
Tournament Note

Tournament T-shirts and other tournament items can now be ordered online at:

Carol Stream Park District does not allow metal spikes to be used on McCaslin fields. Please wear plastic molded cleats or turf shoes.



May 19 - 21, 2023
Carol Stream, IL
SportsEngine Tourney

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Saturday, May 20, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P2 12:30 PM McCaslin Park - Field 2 Clarendon Hills Lady Devils
7 10 Melrose Park Devils
P5 12:30 PM McCaslin Park - Field 4 MSP Stars
8 14 Elk Grove Premier Heat
P4 2:00 PM McCaslin Park - Field 3 Woodstock Storm
10 5 Clarendon Hills Lady Devils
P6 2:00 PM McCaslin Park - Field 2 Melrose Park Devils
2 9 Athletes HQ
P3 3:30 PM McCaslin Park - Field 3 Elk Grove Premier Heat
1 12 Athletes HQ
P7 5:00 PM McCaslin Park - Field 3 Elk Grove Premier Heat
0 13 Woodstock Storm
P8 5:00 PM McCaslin Park - Field 2 Athletes HQ
14 2 Clarendon Hills Lady Devils
P9 5:00 PM McCaslin Park - Field 1 Melrose Park Devils
19 8 MSP Stars
P1 6:30 PM McCaslin Park - Field 2 MSP Stars
1 13 Woodstock Storm
Sunday, May 21, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B1 8:00 AM McCaslin Park - Field 1 [4] Elk Grove Premier Heat
1 14 [5] Clarendon Hills Lady Devils
B2 8:00 AM McCaslin Park - Field 2 [3] Melrose Park Devils
14 1 [6] MSP Stars
B3 9:30 AM McCaslin Park - Field 1 Clarendon Hills Lady Devils
1 12 [1] Athletes HQ
B4 9:30 AM McCaslin Park - Field 2 Melrose Park Devils
2 5 [2] Woodstock Storm
B5 12:30 PM McCaslin Park - Field 1 Athletes HQ
5 2 Woodstock Storm