
Tournament Note


Dave Betcher and ETA / LP4U is committed to providing every participant with a positive softball experience. The fabric of a sports event is held together by good sportsmanship and mutual respect of everyone involved. ETA / LP4U believes that every participant deserves to be treated with respect. We institute this policy recognizing most of our Coaches, Players, Spectators and Umpires behave in a sportsmanlike manner. They model sporting behavior and do this within the boundaries of good judgment. We are also not naive enough to realize that unsportsmanlike behavior has increased and feel the need to address those behaviors within this policy.

ETA / LP4U wants to communicate our clear expectations for the behavior of our Coaches, Players, Spectators, and Umpires. The guidelines that we are addressing are common sense and reasonable measures for everyone’s behavior.

I. Coaches
A. Coaches are allowed to ask location of pitches and appeal if they feel the batter swung at a pitch. Coaches are not allowed to argue or make unsporting comments on a ball / strike call.
B. Coaches are allowed to ask Umpires to confer with a partner and if the Umpires feel they need more information, they will confer together as a crew. Coaches may calmly ask the Umpire what elements of the play dictated the call that was made. Coaches cannot yell at or berate an Umpire in an unsporting manner if they do not agree with their judgment. Once the Umpire gives their judgment, no further arguing will be allowed.
C. Coaches are allowed to ask for rule interpretations during the game. Coaches are not allowed to verbally address an Umpire in an abusive or profane manner and cannot incite the spectators to poor behavior. They can never make contact with an Umpire.
D. Unsporting behavior at its simplest is defined as any deliberate action that makes an Umpire feel physically threatened, verbally intimidated or emotionally humiliated. Disrespectfully objecting to calls, yelling at, constantly disagreeing with an Umpire or by any action can be deemed unsportsmanlike. Coaches and Managers should always show decorum, respect and observe all game rules whenever questioning an Umpire about a call.

The consequence for violating any of these guidelines will be clearly communicated by the Umpire. If behavior indicates a more severe penalty the consequences can be escalated.

1st Violation - Verbal warning to the Coach and written on lineup card
2nd Violation (by any coach) - The Coach in violation will be restricted to the dugout the remainder of the Game.
3rd Violation (by any coach) - The Coach in violation will be ejected from the Game. “A coach who is ejected shall leave the vicinity (out of sight and out of sound) of the playing area immediately and is prohibited from any further contact (direct or indirect) with the team during the remainder of the game.” NFHS Rule 3.6.20 An ejected Coach will not participate in the next scheduled Game and will abide by NFHS Rule 3.6.20 referenced.
We hope the consequences serve as a reminder. We realize Coaches become intense and sometimes exhibit poor behavior and this behavior is not representative of their normal behavior. These behaviors are expected as part of the Game, but repeated offenses will result in these consequences:

1st Incident – 1 game suspension for the Coach regardless of coaching history, coaching experience or program involvement. This suspension will be in addition to any suspension due to an ejection from the Game.
2nd Incident (within the same season) – 3 Game suspension.
3rd Incident (within the same season) – TBA by Dave Betcher

II. Players

Umpires want to be able to proactively address player behavior with a Coach, ensuring we do not need to activate the consequences. In most cases this is enough to change the behavior. However, the same consequences will apply to individual players as do coaching staffs. If a player is ejected – “A player who is restricted or ejected shall remain in the dugout/bench area.” NFHS Rule 3.6.20. An ejected Player will not participate in the next scheduled Game and will abide by NFHS Rule 3.6.20 referenced.

III. Spectators

This is a part of our game that has become an increasing problem and has risen to levels that warrant our intense scrutiny. Because of this, when an Umpire feels the situation escalating, they will ask Coaches to remind their spectators of unsporting or threatening comments, disrespectful cheers, or any abuse toward opposing players and spectators will not be tolerated. The same will apply toward the Umpires.
We realize Coaches have many responsibilities, but know they also have a strong influence on their spectators. If the behavior continues, they will be removed from the venue the remainder of the day or tournament depending on the severity. Coaches will be asked to provide the names of any spectators suspected of these behaviors when requested.

Players and Spectators
1st incident - 2 game suspension
2nd incident – 4 game suspension
3rd incident – TBA by Dave Betcher

We sadly feel the need to strictly enforce this consequence without exception.

Any incident that involves physical abuse by bodily threat, shoving, bumping, or harming an umpire will result in the notification of law enforcement personnel.

