

2023 Falls Fight to the Finish

May 26 - 28, 2023
Menomonee Falls, WI
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Pool A
Team W L T
Slinger Storm U10 2 0 0 29 29 0
Force Fastpitch 10U Red 1 1 0 -3 12 15
ignitors fastpitch 1 1 0 0 20 20
Falls Angels 10u Krainz 1 1 0 -7 15 22
Brookfield Stars U10 White 0 2 0 -19 5 24
Pool B
Team W L T
Falls Angels - Thompson 2 0 0 20 22 2
Muskego Storm Black 2 0 0 16 20 4
Merton Fillies U10 Red 1 1 0 -2 16 18
West Bend Nitro 0 2 0 -12 2 14
Waukesha Blazers U10 0 2 0 -22 4 26


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Friday, May 26, 2023
Game Time Location Team 1 Score Team 2
P9 7:15 PM WILLOWOOD PARK - East Falls Angels 10u Krainz
0 14 Slinger Storm U10
P10 7:15 PM WILLOWOOD PARK - West Falls Angels - Thompson
9 1 West Bend Nitro
Saturday, May 27, 2023
Game Time Location Team 1 Score Team 2
P1 10:30 AM WILLOWOOD PARK - East Force Fastpitch 10U Red
12 0 Brookfield Stars U10 White
P3 10:30 AM WILLOWOOD PARK - West Muskego Storm Black
15 3 Merton Fillies U10 Red
P2 12:00 PM WILLOWOOD PARK - East Falls Angels 10u Krainz
15 8 ignitors fastpitch
P8 12:00 PM WILLOWOOD PARK - West Merton Fillies U10 Red
13 3 Waukesha Blazers U10
P5 1:30 PM WILLOWOOD PARK - East Slinger Storm U10
15 0 Force Fastpitch 10U Red
P7 1:30 PM WILLOWOOD PARK - West West Bend Nitro
1 5 Muskego Storm Black
P4 3:00 PM WILLOWOOD PARK - East Falls Angels - Thompson
13 1 Waukesha Blazers U10
P6 3:00 PM WILLOWOOD PARK - West Brookfield Stars U10 White
5 12 ignitors fastpitch
B1 6:00 PM WILLOWOOD PARK - East [3] ignitors fastpitch
2 14 [2] Muskego Storm Black
B2 7:30 PM WILLOWOOD PARK - East [2] Force Fastpitch 10U Red
10 7 [3] Merton Fillies U10 Red
Sunday, May 28, 2023
Game Time Location Team 1 Score Team 2
B3 8:00 AM OAKWOOD PARK - East Muskego Storm Black
1 8 [1] Slinger Storm U10
B4 8:00 AM OAKWOOD PARK - West Force Fastpitch 10U Red
3 13 [1] Falls Angels - Thompson
B7 11:00 AM WILLOWOOD PARK - East [4] Falls Angels 10u Krainz
13 12 [5] Waukesha Blazers U10
B8 11:00 AM WILLOWOOD PARK - West [5] Brookfield Stars U10 White
2 16 [4] West Bend Nitro
B5 12:00 PM MFHS Field Slinger Storm U10
2 4 Falls Angels - Thompson
B9 12:30 PM WILLOWOOD PARK - East Falls Angels 10u Krainz
14 15 ignitors fastpitch
B10 12:30 PM WILLOWOOD PARK - West West Bend Nitro
11 0 Merton Fillies U10 Red
B6 2:00 PM OAKWOOD PARK - West Muskego Storm Black
10 0 Force Fastpitch 10U Red
B11 2:00 PM WILLOWOOD PARK - East ignitors fastpitch
0 11 West Bend Nitro
B12 2:00 PM WILLOWOOD PARK - West Waukesha Blazers U10
7 13 Brookfield Stars U10 White


Falls Angels - Thompson
West Bend Nitro
Consolation Winner
[5] Brookfield Stars U10 White - 2
B8 - Sun 5/28 11:00AM WILLOWOOD PARK - West
[4] West Bend Nitro - 16
West Bend Nitro - 11
B10 - Sun 5/28 12:30PM WILLOWOOD PARK - West
Merton Fillies U10 Red - 0
Waukesha Blazers U10 - 7
B12 - Sun 5/28 2:00PM WILLOWOOD PARK - West
Brookfield Stars U10 White - 13
[2] Force Fastpitch 10U Red - 10
B2 - Sat 5/27 7:30PM WILLOWOOD PARK - East
[3] Merton Fillies U10 Red - 7
[3] ignitors fastpitch - 2
B1 - Sat 5/27 6:00PM WILLOWOOD PARK - East
[2] Muskego Storm Black - 14
[4] Falls Angels 10u Krainz - 13
B7 - Sun 5/28 11:00AM WILLOWOOD PARK - East
[5] Waukesha Blazers U10 - 12
Falls Angels 10u Krainz - 14
B9 - Sun 5/28 12:30PM WILLOWOOD PARK - East
ignitors fastpitch - 15
ignitors fastpitch - 0
B11 - Sun 5/28 2:00PM WILLOWOOD PARK - East
West Bend Nitro - 11
Force Fastpitch 10U Red - 3
B4 - Sun 5/28 8:00AM OAKWOOD PARK - West
[1] Falls Angels - Thompson - 13
Muskego Storm Black - 10
B6 - Sun 5/28 2:00PM OAKWOOD PARK - West
Force Fastpitch 10U Red - 0
Muskego Storm Black - 1
B3 - Sun 5/28 8:00AM OAKWOOD PARK - East
[1] Slinger Storm U10 - 8
Slinger Storm U10 - 2
B5 - Sun 5/28 12:00PM MFHS Field
Falls Angels - Thompson - 4