
Firecracker 14u

2023 PLATINUM Midwest Firecracker Exposure

Jun 29 - Jul 2, 2023
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Pool A
Team W L T
Ohio Outlaws Premier 08 Williams* 4 0 0 22 24 2
Finesse 14U Ross* 4 1 0 23 35 12
Wisconsin Lightning 2026* 3 2 0 -1 16 17
Indiana Bombers Gold 08 Baird* 1 3 0 -6 13 19
Indiana Magic Gold 09 Estes** 1 3 0 -19 9 28
Stateline Fury 14U - Moss* 0 4 0 -19 8 27
Pool B
Team W L T
Ohio Stingrays 08* 3 1 0 7 20 13
Ohio Outlaws 08 Parkhurst** 3 1 0 34 42 8
Cincy Doom 08 - Barnes* 2 1 1 4 26 22
CTW 14U JT* 2 2 0 8 21 13
Team Pennsylvania '08 - Lynn* 2 2 0 -6 18 24
Ohio Hawks 09 National- King** 2 2 0 -10 12 22
Batbusters Indiana-South Bend 08* 1 3 0 -3 17 20
Wisconsin Lightning 09 14U Plapp* 0 2 0 -30 0 30
Pool C
Team W L T
Ohio Outlaws 08 Vogan* 4 0 1 47 50 3
Midwest Speed 14u Nat'l Chell* 4 1 0 7 31 24
Indiana Magic Gold 09 - Zachary* 3 2 0 5 20 15
Ohio Hawks '26/'27 - Lightner** 2 3 0 -28 10 38
OG Fastpitch 2027* 1 4 0 -21 15 36
Indiana Primetime 08* 0 4 1 -10 11 21
Pool D
Team W L T
OHIO THUNDERBOLTS 2027* 4 1 0 4 20 16
Ohio Hawks Ford 14u* 3 2 0 12 26 14
Storm Select Softball 14U* 3 2 0 8 34 26
Ohio Lasers Red '08* 3 2 0 8 29 21
Indiana Shockwaves Duell 08* 1 4 0 -19 20 39
231 Fusion 14U- Steimel** 1 4 0 -13 22 35
Pool E
Team W L T
Velocity 14U - National* 5 0 0 44 53 9
Ohio Storm 08-Pentz* 3 2 0 17 29 12
Indy Dreams 08* 3 2 0 -9 17 26
Genuwin Reign 14U TM* 3 2 0 -13 16 29
14U Silver Hawks Dennison-Nielsen* 1 4 0 -24 9 33
14U Mystique Silver* 0 5 0 -15 15 30
Pool F
Team W L T
Indiana Dreams 09 Humphries** 4 1 0 19 27 8
Mojo 2k9 13U- Fox* 3 1 1 10 25 15
Illinois Hawks 14u Morgan* 3 1 1 26 41 15
Chicago Wildcats 14u KB* 1 4 0 -22 6 28
13U Silver Hawks Dennison-Kweder* 0 4 1 -8 9 17
JBA CLUTCH 13/14u* 0 0 0 0 0 0


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Thursday, June 29, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 12:30 PM GRPA - D17 Stateline Fury 14U - Moss*
1 14 Ohio Outlaws Premier 08 Williams*
P2 12:30 PM GRPA - D18 Indiana Bombers Gold 08 Baird*
0 7 Finesse 14U Ross*
P3 12:30 PM GRPA - D19 Wisconsin Lightning 2026*
3 2 Indiana Magic Gold 09 Estes*
P4 12:30 PM GRPA - D20 Batbusters Indiana-South Bend 08*
3 4 CTW 14U JT*
P5 12:30 PM GRPA - D21 Ohio Outlaws 08 Parkhurst*
23 0 Wisconsin Lightning 09 14U Plapp*
P6 12:30 PM GRPA - D22 Ohio Hawks 09 National- King*
2 4 Cincy Doom 08 - Barnes*
P7 12:30 PM GRPA - D23 Ohio Stingrays 08*
4 3 Team Pennsylvania '08 - Lynn*
P8 12:30 PM GRPA - D24 OG Fastpitch 2027*
2 3 Ohio Hawks '26/'27 - Lightner*
P9 2:00 PM GRPA - D09 Midwest Speed 14u Nat'l Chell*
7 5 Indiana Magic Gold 09 - Zachary*
P10 2:00 PM GRPA - D10 Indiana Primetime 08*
0 0 Ohio Outlaws 08 Vogan*
P11 2:00 PM GRPA - D11 Ohio Hawks Ford 14u*
5 6 Ohio Lasers Red '08*
P12 2:00 PM GRPA - D12 Storm Select Softball 14U*
P13 2:00 PM GRPA - D13 Indiana Shockwaves Duell 08*
5 4 231 Fusion 14U- Steimel*
P14 2:00 PM GRPA - D14 Genuwin Reign 14U TM*
7 6 14U Mystique Silver*
P15 2:00 PM GRPA - D15 Ohio Storm 08-Pentz*
8 0 14U Silver Hawks Dennison-Nielsen*
P16 2:00 PM GRPA - D16 Velocity 14U - National*
16 1 Indy Dreams 08*
