
Tournament Note

Games: 3 Game Guarantee. Weather Permitting
Age: 15u, 16u, 17u
Fee: $1,750
Hotel: Teams traveling and staying overnight will be required to use our Hotel Provider.
Schedule: Schedules will be announced on the Tuesday prior to the event.
-The first 10 teams to register overall are guaranteed to play at a main site.
-Main site(s): Rowan University
- Teams will play 2 pool play games on Day 1 followed by playoffs or a consolation game on Day 2.
- Teams will be seeded based on pool play records.
- Teams that do not advance from pool play will be scheduled a consolation game on Day 2.
- College coaches will be present on each field for pool play games. During playoffs, no college coaches will be guaranteed to be in attendance. Weather permitting.
- Bat Type: Wood Bat Only
-Event will take place in and around Glassboro, NJ. Due to the ongoing crisis and evolving local state and institutional mandates, events could be interrupted, and All-Star Tournament Series reserves the right to switch the event location(s) and/or date(s) to accommodate

Tournament Payment Policy
Payment 1: Due Upon Registration
All Event Styles: Non-Refundable Deposit of $550 Due

Payment 2: 2/15/2023
15u-17u Showcase Championship: 50% of Remaining Balance Due

Payment 3: 4/12/2023
15u-17u Showcase Championship: Remaining Balance Due

This event is taking place during the NCAA Division I (DI) Quiet Period; therefore, coaches in attendance will be from DII, DIII and JUCO college/university programs except where the below exception applies:

A DI quiet period is that period of time when it is permissible to make in-person recruiting contacts only on the DI member institution's campus. No in-person, off-campus recruiting contacts or evaluations may be made during the quiet period for DI college/universities (Does not apply to DII, DIII, and JUCO). Therefore, the event will not have DI coaches in attendance unless the event is run at a DI college/university field and that particular college/university's coach is able to attend the event. Outside of this particular circumstance, the coaches in attendance will be from DII, DIII, and JUCO colleges/universities.


Rowan University Showcase Championship

Jun 17 - 18, 2023
Camden, NJ • Glassboro, NJ • Williamstown, NJ
SportsEngine Tourney

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Rockland Elite Knights 16u

15u/16u Champion

Sat Jun 17, 2023 - Sun Jun 18, 2023

Pool Standings

Team W L T
Victus Vandals 15u (West Berlin, NJ) 2 0 0 16 18 2
5 Star Metro 16U (Fishkill, NY) 2 0 0 9 18 9
Rockland Elite Knights 16u (New City, NY) 1 1 0 -1 9 10
Savages Baseball 16u (Little Falls, NJ) 1 1 0 5 16 11
AC Outlaws 16u (Galloway, NJ) 1 1 0 -3 9 12
Lower Bucks Legion of Boom 16u (Bristol, PA) 0 2 0 -10 7 17
DE Elite 16u (Middletown, DE) 0 2 0 -16 6 22


Filter by:

Saturday, June 17, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P5 10:15 AM Owens Park Victus Vandals 15u
11 0 DE Elite 16u
P2 11:15 AM Rutgers-Camden University Rockland Elite Knights 16u
6 3 Lower Bucks Legion of Boom 16u
P6 12:30 PM Owens Park AC Outlaws 16u
7 5 Savages Baseball 16u
P3 1:30 PM Rutgers-Camden University DE Elite 16u
6 11 5 Star Metro 16U
P7 2:45 PM Owens Park Savages Baseball 16u
11 4 Lower Bucks Legion of Boom 16u
P1 5:00 PM Rowan University AC Outlaws 16u
2 7 Victus Vandals 15u
P4 6:00 PM Rutgers-Camden University 5 Star Metro 16U
7 3 Rockland Elite Knights 16u
Sunday, June 18, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B5 8:30 AM Rutgers-Camden University [7] DE Elite 16u
1 5 [6] Lower Bucks Legion of Boom 16u
B1 10:45 AM Rutgers-Camden University [5] AC Outlaws 16u
2 6 [4] Savages Baseball 16u
B2 1:00 PM Rutgers-Camden University [3] Rockland Elite Knights 16u
11 0 [2] 5 Star Metro 16U
B3 3:15 PM Rutgers-Camden University [1] Victus Vandals 15u
8 2 Savages Baseball 16u
B4 5:30 PM Rutgers-Camden University Victus Vandals 15u
4 11 Rockland Elite Knights 16u


Rockland Elite Knights 16u
[3] Rockland Elite Knights 16u - 11
B2 - Sun 6/18 1:00PM Rutgers-Camden University
[2] 5 Star Metro 16U - 0
Victus Vandals 15u - 4
B4 - Sun 6/18 5:30PM Rutgers-Camden University
Rockland Elite Knights 16u - 11
[1] Victus Vandals 15u - 8
B3 - Sun 6/18 3:15PM Rutgers-Camden University
Savages Baseball 16u - 2
[5] AC Outlaws 16u - 2
B1 - Sun 6/18 10:45AM Rutgers-Camden University
[4] Savages Baseball 16u - 6
[7] DE Elite 16u - 1
B5 - Sun 6/18 8:30AM Rutgers-Camden University
[6] Lower Bucks Legion of Boom 16u - 5