Umpire performance:
NFHS Officials Code of Ethics: Officials shall uphold the honor and dignity of the profession in all interaction with athletes, coaches, colleagues and the public. Officials shall remain mindful that their conduct influences the respect that athletes, coaches and the public hold for the profession.
Dave Betcher Events/Let’s Play 4 U recognizes that Umpires possess unique personalities and that their performance may affect any game situation. Coaches are encouraged to contact Dave Betcher Event/Let’s Play 4 U Staff regarding Umpire performance as it relates to game management.

LP4U NonDI Showcase
October 8-9, 2022
Louisville Slugger Sports Complex
8400 Orange Prairie Rd., Peoria, IL 61615
2022 NFHS rules apply except for the following:
1. A Coin toss will be conducted at Home Plate to determine the Home/Visitor team.
2. Pool Games will be 80 minutes finish the inning (if necessary) or 7 innings, whichever occurs first. The Game begins at the conclusion of the Pre-Game Conference. A Pool Game may end sooner than 80 minutes, or 7 innings, if the Run Ahead Rule is invoked (10 after 4, 8 after 5, 6 after 6). A Pool game may end in a Tie.
3. The Final Score will be verified by both Umpires and both Head Coaches before they leave the Field of Play. Each Coach will initial the Umpire’s Game Card.
4. Teams may bat 9 players, any number of players, or utilize a continuous batting order.
5. Free defensive substitutions are allowed.
6. Courtesy runner for the Pitcher or Catcher will the last batter due up if using a continuous batting order, or eligible substitute if batting less than entire roster.
7. Pitching Rules. The PGF “PITCHING RULE CHANGE” will be in effect as listed at “The stride foot may be on or behind the plate as far back as desired. Once the Pitcher initially sets the toe of her stride foot, she may NOT step, drag or slide it back any farther.” OBVIOUS infractions of the Pitching Rule will be called as Illegal Pitches and the Penalty enforced.
8. Jewelry is permitted unless deemed dangerous by the umpires, in which case it shall be removed.
9. The bat shall bear either the 2000, 2004 or the USA Softball All Games certification mark.
10. These games are NON Protest games. Umpires’ decision on the field is final.

12. Seeding: Pool play results determine seeding into the single elimination Bracket. Teams will receive 2 points for a win, one point for a tie and no points for a loss. If Pool play results in a tie, Pool standing will be determined by: a) head to head results between tied teams. When two or more teams tie, head to head will be used only if one team has beaten all other tied teams or one team has lost to all other tied teams: b) run differential: c) fewest runs allowed in all Pool games: d) a coin flip. When more than two teams tie, after a team is selected during any step, the tie breaker reverts back to step a) to select the next team.

LP4U NonDI Showcase
October 8-9, 2022
Louisville Slugger Sports Complex
8400 Orange Prairie Rd., Peoria, IL 61615
2022 NFHS rules apply except for the following:
1. A Coin toss will be conducted at Home Plate to determine the Home/Visitor team.
2. Bracket Games will be 90 minutes finish the inning (if necessary) or 7 innings, whichever occurs first. The Game begins at the conclusion of the Pre-Game Conference. A Bracket Game may end sooner than 90 minutes, or 7 innings, if the Run Ahead Rule is invoked (10 after 4, 8 after 5, 6 after 6). N.B. Championship Games will have no time limit.
3. The International tie Breaker will be utilized if the score is tied when the conditions of Rule 2 are satisfied. The runner placed at 2nd Base will be the last player to have completed her turn at bat in the previous inning.
4. The Final Score will be verified by both Umpires and both Head Coaches before they leave the Field of Play. Each Coach will initial the Umpire’s Game Card.
5. Teams may list 9 starting Players or 10 starting Players if utilizing the DP/Flex option on the Lineup Card, but may only bat 9 Players.
6. Courtesy runner for the Pitcher or Catcher will be an eligible substitute.
7. Pitching Rules. The PGF “PITCHING RULE CHANGE” will be in effect as listed at “The stride foot may be on or behind the plate as far back as desired. Once the Pitcher initially sets the toe of her stride foot, she may NOT step, drag or slide it back any farther.” OBVIOUS infractions of the Pitching Rule will be called as Illegal Pitches and the Penalty enforced.
8. Jewelry is permitted unless deemed dangerous by the umpires, in which case it shall be removed.
9. The bat shall bear either the 2000, 2004 or the USA Softball All Games certification mark.
10. These games are NON Protest games. Umpires’ decision on the field is final.