P17 2:00 PM GRPA - D17 Illinois Hawks 14u Morgan*
27 0 Ohio Hawks '26/'27 - Lightner**
P18 2:00 PM GRPA - D18 Indiana Dreams 09 Humphries*
7 4 Mojo 2k9 13U- Fox*
P19 2:00 PM GRPA - D19 13U Silver Hawks Dennison-Kweder*
0 3 Chicago Wildcats 14u KB*
Friday, June 30, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P20 8:00 AM GRPA - D10 Ohio Outlaws Premier 08 Williams*
3 0 Indiana Bombers Gold 08 Baird*
P21 8:00 AM GRPA - D11 Stateline Fury 14U - Moss*
1 2 Wisconsin Lightning 2026*
P22 8:00 AM GRPA - D12 Finesse 14U Ross*
14 0 Indiana Magic Gold 09 Estes*
P23 8:00 AM GRPA - D13 CTW 14U JT*
3 8 Ohio Outlaws 08 Parkhurst*
P24 8:00 AM GRPA - D14 Batbusters Indiana-South Bend 08*
2 3 Ohio Hawks 09 National- King*
P25 8:00 AM GRPA - D15 Wisconsin Lightning 09 14U Plapp*
0 7 Ohio Stingrays 08*
P26 8:00 AM GRPA - D16 Cincy Doom 08 - Barnes*
7 11 Team Pennsylvania '08 - Lynn*
P27 8:00 AM GRPA - D17 Ohio Hawks '26/'27 - Lightner*
3 11 Midwest Speed 14u Nat'l Chell*
P28 8:00 AM GRPA - D18 OG Fastpitch 2027*
9 6 Indiana Primetime 08*
P29 8:00 AM GRPA - D19 Indiana Magic Gold 09 - Zachary*
2 3 Ohio Outlaws 08 Vogan*
P30 8:00 AM GRPA - D20 Ohio Lasers Red '08*
2 7 Storm Select Softball 14U*
P31 8:00 AM GRPA - D21 Ohio Hawks Ford 14u*
6 1 Indiana Shockwaves Duell 08*
8 5 231 Fusion 14U- Steimel*
P33 8:00 AM GRPA - D23 14U Mystique Silver*
3 7 Ohio Storm 08-Pentz*
P34 8:00 AM GRPA - D24 Genuwin Reign 14U TM*
0 10 Velocity 14U - National*
P35 9:30 AM GRPA - D09 14U Silver Hawks Dennison-Nielsen*
1 6 Indy Dreams 08*
P36 9:30 AM GRPA - D10 Indiana Magic Gold 09 Estes**
0 4 Indiana Dreams 09 Humphries*
P37 9:30 AM GRPA - D11 Illinois Hawks 14u Morgan*
2 2 13U Silver Hawks Dennison-Kweder*
P38 9:30 AM GRPA - D12 Mojo 2k9 13U- Fox*
4 2 Chicago Wildcats 14u KB*
P39 3:30 PM GRPA - D09 Wisconsin Lightning 2026*
0 4 Ohio Outlaws Premier 08 Williams*
P40 3:30 PM GRPA - D10 Indiana Magic Gold 09 Estes*
3 9 Indiana Bombers Gold 08 Baird*
P41 3:30 PM GRPA - D11 Finesse 14U Ross*
7 4 Stateline Fury 14U - Moss*
P42 3:30 PM GRPA - D12 Ohio Hawks 09 National- King*
0 13 CTW 14U JT*
P43 3:30 PM GRPA - D13 Ohio Stingrays 08*
5 0 Ohio Outlaws 08 Parkhurst*
P44 3:30 PM GRPA - D14 Team Pennsylvania '08 - Lynn*
2 12 Batbusters Indiana-South Bend 08*
P45 3:30 PM GRPA - D15 Cincy Doom 08 - Barnes*
5 5 Indiana Dreams 09 Humphries**
P46 3:30 PM GRPA - D16 Indiana Primetime 08*
1 2 Ohio Hawks '26/'27 - Lightner*
P47 3:30 PM GRPA - D17 Ohio Outlaws 08 Vogan*
11 1 Midwest Speed 14u Nat'l Chell*
P48 3:30 PM GRPA - D18 Indiana Magic Gold 09 - Zachary*
3 2 OG Fastpitch 2027*
P49 3:30 PM GRPA - D19 Indiana Shockwaves Duell 08*
1 11 Ohio Lasers Red '08*
P50 3:30 PM GRPA - D20 231 Fusion 14U- Steimel*
6 11 Storm Select Softball 14U*
2 1 Ohio Hawks Ford 14u*
P52 3:30 PM GRPA - D22 Velocity 14U - National*
9 3 14U Mystique Silver*
P53 3:30 PM GRPA - D23 Indy Dreams 08*
4 3 Ohio Storm 08-Pentz*
P54 3:30 PM GRPA - D24 14U Silver Hawks Dennison-Nielsen*
2 4 Genuwin Reign 14U TM*
P55 5:00 PM GRPA - D09 13U Silver Hawks Dennison-Kweder*
4 6 Ohio Outlaws 08 Parkhurst**
P56 5:00 PM GRPA - D10 Chicago Wildcats 14u KB*
