

31st Annual Champlin Park Boys Tournament

Jan 7 - 8, 2023
Champlim, MN • Champlin, MN
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Team W L
Minnetonka B3-1 3 0 44 96 33
Andover B3 Black 2 1 16 95 68
Minnetonka B3-2 1 2 -25 35 72
Champlin B3 Navy 0 3 -35 27 80


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Saturday, January 07, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 8:00 AM Jackson Middle School - Court 7 Champlin B3 Navy
17 39 Andover B3 Black
P2 8:00 AM Jackson Middle School - Court 8 Minnetonka B3-1
31 8 Minnetonka B3-2
P3 10:00 AM Jackson Middle School - Court 7 Champlin B3 Navy
2 28 Minnetonka B3-1
P4 10:00 AM Jackson Middle School - Court 8 Andover B3 Black
33 14 Minnetonka B3-2
P5 12:00 PM Jackson Middle School - Court 7 Minnetonka B3-1
37 23 Andover B3 Black
P6 12:00 PM Jackson Middle School - Court 8 Champlin B3 Navy
8 13 Minnetonka B3-2