

Victory Fall Classic GIRLS 2022

Oct 30, 2022
Conshohocken, PA
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

2027 A
Team W L T
CLC 2027 Rise 2 1 0 9 24 15
Reign Elite 2027 2 1 0 6 26 20
Stu Funk 27/28 1 2 0 -7 21 28
315 Elite Lacrosse 1 2 0 -8 17 25
Team W L T
Venom 27/28 3 0 0 27 38 11
HEADstrong PA Girls 2027 1 1 1 -7 18 25
Dynamite 2027 1 2 0 -10 15 25
CLC 2027/2028 Force 0 2 1 -10 15 25
Team W L T
VA One 2027/28 3 0 0 30 38 8
Atlantic Shore 2 1 0 10 27 17
Central PA Fusion 27/28 1 2 0 -15 17 32
Gaffer Elite Lacrosse (2027/2028/2029) 0 3 0 -25 8 33


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Sunday, October 30, 2022
Game Time Location Team 1 Score Team 2
P15 8:00 AM The Proving Grounds - Field 8 VA One 2027/28
10 4 Atlantic Shore
P16 8:00 AM The Proving Grounds - Field 7 Gaffer Elite Lacrosse (2027/2028/2029)
4 10 Central PA Fusion 27/28
P9 9:40 AM The Proving Grounds - Field 8 Atlantic Shore
11 4 Central PA Fusion 27/28
P10 9:40 AM The Proving Grounds - Field 7 Gaffer Elite Lacrosse (2027/2028/2029)
1 11 VA One 2027/28
P3 11:20 AM The Proving Grounds - Field 7 Gaffer Elite Lacrosse (2027/2028/2029)
3 12 Atlantic Shore
P4 11:20 AM The Proving Grounds - Field 8 Central PA Fusion 27/28
3 17 VA One 2027/28
P5 1:50 PM The Proving Grounds - Field 5 Reign Elite 2027
11 7 Stu Funk 27/28
P6 1:50 PM The Proving Grounds - Field 6 315 Elite Lacrosse
6 5 CLC 2027 Rise
P1 2:40 PM The Proving Grounds - Field 5 Venom 27/28
13 4 Dynamite 2027
P2 2:40 PM The Proving Grounds - Field 6 HEADstrong PA Girls 2027
7 7 CLC 2027/2028 Force
P11 3:30 PM The Proving Grounds - Field 5 Stu Funk 27/28
11 5 315 Elite Lacrosse
P12 3:30 PM The Proving Grounds - Field 6 Reign Elite 2027
6 7 CLC 2027 Rise
P7 4:20 PM The Proving Grounds - Field 6 Dynamite 2027
6 8 HEADstrong PA Girls 2027
P8 4:20 PM The Proving Grounds - Field 5 Venom 27/28
13 4 CLC 2027/2028 Force
P17 5:10 PM The Proving Grounds - Field 6 CLC 2027 Rise
12 3 Stu Funk 27/28
P18 5:10 PM The Proving Grounds - Field 5 Reign Elite 2027
9 6 315 Elite Lacrosse
P13 6:00 PM The Proving Grounds - Field 5 CLC 2027/2028 Force
4 5 Dynamite 2027
P14 6:00 PM The Proving Grounds - Field 6 Venom 27/28
12 3 HEADstrong PA Girls 2027


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