
Tournament Note

9U, 10U, 11U, 12U, 14U is a "B" A/AA level tournament (part-time teams welcome, No Elite or AAA teams allowed) We have the right to turn away any team before the schedule comes out for tournament if we feel they are above the B/ A/AA level. This is to make the tournament even, fair and competitive.
**13U IS OPEN - No Elite Teams**
All Ages- $595
Use early bird Promo EARLY50 before March 1, 2023 for $50 off.
*Note that games can start as early as 4PM on Thursday and Friday*
Visit our website for more information


Summer Slam Tournament 2023 (9U-12U & 14U AA/B-Level only - *13U OPEN- No Elite)

Jul 6 - 9, 2023
West Chicago, IL • Winfield, IL
SportsEngine Tourney

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Thursday, July 06, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 6:00 PM Wynwood Fields - Field 1 Winfield Wolves 13U
19 7 Oswego Cobras
P2 8:00 PM Glasshagel Park - Field 1 DuPage Revolution
5 0 Illinois Premier West
Friday, July 07, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P3 4:00 PM Glasshagel Park - Field 1 Oswego Cobras
15 0 Bartlett Silver Hawks 13U
P4 4:00 PM Wynwood Fields - Field 1 Illinois Premier West
2 10 Winfield Wolves 13U
P5 6:00 PM Glasshagel Park - Field 1 Antioch Sequoits 14u
0 11 Bloomingdale Bulldogs
P6 6:00 PM Wynwood Fields - Field 1 DTA Wildcats 14U Navy
8 9 Warrenville Cyclones
P7 8:00 PM Glasshagel Park - Field 1 DuPage Revolution
12 2 Rawlings Tigers 14u - Burrafato
Saturday, July 08, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P8 10:00 AM Wynwood Fields - Field 1 Bartlett Silver Hawks 13U
7 7 Rawlings Tigers 14u - Burrafato
P9 11:00 AM Glasshagel Park - Field 1 Warrenville Cyclones
4 3 Bloomingdale Bulldogs
P10 12:00 PM Wynwood Fields - Field 1 Winfield Wolves 13U
11 1 Bartlett Silver Hawks 13U
P11 1:00 PM Glasshagel Park - Field 1 Antioch Sequoits 14u
7 8 Warrenville Cyclones
P12 2:00 PM Wynwood Fields - Field 1 DTA Wildcats 14U Navy
5 2 Illinois Premier West
P13 3:00 PM Glasshagel Park - Field 1 Oswego Cobras
14 10 Rawlings Tigers 14u - Burrafato
P14 4:00 PM Wynwood Fields - Field 1 DTA Wildcats 14U Navy
2 8 Bloomingdale Bulldogs
P15 5:00 PM Glasshagel Park - Field 1 DuPage Revolution
14 8 Antioch Sequoits 14u
Sunday, July 09, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B1 9:00 AM Glasshagel Park - Field 1 [5] Oswego Cobras
0 6 [4] Bloomingdale Bulldogs
B5 9:00 AM Wynwood Fields - Field 1 [10] Antioch Sequoits 14u
6 2 [9] Illinois Premier West
B2 11:00 AM Glasshagel Park - Field 1 [2] DuPage Revolution
4 5 [3] Warrenville Cyclones
B6 11:00 AM Wynwood Fields - Field 1 [8] Bartlett Silver Hawks 13U
7 3 [7] Rawlings Tigers 14u - Burrafato
B3 1:00 PM Glasshagel Park - Field 1 [1] Winfield Wolves 13U
3 8 Bloomingdale Bulldogs
B7 1:00 PM Wynwood Fields - Field 1 [6] DTA Wildcats 14U Navy
3 1 Antioch Sequoits 14u
B4 3:30 PM Glasshagel Park - Field 1 Bloomingdale Bulldogs
5 8 Warrenville Cyclones
B8 3:30 PM Wynwood Fields - Field 1 DTA Wildcats 14U Navy
7 10 Bartlett Silver Hawks 13U