
Tournament Note

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Hoosier Fall Brawl 16u

2022 Hoosier Fall Brawl

Sep 24 - 25, 2022
Kokomo, IN • Westfield, In
SportsEngine Tourney

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Saturday, September 24, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 8:15 AM Grand Park - d13 Ohio Hawks Drake 25/26*
3 8 Shockwaves 16u - Rayman*
P2 8:15 AM Grand Park - d14 Lady Dukes 16U National - Kiemeyer*
11 0 Fastpitch Academics Midwest Signature 07- Wolff*
P3 8:15 AM Grand Park - d15 Indiana Magic Gold 16u Wilke*
7 4 IN Bombers 25/26*
P4 8:15 AM Grand Park - d16 Indy Crush Premier 06*
4 8 Turnin2 Koch*
P5 8:15 AM Grand Park - d21 Batbusters Indiana-South Bend 25/26*
6 7 Indiana Magic 16u Forrester*
P6 8:15 AM Grand Park - d22 Indiana Gators Hazelwood*
5 0 Mojo Hutchinson 16U*
P7 8:15 AM Grand Park - d23 Mystique 16u - Kidwell*
12 5 Lady Dukes 16u Miller*
P8 8:15 AM Grand Park - d24 Batbusters Kanakry 16u*
10 1 Prox Phoenix JL*
P9 8:15 AM Grand Park - d17 Lady Dukes GCBW*
12 0 Indiana Mustangs 16U - 24/25*
P10 8:15 AM Grand Park - d18 Lemont Rockers JM*
4 14 Smash House 06*
P11 8:15 AM Grand Park - d19 SOX Fastpitch - Baker*
3 3 Indy Edge 06 Premier Strelow*
P13 8:15 AM Grand Park - d25 BNGSA Angels 07*
9 3 Mustangs-Trammel*
P14 8:15 AM Grand Park - d26 Indiana Beasts - Inferno '26*
2 7 Indiana Lady Mustangs - Shallenberger*
P15 9:45 AM Grand Park - d13 Team Indiana Impact*
7 11 Indiana Phenom*
P16 9:45 AM Grand Park - d15 ProX Phoenix 16U Trosper*
5 5 Indy Chaos*
P17 11:15 AM Grand Park - d13 Shockwaves 16u - Rayman*
1 5 Lady Dukes 16U National - Kiemeyer*
P18 11:15 AM Grand Park - d14 Ohio Hawks Drake 25/26*
7 10 Indiana Magic Gold 16u Wilke*
P19 11:15 AM Grand Park - d15 Fastpitch Academics Midwest Signature 07- Wolff*
11 3 Indy Crush Premier 06*
P20 11:15 AM Grand Park - d16 IN Bombers 25/26*
5 1 Turnin2 Koch*
P21 11:15 AM Grand Park - d18 Indiana Magic 16u Forrester*
0 10 Indiana Gators Hazelwood*
P22 11:15 AM Grand Park - d22 Batbusters Indiana-South Bend 25/26*
4 6 Mystique 16u - Kidwell*
P23 11:15 AM Grand Park - d23 Mojo Hutchinson 16U*
4 3 Batbusters Kanakry 16u*
P24 11:15 AM Grand Park - d24 Lady Dukes 16u Miller*
Prox Phoenix JL*
P25 11:15 AM Grand Park - d17 Indiana Mustangs 16U - 24/25*
5 6 Lemont Rockers JM*
P26 11:15 AM Grand Park - d21 Lady Dukes GCBW*
6 5 SOX Fastpitch - Baker*
P27 11:15 AM Grand Park - d19 Smash House 06*
3 3 FAM 16U Prime*
P28 11:15 AM Grand Park - d20 Indy Chaos*
8 6 Indy Edge 06 Premier Strelow*
P29 11:15 AM Grand Park - d25 Mustangs-Trammel*
7 5 Indiana Beasts - Inferno '26*
P30 12:45 PM Grand Park - d16 BNGSA Angels 07*
10 3 Team Indiana Impact*