1. Any fair batted fly ball (infield or outfield) which touches the roof will be a Dead Ball, No Strike

2. Any foul batted fly ball which touches the roof will be a Foul Ball, Strike

3. Any fair batted fly ball which, in the judgement of the umpire(s), touches the outfield roof and would have cleared the Home Run fence had it not touched the roof,
will be a Home Run.



2022 LP4U NonD1 Showcase Peoria 14-16-18

Oct 8 - 9, 2022
East Peoria, IL • Peoria, IL
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Pool Standings


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Saturday, October 08, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 10:30 AM LSSC - Field 2 Texas Glory Il 06
0 20 Peoria Sluggers 16u Gold
P2 10:30 AM LSSC - Field 3 Wheaton Wildcats 16u Chaney
7 2 Chicago Ravens
P5 10:30 AM LSSC - STD1 Illinois Hawks 16u- Pehlke
0 6 Velocity 16U Midwest
P6 10:30 AM LSSC - STD2 Quad City Firebirds 06 Griffith
1 9 Wasco Diamonds 16UJS
P7 10:30 AM LSSC - Field 4 Texas Glory 07-IL
0 14 CTW 15U Clancy
P27 10:30 AM LSSC - Field 1 Illinois Sluggers 16u-CC
9 3 Midwest USSSA Pride - Hedges
P3 12:05 PM LSSC - Field 4 Illinois Select Fastpitch CC
2 15 BNGSA Angels 07
P4 12:05 PM LSSC - Field 3 Rhino Softball-Holba
11 5 Wasco Diamonds 16UHA
P14 12:05 PM LSSC - STD1 Illinois Hawks 16u- Pehlke
1 11 Wasco Diamonds 16UJS
P15 12:05 PM LSSC - Field 1 CTW 15U Clancy
9 6 Wasco Diamonds 16UMM
P16 12:05 PM LSSC - Field 2 Texas Glory 07-IL
10 7 SOX Fastpitch 16u Baker
P9 1:40 PM LSSC - Dome 1 Midwest USSSA Pride - Hedges
4 1 Texas Glory Il 06
P10 1:40 PM LSSC - Field 2 Peoria Sluggers 16u Gold
18 2 Chicago Ravens
P11 1:40 PM LSSC - Field 4 Illinois Sluggers 16u-CC
10 5 Illinois Select Fastpitch CC
P24 1:40 PM LSSC - Field 3 Texas Glory 07-IL
3 8 Wasco Diamonds 16UMM
P13 3:15 PM LSSC - Field 3 Velocity 16U Midwest
6 4 Quad City Firebirds 06 Griffith
P17 3:15 PM LSSC - Dome 1 Wheaton Wildcats 16u Chaney
15 3 Midwest USSSA Pride - Hedges
P18 3:15 PM LSSC - Field 2 Chicago Ravens
4 12 Texas Glory Il 06
P19 3:15 PM LSSC - Field 4 Rhino Softball-Holba
6 5 Illinois Sluggers 16u-CC
P8 4:50 PM LSSC - Field 5 Wasco Diamonds 16UMM
9 4 SOX Fastpitch 16u Baker
P12 4:50 PM LSSC - Field 3 BNGSA Angels 07
8 7 Wasco Diamonds 16UHA
P22 4:50 PM LSSC - Field 2 Illinois Hawks 16u- Pehlke
14 8 Quad City Firebirds 06 Griffith
P25 4:50 PM LSSC - Dome 1 Wheaton Wildcats 16u Chaney
9 9 Peoria Sluggers 16u Gold
P20 6:25 PM LSSC - Field 4 Wasco Diamonds 16UHA
11 1 Illinois Select Fastpitch CC
P21 6:25 PM LSSC - Field 8 Wasco Diamonds 16UJS
3 4 Velocity 16U Midwest
P23 6:25 PM LSSC - Field 5 SOX Fastpitch 16u Baker
10 2 CTW 15U Clancy
P26 6:25 PM LSSC - Dome 1 Rhino Softball-Holba
4 9 BNGSA Angels 07
Sunday, October 09, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B1 8:15 AM LSSC - Field 7 [2] Wasco Diamonds 16UJS
10 4 [3] Texas Glory 07-IL
B2 8:15 AM LSSC - Field 8 [2] Wasco Diamonds 16UMM
5 4 [3] Illinois Hawks 16u- Pehlke
B3 8:30 AM LSSC - Field 1 [2] Wheaton Wildcats 16u Chaney
9 17 [3] Illinois Sluggers 16u-CC
B4 8:30 AM LSSC - Field 2 [3] Midwest USSSA Pride - Hedges
0 19 [2] Rhino Softball-Holba
B5 10:00 AM LSSC - Field 7 [1] Peoria Sluggers 16u Gold
11 1 Wasco Diamonds 16UJS
B6 10:00 AM LSSC - Field 8 [1] BNGSA Angels 07
5 8 Wasco Diamonds 16UMM
B7 10:15 AM LSSC - Field 1 [1] Velocity 16U Midwest
5 9 Illinois Sluggers 16u-CC
B8 10:15 AM LSSC - Field 2 [1] CTW 15U Clancy
0 1 Rhino Softball-Holba
B13 11:45 AM LSSC - Field 4 [4] SOX Fastpitch 16u Baker
8 0 [5] Chicago Ravens
B9 12:00 PM LSSC - Field 1 Peoria Sluggers 16u Gold
2 3 Wasco Diamonds 16UMM
B10 12:00 PM LSSC - Field 2 Illinois Sluggers 16u-CC
11 1 Rhino Softball-Holba
B12 12:00 PM LSSC - Field 3 [4] Quad City Firebirds 06 Griffith
0 9 [5] Illinois Select Fastpitch CC
B11 1:30 PM LSSC - Field 1 Wasco Diamonds 16UMM
3 2 Illinois Sluggers 16u-CC
B14 1:30 PM LSSC - Field 3 Illinois Select Fastpitch CC
6 10 [4] Texas Glory Il 06
B15 1:30 PM LSSC - Field 4 SOX Fastpitch 16u Baker
1 3 [4] Wasco Diamonds 16UHA
B16 3:15 PM LSSC - Field 4 Texas Glory Il 06
1 9 Wasco Diamonds 16UHA


