-Stars (Swartz/Connealy)
15 21 NE Attack 4th Elite
P20 11:00 AM Papillion Landing - Court 1 Team Factory
24 19 OSA 4th Elite Anderson
P23 11:00 AM Papillion Landing - Court 3 Lady Express United
4 26 Play4Him Academy White
B1 1:00 PM Logan Middle School [2] 3rd Ne Attack Elite
15 0 [3] Jr Monarchs 4th White
P27 2:00 PM Bellevue East High School - Down Stairs Play4Him Academy 4th Black
12 5 Deleon Youth Sports
B2 3:00 PM Lied Activity Center - Court 4 [1] Jr. Cougars (Miller)
21 10 3rd Ne Attack Elite
P15 3:00 PM Logan Middle School Play4Him Academy White
18 9 BBA Badgers- Ehlers
P7 5:00 PM Bellevue West High School - North Gym 2 Elkhorn Elite All-Stars (Hohman)
38 2 Play4Him Academy White


Jr. Cougars (Miller)
[1] Jr. Cougars (Miller) - 21
B2 - Sun 12/18 3:00PM Lied Activity Center - Court 4
3rd Ne Attack Elite - 10
[2] 3rd Ne Attack Elite - 15
B1 - Sun 12/18 1:00PM Logan Middle School
[3] Jr Monarchs 4th White - 0