

Point Fastpitch Summer Classic

Jul 14 - 16, 2023
Stevens Point, WI
SportsEngine Tourney

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Friday, July 14, 2023
Game Time Location Team 1 Score Team 2
B1 12:00 PM Mead Park Point Fastpitch 8u
5 8 Wausau 8U
B2 1:30 PM Mead Park Wisconsin Rapids Fastpitch
2 8 Mosinee Mayhem
B3 3:00 PM Mead Park Plover Nationals
3 11 Hallie Elite - Red
B4 5:00 PM Mead Park Fondy Fusion
3 0 Wausau 8U
B5 6:30 PM Mead Park Mosinee Mayhem
0 11 Hallie Elite - Red
Saturday, July 15, 2023
Game Time Location Team 1 Score Team 2
B6 9:30 AM Mead Park Point Fastpitch 8u
12 8 Wisconsin Rapids Fastpitch
B7 11:00 AM Mead Park Plover Nationals
9 1 Wausau 8U
B8 12:30 PM Mead Park Mosinee Mayhem
2 3 Wisconsin Rapids Fastpitch
B10 2:00 PM Mead Park Point Fastpitch 8u
3 2 Wausau 8U
B9 4:00 PM Mead Park Plover Nationals
5 2 Wisconsin Rapids Fastpitch
Sunday, July 16, 2023
Game Time Location Team 1 Score Team 2
B11 8:00 AM Zenoff - Field 2 Fondy Fusion
2 1 Hallie Elite - Red
B12 8:30 AM Zenoff - Field 2 Point Fastpitch 8u
5 9 Plover Nationals
B13 10:00 AM Zenoff - Field 2 Hallie Elite - Red
13 2 Plover Nationals
B14 11:30 AM Zenoff - Field 2 Fondy Fusion
0 5 Hallie Elite - Red


Loser Bracket
Hallie Elite - Red
Point Fastpitch 8u - 5
B12 - Sun 7/16 8:30AM Zenoff - Field 2
Plover Nationals - 9
Hallie Elite - Red - 13
B13 - Sun 7/16 10:00AM Zenoff - Field 2
Plover Nationals - 2
Fondy Fusion - 0
B14 - Sun 7/16 11:30AM Zenoff - Field 2
Hallie Elite - Red - 5
Fondy Fusion - 2
B11 - Sun 7/16 8:00AM Zenoff - Field 2
Hallie Elite - Red - 1
Plover Nationals - 3
B3 - Fri 7/14 3:00PM Mead Park
Hallie Elite - Red - 11
Point Fastpitch 8u - 3
B10 - Sat 7/15 2:00PM Mead Park
Wausau 8U - 2
Plover Nationals - 5
B9 - Sat 7/15 4:00PM Mead Park
Wisconsin Rapids Fastpitch - 2
Wisconsin Rapids Fastpitch - 2
B2 - Fri 7/14 1:30PM Mead Park
Mosinee Mayhem - 8
Point Fastpitch 8u - 12
B6 - Sat 7/15 9:30AM Mead Park
Wisconsin Rapids Fastpitch - 8
Fondy Fusion - 3
B4 - Fri 7/14 5:00PM Mead Park
Wausau 8U - 0
Mosinee Mayhem - 0
B5 - Fri 7/14 6:30PM Mead Park
Hallie Elite - Red - 11
Mosinee Mayhem - 2
B8 - Sat 7/15 12:30PM Mead Park
Wisconsin Rapids Fastpitch - 3
Plover Nationals - 9
B7 - Sat 7/15 11:00AM Mead Park
Wausau 8U - 1
Point Fastpitch 8u - 5
B1 - Fri 7/14 12:00PM Mead Park
Wausau 8U - 8