16 Under Red Championship Bracket
16 Under White Championship
Wasco Diamonds 16UMM
Wasco Diamonds 16UHA
[1] Velocity 16U Midwest - 5
B7 - Sun 10/9 10:15AM LSSC - Field 1
Illinois Sluggers 16u-CC - 9
Wasco Diamonds 16UMM - 3
B11 - Sun 10/9 1:30PM LSSC - Field 1
Illinois Sluggers 16u-CC - 2
[2] Wheaton Wildcats 16u Chaney - 9
B3 - Sun 10/9 8:30AM LSSC - Field 1
[3] Illinois Sluggers 16u-CC - 17
Peoria Sluggers 16u Gold - 2
B9 - Sun 10/9 12:00PM LSSC - Field 1
Wasco Diamonds 16UMM - 3
[1] CTW 15U Clancy - 0
B8 - Sun 10/9 10:15AM LSSC - Field 2
Rhino Softball-Holba - 1
Illinois Sluggers 16u-CC - 11
B10 - Sun 10/9 12:00PM LSSC - Field 2
Rhino Softball-Holba - 1
[3] Midwest USSSA Pride - Hedges - 0
B4 - Sun 10/9 8:30AM LSSC - Field 2
[2] Rhino Softball-Holba - 19
[4] Quad City Firebirds 06 Griffith - 0
B12 - Sun 10/9 12:00PM LSSC - Field 3
[5] Illinois Select Fastpitch CC - 9
Illinois Select Fastpitch CC - 6
B14 - Sun 10/9 1:30PM LSSC - Field 3
[4] Texas Glory Il 06 - 10
[4] SOX Fastpitch 16u Baker - 8
B13 - Sun 10/9 11:45AM LSSC - Field 4
[5] Chicago Ravens - 0
SOX Fastpitch 16u Baker - 1
B15 - Sun 10/9 1:30PM LSSC - Field 4
[4] Wasco Diamonds 16UHA - 3
Texas Glory Il 06 - 1
B16 - Sun 10/9 3:15PM LSSC - Field 4
Wasco Diamonds 16UHA - 9
[1] Peoria Sluggers 16u Gold - 11
B5 - Sun 10/9 10:00AM LSSC - Field 7
Wasco Diamonds 16UJS - 1
[2] Wasco Diamonds 16UJS - 10
B1 - Sun 10/9 8:15AM LSSC - Field 7
[3] Texas Glory 07-IL - 4
[1] BNGSA Angels 07 - 5
B6 - Sun 10/9 10:00AM LSSC - Field 8
Wasco Diamonds 16UMM - 8
[2] Wasco Diamonds 16UMM - 5
B2 - Sun 10/9 8:15AM LSSC - Field 8
[3] Illinois Hawks 16u- Pehlke - 4