P32 12:45 PM Grand Park - d15 Indiana Phenom*
5 0 Indy Chaos*
P33 12:45 PM Grand Park - d14 Indiana Magic Gold 16u Wilke*
4 9 Shockwaves 16u - Rayman*
P34 12:45 PM Grand Park - d13 Indy Crush Premier 06*
0 10 Lady Dukes 16U National - Kiemeyer*
P43 12:45 PM Grand Park - d20 Turnin2 Caten*
4 6 Lady Dukes GCBW*
P31 2:15 PM Grand Park - d14 Indiana Lady Mustangs - Shallenberger*
6 10 ProX Phoenix 16U Trosper*
P35 2:15 PM Grand Park - d15 Turnin2 Koch*
2 0 Ohio Hawks Drake 25/26*
P37 2:15 PM Grand Park - d21 Mystique 16u - Kidwell*
6 2 Indiana Magic 16u Forrester*
P38 2:15 PM Grand Park - d22 Batbusters Kanakry 16u*
1 5 Indiana Gators Hazelwood*
P39 2:15 PM Grand Park - d23 Prox Phoenix JL*
0 9 Batbusters Indiana-South Bend 25/26*
P40 2:15 PM Grand Park - d24 Lady Dukes 16u Miller*
Mojo Hutchinson 16U*
P41 2:15 PM Grand Park - d17 SOX Fastpitch - Baker*
8 1 Indiana Mustangs 16U - 24/25*
P42 2:15 PM Grand Park - d18 FAM 16U Prime*
6 15 Lemont Rockers JM*
P12 3:45 PM Grand Park - d25 FAM 16U Prime*
7 0 Turnin2 Caten*
P36 3:45 PM Grand Park - d17 IN Bombers 25/26*
3 8 Fastpitch Academics Midwest Signature 07- Wolff*
P44 3:45 PM Grand Park - d20 Indy Edge 06 Premier Strelow*
2 0 Smash House 06*
P45 3:45 PM Grand Park - d13 Team Indiana Impact*
11 7 Mustangs-Trammel*
P46 3:45 PM Grand Park - d14 ProX Phoenix 16U Trosper*
7 6 Indiana Beasts - Inferno '26*
P47 3:45 PM Grand Park - d15 Indy Chaos*
0 2 BNGSA Angels 07*
P48 5:15 PM Grand Park - d14 Indiana Phenom*
15 0 Indiana Lady Mustangs - Shallenberger*
P50 5:15 PM Grand Park - d22 Indiana Magic Gold 16u Wilke*
12 4 Turnin2 Koch*
P53 5:15 PM Grand Park - d23 Indiana Magic 16u Forrester*
1 3 Batbusters Kanakry 16u*
P54 5:15 PM Grand Park - d26 Mystique 16u - Kidwell*
14 1 Prox Phoenix JL*
P57 5:15 PM Grand Park - d25 Indiana Mustangs 16U - 24/25*
3 5 FAM 16U Prime*
Sunday, September 25, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P51 8:15 AM Grand Park - d23 Lady Dukes 16U National - Kiemeyer*
1 1 IN Bombers 25/26*
P52 8:15 AM Grand Park - d24 Ohio Hawks Drake 25/26*
1 6 Fastpitch Academics Midwest Signature 07- Wolff*
P59 8:15 AM Grand Park - d25 Lemont Rockers JM*
0 4 Indy Edge 06 Premier Strelow*
P60 8:15 AM Grand Park - d26 Lady Dukes GCBW*
1 2 Smash House 06*
P49 9:45 AM Grand Park - d23 Shockwaves 16u - Rayman*
5 4 Indy Crush Premier 06*
P55 9:45 AM Grand Park - d13 Indiana Gators Hazelwood*
10 0 Lady Dukes 16u Miller*
P56 9:45 AM Grand Park - d14 Batbusters Indiana-South Bend 25/26*
Mojo Hutchinson 16U*
P58 9:45 AM Grand Park - d24 SOX Fastpitch - Baker*
9 4 Turnin2 Koch*
P61 9:45 AM Grand Park - d15 Mustangs-Trammel*
6 5 ProX Phoenix 16U Trosper*
P62 9:45 AM Grand Park - d16 Team Indiana Impact*
1 1 Indy Chaos*
