
Tournament Note

6:50 A.M. The tournament is RAINED OUT for the remainder of the weekend. There is a detailed message on the rain line if you care to listen to it. 724-651-6352 We appreciate your participation and hopefully understanding.

18 & Over

Battle in the Burgh

Jun 30 - Jul 2, 2023
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Pool JJ 18+
Team W L T
Steel City Athletics 18+ Sullivan (Monaca, PA) 2 0 0 14 1
Team PA Depalma (Derry, PA) 1 0 0 10 0
Ohio Warriors (Poland, OH) 1 0 0 1 0
3n2 (mckeesport, pa) 1 0 0 8 4
Power Harvey 23u (Pittsburgh, PA) 1 1 0 4 7
Coatesville lady steel lonas (Coatesville, Pa) 0 0 0 0 0
Power Harris 23u (pittsburgh, pa) 0 1 0 4 8
Pittsburgh Power 23u (smith) (McDonald, Pa) 0 1 0 1 9
Velocity Softball (Indiana, PA) 0 1 0 0 10
TITANIUM (Wattsburg, Pa) 0 2 0 2 5


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Friday, June 30, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P2 6:40 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 5 Power Harris 23u (Pool JJ 18+)
4 8 3n2 (Pool JJ 18+)
P7 8:00 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 3 Power Harvey 23u (Pool JJ 18+)
0 5 Steel City Athletics 18+ Sullivan (Pool JJ 18+)
P12 8:00 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 5 Team PA Depalma (Pool JJ 18+)
10 0 Velocity Softball (Pool JJ 18+)
Saturday, July 01, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P14 4:00 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 5 TITANIUM (Pool JJ 18+)
2 4 Power Harvey 23u (Pool JJ 18+)
P1 5:20 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 Pittsburgh Power 23u (smith) (Pool JJ 18+)
1 9 Steel City Athletics 18+ Sullivan (Pool JJ 18+)
P3 5:20 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 5 Ohio Warriors (Pool JJ 18+)
1 0 TITANIUM (Pool JJ 18+)
Sunday, July 02, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B1 1:20 PM Green Valley - Field 5 [8] Pittsburgh Power 23u (smith) (Pool JJ 18+)
[9] Velocity Softball (Pool JJ 18+)
B2 3:40 PM Green Valley - Field 7 [7] Power Harris 23u (Pool JJ 18+)
[10] TITANIUM (Pool JJ 18+)
B3 3:40 PM Green Valley - Field 5 [4] 3n2 (Pool JJ 18+)
[5] Power Harvey 23u (Pool JJ 18+)
B5 4:50 PM Green Valley - Field 5 [1] Steel City Athletics 18+ Sullivan (Pool JJ 18+)
Bracket Winner B1
B6 4:50 PM Green Valley - Field 7 Bracket Winner B2
[2] Team PA Depalma (Pool JJ 18+)
B4 6:00 PM Green Valley - Field 7 [3] Ohio Warriors (Pool JJ 18+)
[6] Coatesville lady steel lonas (Pool JJ 18+)
B7 6:00 PM Green Valley - Field 5 Bracket Winner B5
Bracket Winner B3
B8 7:10 PM Green Valley - Field 5 Bracket Winner B4
Bracket Winner B6
B9 9:30 PM Cranberry Township Park - Field 4 Bracket Winner B7
Bracket Winner B8