
Tournament Note

Dear Pella League Families:

We are excited that your team has chosen to play in the BEST YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE IN TOWN! We very much appreciate your continued support, and we are GLAD YOU ARE HERE! The following information will be helpful to you as we approach our opening weekend of the Winter Pella League 2023!

COACH PASSES – ALL COACH PASSES are at UBT Sports Complex (NORTH BUILDING), and can be picked up on Friday from 5:30pm - 9:30pm, Saturday from 7:30am - 9:30pm and on Sunday from 7:30am - 9pm. Coaches must sign in to receive their coach pass. Only ONE PASS per coach; two coaches max per team. Each coach must sign in and pick up their own pass. Coach passes will be available at UBT NORTH for the first three weekends only.

SCOREKEEPER PASSES - Each team must provide one scorekeeper to keep book or clock for each game, and this scorekeeper must be at least 16 years old. Upon check in, The HEAD COACH or ASSISTANT COACH will be given ONE SCOREKEEPER PASS to give to a parent on their team. This pass can be given to one parent or can be passed around, but once the 8 punches are gone, they are gone. Lost passes will not be replaced.

ADMISSIONS - Admissions fees will be charged for each adult, 18 and older. We will be selling SEASON PASSES the first two weekends. They are $30 and include 8 daily entries (Savings of $10 over the season) and a FREE POPCORN AT UBT NORTH. DAILY admission fees are $5/adult, and $3 for seniors (65+). Kids 17 and under may attend league games for FREE.

ALL SPECTATORS AND SCOREKEEPERS WHO ENTER OUR FACILITIES MUST GET A HAND STAMP, whether paying daily or using a season pass. Very often we have teams with more than one game per day at different venues. Everyone who pays or shows a Season or Scorekeeper Pass is stamped and those who are not stamped will NOT be allowed into any OSA facility without paying. This is our policy, and we need all participants to comply.

RULES - League Rules can be found within your online schedule in the DOCUMENTS section (desktop) or through the MORE button on your mobile device. Please be sure to share these with your coaches and parents. I have pasted the link below for your convenience:

HOME TEAM - Home team is listed first on the schedule and should wear light colored jerseys.

OSA FACILITY FOOD/DRINK/AND BALL POLICY - Absolutely no food or drink may be brought into OSA Facilities. ONLY COACHES are allowed to bring basketballs into our facilities. Home team coach supplies the game ball.

PARKING -Please do not park in areas that are not designated for UBT parking. We also ask that everyone exits from the west parking lot exit and turns left (westbound) onto Skyline Drive. To help keep traffic flowing and to avoid entrances/exits from getting bottlenecked, we ask that you follow the arrows on the parking map when entering and exiting the parking lot areas. The PARKING MAP can be found within your online schedules in the DOCUMENTS section (desktop) or through the MORE button on your mobile device. I have pasted the link below for your convenience:

WEATHER CLOSINGS - In the event of inclement weather, check our website at two hours prior to your game time for the status of your game. OSA will also send out notifications to all coaches through Tourney Machine. We understand that there are teams that travel from a distance to OSA, and in the event of inclement weather in surrounding areas, we reserve the right to cancel/reschedule those games as needed.

OSA ZERO TOLERANCE POLICY – OSA has the right to remove any participant who does not comply with OSA policies and procedures or who is seen as a threat to the safety and integrity of our league. Any abusive language or behavior toward any OSA staff, officials, or other spectators will not be tolerated. This includes all participants, whether spectator, player, or coach. Please be sure to review the OSA coach/player ejection policy and the DECORUM section of the league rules with your families. For your convenience, both are posted below:

COACH AND PLAYER Technical Fouls:
• COACH - Two technical fouls on a coach - ejection from current game and removal from all OSA facilities for the remainder of the weekend. This applies to all teams coached. Second ejection will result in coach suspension from the league for all teams until a meeting with OSA Management occurs. Third ejection will result in complete dismissal from all 2023 OSA Leagues.

• PLAYER - Two technical fouls on a player - ejection from current game and removal from all OSA facilities for the remainder of the weekend. This applies to all team rosters. Second ejection will result in player suspension from the league for all teams until a meeting with OSA Management occurs with parents and coach. Third ejection will result in complete dismissal from all 2023 OSA Leagues.

SPECTATOR EJECTIONS - Fans who cross the line and verbally abuse or berate the officials will be removed from OSA and OSA Facilities. If a spectator is removed from an OSA facility, they will not be allowed to return to the facility for the remainder of the weekend AND THE FOLLOWING WEEKEND. Repeat offenders will be banned permanently from OSA facilities.

As always, we know you have choices on where your teams play, and we are very appreciative of your continued support of OSA! We pride ourselves on providing the best competition levels for your teams, the best facilities in town, and the best staff to help meet your needs to create a positive gameday experience for all! This season will be no exception!