P63 9:45 AM Grand Park - d17 Indiana Beasts - Inferno '26*
0 7 Indiana Phenom*
P64 9:45 AM Grand Park - d18 BNGSA Angels 07*
16 2 Indiana Lady Mustangs - Shallenberger*
P69 9:45 AM Grand Park - d25 Prox Phoenix JL*
1 10 Indiana Magic 16u Forrester*
P67 11:15 AM Grand Park - d22 Fastpitch Academics Midwest Signature 07- Wolff*
7 1 Indiana Magic Gold 16u Wilke*
P68 11:15 AM Grand Park - d23 Ohio Hawks Drake 25/26*
6 10 Lady Dukes 16U National - Kiemeyer*
P74 11:15 AM Grand Park - d24 Indy Edge 06 Premier Strelow*
8 2 FAM 16U Prime*
P76 11:15 AM Grand Park - d25 Lady Dukes GCBW*
Lemont Rockers JM*
P65 12:45 PM Grand Park - d13 Turnin2 Koch*
0 17 Shockwaves 16u - Rayman*
P66 12:45 PM Grand Park - d14 IN Bombers 25/26*
Indy Crush Premier 06*
P70 12:45 PM Grand Park - d17 Lady Dukes 16u Miller*
3 3 Batbusters Kanakry 16u*
P71 12:45 PM Grand Park - d18 Mojo Hutchinson 16U*
Mystique 16u - Kidwell*
P72 12:45 PM Grand Park - d19 Batbusters Indiana-South Bend 25/26*
Indiana Gators Hazelwood*
P73 12:45 PM Grand Park - d15 Turnin2 Caten*
Indiana Mustangs 16U - 24/25*
P75 12:45 PM Grand Park - d16 Smash House 06*
3 10 SOX Fastpitch - Baker*
P77 12:45 PM Grand Park - d20 Indy Chaos*
6 4 Mustangs-Trammel*
P78 12:45 PM Grand Park - d21 Indiana Phenom*
6 1 ProX Phoenix 16U Trosper*
P79 12:45 PM Grand Park - d22 Indiana Lady Mustangs - Shallenberger*
Team Indiana Impact*
P80 12:45 PM Grand Park - d23 BNGSA Angels 07*
10 0 Indiana Beasts - Inferno '26*
P84 2:15 PM Grand Park - d24 Indiana Magic Gold 16u Wilke*
2 5 Lady Dukes 16U National - Kiemeyer*
P91 2:15 PM Grand Park - d25 FAM 16U Prime*
Lady Dukes GCBW*
P93 2:15 PM Grand Park - d21 Mustangs-Trammel*
0 7 Indiana Phenom*
P81 3:45 PM Grand Park - d13 Shockwaves 16u - Rayman*
IN Bombers 25/26*
P82 3:45 PM Grand Park - d14 Turnin2 Koch*
5 11 Fastpitch Academics Midwest Signature 07- Wolff*
P83 3:45 PM Grand Park - d15 Indy Crush Premier 06*
Ohio Hawks Drake 25/26*
P85 3:45 PM Grand Park - d19 Indiana Magic 16u Forrester*
5 4 Lady Dukes 16u Miller*
P86 3:45 PM Grand Park - d20 Prox Phoenix JL*
Mojo Hutchinson 16U*
P87 3:45 PM Grand Park - d21 Batbusters Kanakry 16u*
10 2 Batbusters Indiana-South Bend 25/26*
P88 3:45 PM Grand Park - d22 Mystique 16u - Kidwell*
Indiana Gators Hazelwood*
P89 3:45 PM Grand Park - d16 Indiana Mustangs 16U - 24/25*
1 8 Indy Edge 06 Premier Strelow*
P90 3:45 PM Grand Park - d17 Turnin2 Caten*
Smash House 06*
P92 3:45 PM Grand Park - d18 SOX Fastpitch - Baker*
8 0 Lemont Rockers JM*
P94 3:45 PM Grand Park - d24 Indy Chaos*
6 5 Indiana Lady Mustangs - Shallenberger*
P95 3:45 PM Grand Park - d25 ProX Phoenix 16U Trosper*
BNGSA Angels 07*
P96 3:45 PM Grand Park - d26 Team Indiana Impact*
Indiana Beasts - Inferno '26*