
2029 B

PrimeTime Shootout

Jun 17 - 18, 2023
Needham, MA • Sudbury, MA • Wellesley, MA
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Pool 1
Team W L T
Houlagan 2029 3 0 0 15 5
3d New England 2029 Blue 3 0 0 6 11
Littlenecks 2029 A 2 1 0 2 18
Penguins 2029 Orange 2 1 0 -1 10
NE Twisters 2029 Gray 1 2 0 -1 14
Kings 2029 White 0 2 1 -3 12
CT-Sharks 2029-30 0 2 1 -11 15
4Leaf 2029 Navy 0 3 0 -7 16


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Sunday, June 18, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P9 8:00 AM Olin College - Field 08 Littlenecks 2029 A
7 6 NE Twisters 2029 Gray
P10 8:00 AM Olin College - Field 09 4Leaf 2029 Navy
3 4 3d New England 2029 Blue
P3 8:35 AM Olin College - Field 08 CT-Sharks 2029-30
2 2 Kings 2029 White
P4 8:35 AM Olin College - Field 09 Houlagan 2029
5 1 Penguins 2029 Orange
P1 9:10 AM Olin College - Field 08 4Leaf 2029 Navy
2 3 NE Twisters 2029 Gray
P2 9:10 AM Olin College - Field 09 3d New England 2029 Blue
8 4 Littlenecks 2029 A
P7 9:45 AM Olin College - Field 08 Kings 2029 White
4 5 Houlagan 2029
P8 9:45 AM Olin College - Field 09 CT-Sharks 2029-30
2 3 Penguins 2029 Orange
P5 10:20 AM Olin College - Field 08 NE Twisters 2029 Gray
4 5 3d New England 2029 Blue
P6 10:20 AM Olin College - Field 09 4Leaf 2029 Navy
4 9 Littlenecks 2029 A
P11 10:55 AM Olin College - Field 08 Penguins 2029 Orange
5 3 Kings 2029 White
P12 10:55 AM Olin College - Field 09 CT-Sharks 2029-30
0 10 Houlagan 2029