
Boys 6th Grade

2022 VBC Holiday Hoopfest

Dec 10, 2022
Stuarts Draft, VA
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Team W L
Cannon Prep 2029 (Stephens City, VA) 2 0 26
ERSC 2 0 21
VBC 1 1 2
Knights 0 2 -28
Valley Suns (Fishersville, VA) 0 2 -21


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Saturday, December 10, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P2 8:00 AM Stuarts Draft Schools - Stuarts Draft Middle School Knights
10 23 VBC
P3 8:00 AM Stuarts Draft Schools - Stuarts Draft High School - old gym ERSC
33 27 Valley Suns
P1 10:10 AM Stuarts Draft Schools - Stuarts Draft High School - old gym Valley Suns
17 46 Cannon Prep 2029
P5 11:15 AM Stuarts Draft Schools - Stuarts Draft Middle School Knights
19 39 ERSC
P4 12:30 PM Stuarts Draft Schools - Stuarts Draft High School - old gym Cannon Prep 2029
33 22 VBC
B1 2:40 PM Stuarts Draft Schools - Stuarts Draft Middle School [4] Knights
20 30 [5] Valley Suns
B2 3:45 PM Stuarts Draft Schools - Stuarts Draft Middle School [2] ERSC
37 22 [3] VBC
B3 4:50 PM Stuarts Draft Schools - Stuarts Draft Middle School [1] Cannon Prep 2029
49 26 Valley Suns
B4 7:10 PM Stuarts Draft Schools - Stuarts Draft High School - old gym Cannon Prep 2029


Bracket Winner B4
Cannon Prep 2029
B4 - Sat 12/10 7:10PM Stuarts Draft Schools - Stuarts Draft High School - old gym
[2] ERSC - 37
B2 - Sat 12/10 3:45PM Stuarts Draft Schools - Stuarts Draft Middle School
[3] VBC - 22
[1] Cannon Prep 2029 - 49
B3 - Sat 12/10 4:50PM Stuarts Draft Schools - Stuarts Draft Middle School
Valley Suns - 26
[4] Knights - 20
B1 - Sat 12/10 2:40PM Stuarts Draft Schools - Stuarts Draft Middle School
[5] Valley Suns - 30