1 12 Indiana Dreams 09 Humphries*
P57 5:00 PM GRPA - D11 Mojo 2k9 13U- Fox*
11 1 Illinois Hawks 14u Morgan*
Saturday, July 01, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P65 12:30 PM GRPA - D09 Ohio Hawks '26/'27 - Lightner*
0 20 Ohio Outlaws 08 Vogan*
P66 12:30 PM GRPA - D10 Indiana Primetime 08*
1 6 Indiana Magic Gold 09 - Zachary*
P67 12:30 PM GRPA - D11 Midwest Speed 14u Nat'l Chell*
8 2 OG Fastpitch 2027*
P68 12:30 PM GRPA - D12 Ohio Lasers Red '08*
4 6 231 Fusion 14U- Steimel*
P69 12:30 PM GRPA - D13 Indiana Shockwaves Duell 08*
P70 12:30 PM GRPA - D14 Storm Select Softball 14U*
4 7 Ohio Hawks Ford 14u*
P71 12:30 PM GRPA - D15 14U Mystique Silver*
1 2 Indy Dreams 08*
P72 12:30 PM GRPA - D16 Velocity 14U - National*
13 1 14U Silver Hawks Dennison-Nielsen*
P73 12:30 PM GRPA - D17 Ohio Storm 08-Pentz*
7 0 Genuwin Reign 14U TM*
P74 12:30 PM GRPA - D18 Ohio Hawks 09 National- King**
4 0 Chicago Wildcats 14u KB*
P75 12:30 PM GRPA - D19 13U Silver Hawks Dennison-Kweder*
3 4 Mojo 2k9 13U- Fox*
P76 12:30 PM GRPA - D20 Indiana Dreams 09 Humphries*
2 3 Illinois Hawks 14u Morgan*
P77 5:30 PM GRPA - D16 Finesse 14U Ross*
1 3 Ohio Outlaws Premier 08 Williams*
P78 5:30 PM GRPA - D17 Stateline Fury 14U - Moss*
2 4 Indiana Magic Gold 09 Estes*
P79 5:30 PM GRPA - D18 Indiana Bombers Gold 08 Baird*
4 6 Wisconsin Lightning 2026*
P80 5:30 PM GRPA - D19 Team Pennsylvania '08 - Lynn*
2 1 CTW 14U JT*
P81 5:30 PM GRPA - D20 Cincy Doom 08 - Barnes*
10 4 Ohio Stingrays 08*
P82 5:30 PM GRPA - D13 231 Fusion 14U- Steimel**
3 7 Ohio Hawks 09 National- King*
P83 5:30 PM GRPA - D22 Batbusters Indiana-South Bend 08*
0 11 Ohio Outlaws 08 Parkhurst*
P84 6:45 PM GRPA - D09 Indiana Magic Gold 09 - Zachary*
4 2 Ohio Hawks '26/'27 - Lightner*
P85 6:45 PM GRPA - D10 OG Fastpitch 2027*
0 16 Ohio Outlaws 08 Vogan*
P86 6:45 PM GRPA - D11 Midwest Speed 14u Nat'l Chell*
4 3 Indiana Primetime 08*
2 6 Ohio Lasers Red '08*
P88 6:45 PM GRPA - D13 Ohio Hawks Ford 14u*
7 1 231 Fusion 14U- Steimel*
P89 6:45 PM GRPA - D14 Storm Select Softball 14U*
12 9 Indiana Shockwaves Duell 08*
P90 6:45 PM GRPA - D15 14U Silver Hawks Dennison-Nielsen*
5 2 14U Mystique Silver*
P91 6:45 PM GRPA - D16 Genuwin Reign 14U TM*
5 4 Indy Dreams 08*
P92 6:45 PM GRPA - D17 Ohio Storm 08-Pentz*
4 5 Velocity 14U - National*
P93 6:45 PM GRPA - D18 Mojo 2k9 13U- Fox*
2 2 Ohio Outlaws 08 Parkhurst**
P94 6:45 PM GRPA - D19 Illinois Hawks 14u Morgan*
8 0 Chicago Wildcats 14u KB*
P95 6:45 PM GRPA - D20 Indiana Dreams 09 Humphries*
2 0 13U Silver Hawks Dennison-Kweder*
P59 8:00 PM GRPA - D14 Wisconsin Lightning 2026*
5 6 Finesse 14U Ross*
Sunday, July 02, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P62 11:00 AM GRPA - D26 Ohio Hawks 09 National- King*
Team Pennsylvania '08 - Lynn*
P60 12:30 PM GRPA - D26 Indiana Bombers Gold 08 Baird*
Stateline Fury 14U - Moss*
P63 12:30 PM GRPA - D22 Ohio Outlaws 08 Parkhurst*
Cincy Doom 08 - Barnes*
P64 12:30 PM GRPA - D23 Batbusters Indiana-South Bend 08*
Wisconsin Lightning 09 14U Plapp*
P96 12:30 PM GRPA - D14 Ohio Lasers Red '08*
Ohio Hawks 09 National- King*


No Bracket Games for this Division