
Tournament Note

17th Annual President's Day Basketball Tournament. 4-game guarantee!!
$350/team, more than 3 teams $325/team. SOLD OUT in 2023!

5th Grade Boys S/G


Feb 17 - 19, 2024
Arlington, WA • STANWOOD, WA
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Pool A
Team W L
Lynden Lions 5th 4 0 18 143 125
Stanwood Spartans 3 1 16 143 127
Anacortes 2 2 -2 126 128
Lakewood Cougars 1 3 1 126 125
AthElite 11u II 0 4 -33 108 141
Pool B
Team W L
AthElite 11u 4 0 62 195 84
Atown 5th wesco 3 1 35 189 114
Mt Baker 2 2 9 144 127
Timberwolves (Stanwood) 1 3 -26 108 132
FYS Elite 5th 0 4 -80 48 227


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Saturday, February 17, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 10:05 AM Port Susan Middle School Lynden Lions 5th (Pool A)
40 36 Lakewood Cougars (Pool A)
P4 10:05 AM Lincoln Hill / Church Creek Atown 5th wesco (Pool B)
72 14 FYS Elite 5th (Pool B)
P6 12:15 PM Lincoln Hill / Church Creek Lakewood Cougars (Pool A)
35 36 Anacortes (Pool A)
P3 1:20 PM Stanwood High School - North Mt Baker (Pool B)
34 28 Timberwolves (Stanwood) (Pool B)
P11 1:20 PM Stanwood High School - South 2 Atown 5th wesco (Pool B)
32 38 AthElite 11u (Pool B)
P5 2:25 PM Lakewood High School - Aux AthElite 11u II (Pool A)
32 38 Lynden Lions 5th (Pool A)
P2 3:30 PM Port Susan Middle School Stanwood Spartans (Pool A)
39 32 Anacortes (Pool A)
P7 3:30 PM Lakewood High School - Main Court 1 AthElite 11u (Pool B)
43 27 Mt Baker (Pool B)
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P9 9:00 AM Stanwood High School - Main Court Stanwood Spartans (Pool A)
38 31 AthElite 11u II (Pool A)
P8 10:05 AM Lincoln Hill / Church Creek Timberwolves (Stanwood) (Pool B)
38 6 FYS Elite 5th (Pool B)
P20 10:05 AM Port Susan Middle School Mt Baker (Pool B)
36 37 Atown 5th wesco (Pool B)
P14 11:10 AM Stanwood High School - North Stanwood Spartans (Pool A)
31 26 Lakewood Cougars (Pool A)
P12 12:15 PM Lakewood High School - Main Court 2 FYS Elite 5th (Pool B)
19 47 Mt Baker (Pool B)
P13 12:15 PM Lakewood High School - Main Court 1 AthElite 11u II (Pool A)
27 36 Anacortes (Pool A)
P16 12:15 PM Lincoln Hill / Church Creek Atown 5th wesco (Pool B)
48 26 Timberwolves (Stanwood) (Pool B)
P10 2:25 PM Lakewood High School - Main Court 1 Anacortes (Pool A)
22 27 Lynden Lions 5th (Pool A)
Monday, February 19, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P15 9:00 AM Port Susan Middle School AthElite 11u (Pool B)
70 9 FYS Elite 5th (Pool B)
P17 10:05 AM Lakewood High School - Aux Lakewood Cougars (Pool A)
29 18 AthElite 11u II (Pool A)
P18 11:10 AM Stanwood High School - South 2 Lynden Lions 5th (Pool A)
38 35 Stanwood Spartans (Pool A)
P19 11:10 AM Stanwood High School - North Timberwolves (Stanwood) (Pool B)
16 44 AthElite 11u (Pool B)
B1 3:30 PM Port Susan Middle School [1] Lynden Lions 5th (Pool A)
40 57 [1] AthElite 11u (Pool B)


[1] Lynden Lions 5th (Pool A) - 40
B1 - Mon 2/19 3:30PM Port Susan Middle School
[1] AthElite 11u (Pool B) - 57