

2023 Fargo-Moorhead Red River Rage

Jul 7 - 9, 2023
Fargo, ND
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Team W L
Dickinson Diamonds 10U Black (Dickinson, ND) 2 0
Jamestown Outlaws (Blue) (Jamestown, ND) 1 1
GF Express (Grand Forks, ND) 0 2
Team W L
DGF 10U (Dilworth, mn) 2 0
Williston Boom (Williston, ND) 1 1
FAF Scheels/Northpointe Appraisals (Fargo, ND) 0 2
Team W L
Bismarck Sparks Gold (Bismarck, ND) 2 0
Diamond Academy (West Fargo, ND) 1 1
BW Riptide 0 2
Team W L
West Fargo Fusion Blue (Horace, ND) 2 0
Dickinson Diamonds 10U Orange (Dickinson, ND) 1 1
FAF Cornerstone Bank (Fargo, ND) 0 2
Team W L
Minot Storm 10U Blue (Minot, ND) 2 0
Pipestone 10U (Pipestone, MN) 1 1
Jamestown Outlaws (White) (Jamestown, ND) 0 2
Team W L
Moorhead Crush (MOORHEAD, Minnesota) 2 0
Bismarck Sparks Blue (Bismarck, ND) 1 1
Lisbon (Lisbon, North Dakota) 0 2


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Friday, July 07, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P2 5:00 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 16 DGF 10U
10 9 FAF Scheels/Northpointe Appraisals
P12 5:00 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18 Bismarck Sparks Blue
1 11 Moorhead Crush
P16 5:00 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17 West Fargo Fusion Blue
13 5 FAF Cornerstone Bank
P7 6:30 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17 Dickinson Diamonds 10U Black
15 0 GF Express
P9 6:30 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 16 Diamond Academy
7 13 Bismarck Sparks Gold
P17 6:30 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18 Minot Storm 10U Blue
15 1 Pipestone 10U
Saturday, July 08, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P6 8:00 AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18 Moorhead Crush
14 5 Lisbon
P8 8:00 AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 16 Williston Boom
12 14 DGF 10U
P10 8:00 AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17 FAF Cornerstone Bank
5 15 Dickinson Diamonds 10U Orange
P11 9:30 AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18 Pipestone 10U
15 2 Jamestown Outlaws (White)
P13 9:30 AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 16 Jamestown Outlaws (Blue)
4 5 Dickinson Diamonds 10U Black
P15 9:30 AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17 BW Riptide
6 14 Diamond Academy
P1 11:00 AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 16 GF Express
13 19 Jamestown Outlaws (Blue)
P4 11:00 AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17 Dickinson Diamonds 10U Orange
0 14 West Fargo Fusion Blue
P14 11:00 AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18 FAF Scheels/Northpointe Appraisals
3 18 Williston Boom
P3 12:30 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17 Bismarck Sparks Gold
15 8 BW Riptide
P5 12:30 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18 Jamestown Outlaws (White)
0 15 Minot Storm 10U Blue
P18 12:30 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 16 Lisbon
4 15 Bismarck Sparks Blue
B15 3:30 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17 [3] GF Express
11 2 [3] BW Riptide
B16 3:30 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18 [3] FAF Cornerstone Bank
2 3 [3] Lisbon
B8 5:00 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17 [2] Williston Boom
7 8 [2] Diamond Academy
B9 5:00 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18 [2] Dickinson Diamonds 10U Orange
7 12 [2] Pipestone 10U
B1 6:30 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17 [1] Dickinson Diamonds 10U Black
19 3 [1] DGF 10U
B2 6:30 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18 [1] Minot Storm 10U Blue
13 1 [1] Moorhead Crush
Sunday, July 09, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B17 8:00 AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 16 BW Riptide
0 9 FAF Cornerstone Bank
B18 8:00 AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17 [3] FAF Scheels/Northpointe Appraisals
6 7 GF Express
B19 8:00 AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18 Lisbon
8 9 [3] Jamestown Outlaws (White)
B10 9:30 AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 16 Williston Boom
11 2 Dickinson Diamonds 10U Orange
B11 9:30 AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17 [2] Jamestown Outlaws (Blue)
6 5 Diamond Academy
B12 9:30 AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18 Pipestone 10U
6 5 [2] Bismarck Sparks Blue
B3 11:00 AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 16 DGF 10U
3 10 Moorhead Crush
B4 11:00 AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17 [1] Bismarck Sparks Gold
3 5 Dickinson Diamonds 10U Black
B5 11:00 AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18 Minot Storm 10U Blue
4 9 [1] West Fargo Fusion Blue
B13 12:30 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17 Diamond Academy
7 5 Bismarck Sparks Blue
B20 12:30 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18 FAF Scheels/Northpointe Appraisals
8 2 Lisbon
B6 2:00 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18 Bismarck Sparks Gold
7 8 Minot Storm 10U Blue
B21 2:00 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17 GF Express
14 1 Jamestown Outlaws (White)
B7 3:30 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18 Dickinson Diamonds 10U Black
10 3 West Fargo Fusion Blue
B14 3:30 PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17 Jamestown Outlaws (Blue)
11 10 Pipestone 10U