Thank you!
Rachel Blum
OSA Director of Business Operations

3rd Boys Bronze B

OSA PELLA Youth Basketball League - WINTER 2023

Jan 6 - Feb 28, 2023
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Team W L
Jr. Trojans 3rd Red 6 1 58 174 106
Elkhorn Attack Jayhawks 3rd (Nedrow) 6 1 34 181 143
Oakdale Lighting Tigers 4 3 -11 130 141
Beast Purple 3 4 -18 131 156
Elkhorn Attack Wolves 3rd (Myers) 1 6 -19 128 147
Jr. Cougars 1 6 -44 122 173


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Saturday, January 07, 2023
Game Time Location HOME Score AWAY
P3 8:30 AM UBTSC NORTH - Court 1 Jr. Cougars
18 24 Elkhorn Attack Wolves 3rd (Myers)
P5 10:30 AM UBTSC NORTH - Court 1 Oakdale Lighting Tigers
17 16 Jr. Cougars
P1 1:00 PM UBTSC NORTH - Court 2 Beast Purple
17 23 Jr. Trojans 3rd Red
P16 3:00 PM UBTSC NORTH - Court 5 Jr. Trojans 3rd Red
29 7 Beast Purple
Saturday, January 14, 2023
Game Time Location HOME Score AWAY
P9 10:30 AM UBTSC NORTH - Court 3 Elkhorn Attack Wolves 3rd (Myers)
15 19 Oakdale Lighting Tigers
P2 12:30 PM UBTSC NORTH - Court 3 Elkhorn Attack Jayhawks 3rd (Nedrow)
25 12 Oakdale Lighting Tigers
P6 2:30 PM UBTSC NORTH - Court 3 Jr. Trojans 3rd Red
27 19 Elkhorn Attack Jayhawks 3rd (Nedrow)
Friday, January 20, 2023
Game Time Location HOME Score AWAY
P8 7:00 PM THE MARK - Court 1 Jr. Cougars
11 29 Jr. Trojans 3rd Red
Saturday, January 21, 2023
Game Time Location HOME Score AWAY
P19 5:00 PM UBTSC NORTH - Court 5 Beast Purple
16 11 Elkhorn Attack Wolves 3rd (Myers)
P10 7:00 PM UBTSC NORTH - Court 5 Oakdale Lighting Tigers
19 14 Beast Purple
Saturday, January 28, 2023
Game Time Location HOME Score AWAY
P13 5:00 PM THE MARK - Court 1 Beast Purple
30 25 Jr. Cougars
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Game Time Location HOME Score AWAY
P15 12:30 PM THE MARK - Court 2 Oakdale Lighting Tigers
12 22 Jr. Trojans 3rd Red
P11 3:00 PM THE MARK - Court 1 Jr. Trojans 3rd Red
25 20 Elkhorn Attack Wolves 3rd (Myers)
Saturday, February 04, 2023
Game Time Location HOME Score AWAY
P18 8:30 AM UBTSC NORTH - Court 3 Elkhorn Attack Wolves 3rd (Myers)
15 19 Jr. Cougars
P17 11:00 AM UBTSC NORTH - Court 5 Oakdale Lighting Tigers
28 32 Elkhorn Attack Jayhawks 3rd (Nedrow)
P7 1:00 PM UBTSC NORTH - Court 5 Beast Purple
21 26 Elkhorn Attack Jayhawks 3rd (Nedrow)
Saturday, February 11, 2023
Game Time Location HOME Score AWAY
P21 4:30 PM UBTSC NORTH - Court 1 Elkhorn Attack Jayhawks 3rd (Nedrow)
20 19 Jr. Trojans 3rd Red
P14 7:30 PM UBTSC NORTH - Court 3 Elkhorn Attack Wolves 3rd (Myers)
20 24 Elkhorn Attack Jayhawks 3rd (Nedrow)
Friday, February 17, 2023
Game Time Location HOME Score AWAY
P20 6:30 PM UBTSC NORTH - Court 1 Jr. Cougars
17 23 Oakdale Lighting Tigers
P12 8:30 PM UBTSC NORTH - Court 1 Elkhorn Attack Jayhawks 3rd (Nedrow)
35 16 Jr. Cougars
Saturday, February 18, 2023
Game Time Location HOME Score AWAY
P4 4:00 PM THE MARK - Court 3 Elkhorn Attack Wolves 3rd (Myers)
23 26 Beast Purple
Friday, February 24, 2023
Game Time Location HOME Score AWAY
B1 5:30 PM UBTSC NORTH - Court 5 [4] Beast Purple
16 22 [5] Elkhorn Attack Wolves 3rd (Myers)
B2 5:30 PM UBTSC NORTH - Court 6/6A [3] Oakdale Lighting Tigers
23 13 [6] Jr. Cougars
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Game Time Location HOME Score AWAY
B3 9:30 AM UBTSC NORTH - Court 1 Elkhorn Attack Wolves 3rd (Myers)
15 19 [1] Jr. Trojans 3rd Red
B4 9:30 AM UBTSC NORTH - Court 3 Oakdale Lighting Tigers
20 30 [2] Elkhorn Attack Jayhawks 3rd (Nedrow)
B5 11:30 AM UBTSC NORTH - Court 3 Jr. Trojans 3rd Red
23 25 Elkhorn Attack Jayhawks 3rd (Nedrow)


Elkhorn Attack Jayhawks 3rd (Nedrow)
Elkhorn Attack Wolves 3rd (Myers) - 15
B3 - Sat 2/25 9:30AM UBTSC NORTH - Court 1
[1] Jr. Trojans 3rd Red - 19
Oakdale Lighting Tigers - 20
B4 - Sat 2/25 9:30AM UBTSC NORTH - Court 3
[2] Elkhorn Attack Jayhawks 3rd (Nedrow) - 30
Jr. Trojans 3rd Red - 23
B5 - Sat 2/25 11:30AM UBTSC NORTH - Court 3
Elkhorn Attack Jayhawks 3rd (Nedrow) - 25
[3] Oakdale Lighting Tigers - 23
B2 - Fri 2/24 5:30PM UBTSC NORTH - Court 6/6A
[6] Jr. Cougars - 13
[4] Beast Purple - 16
B1 - Fri 2/24 5:30PM UBTSC NORTH - Court 5
[5] Elkhorn Attack Wolves 3rd (Myers) - 22