
Girls 34

2022 AYBL Holiday "Give Back" Tip Off Tournament

Dec 3 - 10, 2022
SportsEngine Tourney

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Saturday, December 03, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B1 8:00 AM Belmont Ridge Middle School - Aux Gym Eagles
7 20 Falcons
B2 9:10 AM Belmont Ridge Middle School - Aux Gym Spartans
28 4 Vikings
B3 10:20 AM Belmont Ridge Middle School - Aux Gym Panthers
12 6 Patriots
B4 11:30 AM Belmont Ridge Middle School - Aux Gym Raiders
9 25 Rams
B6 3:00 PM Belmont Ridge Middle School - Aux Gym Spartans
20 11 Wolverines
B5 4:10 PM Belmont Ridge Middle School - Aux Gym Cavaliers
16 11 Falcons
Saturday, December 10, 2022
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B8 3:00 PM Stone Hill Middle School - Aux Gym Rams
31 2 Spartans
B7 4:10 PM Stone Hill Middle School - Aux Gym Cavaliers
41 0 Panthers
B10 5:20 PM Eagle Ridge Middle School - Aux Gym Eagles
24 2 Vikings
B11 5:20 PM Stone Hill Middle School - Aux Gym Falcons
27 4 Patriots
B12 6:30 PM Stone Hill Middle School - Aux Gym Raiders
18 2 Wolverines
B9 7:40 PM Stone Hill Middle School - Aux Gym Cavaliers
14 8 Rams


Panthers - 12
B3 - Sat 12/3 10:20AM Belmont Ridge Middle School - Aux Gym
Patriots - 6
Spartans - 20
B6 - Sat 12/3 3:00PM Belmont Ridge Middle School - Aux Gym
Wolverines - 11
Raiders - 9
B4 - Sat 12/3 11:30AM Belmont Ridge Middle School - Aux Gym
Rams - 25
Spartans - 28
B2 - Sat 12/3 9:10AM Belmont Ridge Middle School - Aux Gym
Vikings - 4
Cavaliers - 16
B5 - Sat 12/3 4:10PM Belmont Ridge Middle School - Aux Gym
Falcons - 11
Eagles - 7
B1 - Sat 12/3 8:00AM Belmont Ridge Middle School - Aux Gym
Falcons - 20
Eagles - 24
B10 - Sat 12/10 5:20PM Eagle Ridge Middle School - Aux Gym
Vikings - 2
Rams - 31
B8 - Sat 12/10 3:00PM Stone Hill Middle School - Aux Gym
Spartans - 2
Cavaliers - 14
B9 - Sat 12/10 7:40PM Stone Hill Middle School - Aux Gym
Rams - 8
Cavaliers - 41
B7 - Sat 12/10 4:10PM Stone Hill Middle School - Aux Gym
Panthers - 0
Raiders - 18
B12 - Sat 12/10 6:30PM Stone Hill Middle School - Aux Gym
Wolverines - 2
Falcons - 27
B11 - Sat 12/10 5:20PM Stone Hill Middle School - Aux Gym
Patriots - 4