

2023 PBR Iowa Spring League

Mar 19 - Apr 23, 2023
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Pool 1
Team W L
Iowa Sticks Red 0 0
Iowa Sticks White 0 0
3T's 18U 0 0
Gamers 0 0
PBR Elite 1 0 0
PBR Elite 2 0 0
CV Crush 0 0


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Sunday, March 26, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P0 9:00 AM Sportsplex West Iowa Sticks Red
PBR Elite 2
P0 9:00 AM Sportsplex West Iowa Sticks White
3T's 18U
P0 11:00 AM Sportsplex West 3T's 18U
Iowa Sticks White
P0 11:00 AM Sportsplex West PBR Elite 2
CV Crush
P0 1:00 PM Sportsplex West CV Crush
Iowa Sticks Red
P0 3:00 PM Sportsplex West Gamers
PBR Elite 1
P0 5:00 PM Sportsplex West PBR Elite 1
Sunday, April 02, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P0 9:00 AM Urbandale Little League Gamers
Iowa Sticks White
P0 9:00 AM Brookside Park 3T's 18U
PBR Elite 1
P0 11:00 AM Urbandale Little League Iowa Sticks White
P0 11:00 AM Brookside Park CV Crush
3T's 18U
P0 1:00 PM Brookside Park PBR Elite 1
CV Crush
P0 3:00 PM Brookside Park Iowa Sticks Red
PBR Elite 2
P0 5:00 PM Brookside Park PBR Elite 2
Iowa Sticks Red
Saturday, April 08, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P0 9:00 AM Brookside Park 3T's 18U
PBR Elite 2
P0 11:00 AM Grand View University Iowa Sticks White
CV Crush
P0 11:00 AM Brookside Park PBR Elite 2
Iowa Sticks Red
P0 1:00 PM Grand View University CV Crush
Iowa Sticks White
P0 1:00 PM Brookside Park Iowa Sticks Red
3T's 18U
P0 3:00 PM Grand View University PBR Elite 1
P0 5:00 PM Grand View University Gamers
PBR Elite 1
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P0 9:00 AM Sportsplex West Gamers
PBR Elite 2
P0 9:00 AM Sportsplex West Iowa Sticks White
3T's 18U
P0 11:00 AM Sportsplex West CV Crush
P0 11:00 AM Sportsplex West 3T's 18U
Iowa Sticks White
P0 1:00 PM Sportsplex West PBR Elite 2
CV Crush
P0 3:00 PM Sportsplex West Iowa Sticks Red
PBR Elite 1
P0 5:00 PM Sportsplex West PBR Elite 1
Iowa Sticks Red
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P0 10:00 AM Valley High School PBR Elite 1
PBR Elite 2
P0 12:00 PM Valley High School PBR Elite 2
PBR Elite 1
P0 2:00 PM Altoona Little League Iowa Sticks White
CV Crush
P0 2:00 PM Valley High School Iowa Sticks Red
P0 4:00 PM Altoona Little League CV Crush
Iowa Sticks White
P0 4:00 PM Valley High School 3T's 18U
Iowa Sticks Red
P0 6:00 PM Valley High School 3T's 18U