
3rd/4th Grade Boys

MAYB Hesston, KS March 11th (Sat. Only)

Mar 11, 2023
Hesston, KS
SportsEngine Tourney

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Saturday, March 11, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P3 12:00 PM Hesston High School - Main Hoisington Cardinals
8 33 Hesston Brubacher
P4 12:00 PM Hesston Middle School Keeps
43 6 Lyons Lions B
P5 2:00 PM Hesston High School - AUX Lyons Lions B
11 25 Hoisington Cardinals
P6 2:00 PM Hesston Middle School Keeps
38 24 Hesston Brubacher
P1 4:00 PM Hesston High School - AUX Keeps
26 20 Hoisington Cardinals
P2 4:00 PM Hesston Middle School Hesston Brubacher
Lyons Lions B


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