10U Bronze
10U Gold
10U Silver
Dickinson Diamonds 10U Black
Gold Champion
Minot Storm 10U Blue
Moorhead Crush
Jamestown Outlaws (Blue)
Silver Champion
Williston Boom
Diamond Academy
GF Express
FAF Scheels/Northpointe Appraisals
FAF Cornerstone Bank
DGF 10U - 3
B3 - Sun 7/9 11:00AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 16
Moorhead Crush - 10
Williston Boom - 11
B10 - Sun 7/9 9:30AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 16
Dickinson Diamonds 10U Orange - 2
BW Riptide - 0
B17 - Sun 7/9 8:00AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 16
FAF Cornerstone Bank - 9
[1] Dickinson Diamonds 10U Black - 19
B1 - Sat 7/8 6:30PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17
[1] DGF 10U - 3
[1] Bismarck Sparks Gold - 3
B4 - Sun 7/9 11:00AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17
Dickinson Diamonds 10U Black - 5
[2] Williston Boom - 7
B8 - Sat 7/8 5:00PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17
[2] Diamond Academy - 8
Diamond Academy - 7
B13 - Sun 7/9 12:30PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17
Bismarck Sparks Blue - 5
Jamestown Outlaws (Blue) - 11
B14 - Sun 7/9 3:30PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17
Pipestone 10U - 10
[2] Jamestown Outlaws (Blue) - 6
B11 - Sun 7/9 9:30AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17
Diamond Academy - 5
[3] GF Express - 11
B15 - Sat 7/8 3:30PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17
[3] BW Riptide - 2
GF Express - 14
B21 - Sun 7/9 2:00PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17
Jamestown Outlaws (White) - 1
[3] FAF Scheels/Northpointe Appraisals - 6
B18 - Sun 7/9 8:00AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 17
GF Express - 7
Minot Storm 10U Blue - 4
B5 - Sun 7/9 11:00AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18
[1] West Fargo Fusion Blue - 9
Dickinson Diamonds 10U Black - 10
B7 - Sun 7/9 3:30PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18
West Fargo Fusion Blue - 3
Bismarck Sparks Gold - 7
B6 - Sun 7/9 2:00PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18
Minot Storm 10U Blue - 8
[1] Minot Storm 10U Blue - 13
B2 - Sat 7/8 6:30PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18
[1] Moorhead Crush - 1
Pipestone 10U - 6
B12 - Sun 7/9 9:30AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18
[2] Bismarck Sparks Blue - 5
[2] Dickinson Diamonds 10U Orange - 7
B9 - Sat 7/8 5:00PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18
[2] Pipestone 10U - 12
Lisbon - 8
B19 - Sun 7/9 8:00AM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18
[3] Jamestown Outlaws (White) - 9
FAF Scheels/Northpointe Appraisals - 8
B20 - Sun 7/9 12:30PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18
Lisbon - 2
[3] FAF Cornerstone Bank - 2
B16 - Sat 7/8 3:30PM N Fargo SB Complex - Fld 18
[3] Lisbon - 3