
16/18 Open

2023 USA Softball of Oregon College Exposure Fall Classic

Oct 6 - 8, 2023
Medford, OR
 Info Hotels
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Pool A
Team W L T
L'il Saints Kaddatz 3 0 0 6 12 6
16U Southern Oregon Blackout (Gold Hill, OR) 2 1 0 2 21 19
Oregon Thunder 18G 1 2 0 6 22 16
Soar Athletics 16U White 0 3 0 -14 11 25
Pool B
Team W L T
Oregon Blaze 16U - Boynay 3 0 0 12 27 15
Rampage Thunder 1 2 0 -4 15 19
Firecrackers Wa Drummond 18u 1 2 0 -9 18 27
CA YardSharks 18G - Leavell (Sacramento, CA) 1 2 0 1 22 21
Pool C
Team W L T
Oregon Fury - Masters 2 1 0 18 25 7
NW Vandals - Medeiros 2 1 0 1 15 14
Frost Elite (Landon) 2 1 0 -10 11 21
NorCal Rage Peña 16U 0 3 0 -9 8 17
Pool D
Team W L T
Oregon Thunder 18A 2 0 1 19 31 12
NW Forge Fastpitch 16U Black (Tigard, Oregon) 2 0 1 12 34 22
Giants Fastpitch- Pinder 1 2 0 -3 17 20
Bombsquad Fastpitch (SALEM, Oregon) 0 3 0 -28 8 36
Pool E
Team W L T
Centennial 16U-Maxwell 2 1 0 2 20 18
Oregon Blaze - Reyes 2 1 0 1 23 22
Island Angels 1 2 0 -2 17 19
Foothill Gold-Marderos 1 2 0 -1 16 17
Pool F
Team W L T
PowerHouse 16U Braxton 2 0 1 3 12 9
NW Vandals Terry 2 1 0 5 17 12
Soar Athletics 18U 1 2 0 -2 13 15
Firecrackers Leles-Brandeberry 0 2 1 -6 14 20
Pool G
Team W L T
NW Rampage 16A Searight 3 0 0 13 23 10
Preps Academy 18u - Floyd 2 1 0 10 23 13
Oregon Titans 16U 1 2 0 5 21 16
Black Tornado Fastpitch 0 3 0 -28 8 36
Pool H
Team W L T
Lil Rebels Oregon 3 0 0 17 23 6
NW Ambush 18A 2 1 0 25 32 7
Frost Elite (Morgan) 1 2 0 -12 15 27
NW Forge Fastpitch 18U (Tigard, Oregon) 0 3 0 -30 5 35


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Saturday, October 07, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 8:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF1 Oregon Thunder 18G (Pool A)
8 10 16U Southern Oregon Blackout (Pool A)
P2 8:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF5 Soar Athletics 16U White (Pool A)
1 5 L'il Saints Kaddatz (Pool A)
P3 8:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF3 CA YardSharks 18G - Leavell (Pool B)
7 3 Rampage Thunder (Pool B)
P4 8:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF4 Firecrackers Wa Drummond 18u (Pool B)
5 10 Oregon Blaze 16U - Boynay (Pool B)
P5 8:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF2 Oregon Fury - Masters (Pool C)
8 1 NorCal Rage Peña 16U (Pool C)
P6 8:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF6 NW Vandals - Medeiros (Pool C)
5 6 Frost Elite (Landon) (Pool C)
P7 8:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF7 Oregon Thunder 18A (Pool D)
7 4 Giants Fastpitch- Pinder (Pool D)
P8 8:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF8 Bombsquad Fastpitch (Pool D)
5 16 NW Forge Fastpitch 16U Black (Pool D)
P9 10:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF1 Oregon Thunder 18G (Pool A)
12 3 Soar Athletics 16U White (Pool A)
P10 10:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF5 16U Southern Oregon Blackout (Pool A)
3 4 L'il Saints Kaddatz (Pool A)
P11 10:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF3 CA YardSharks 18G - Leavell (Pool B)
8 10 Firecrackers Wa Drummond 18u (Pool B)
P12 10:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF4 Rampage Thunder (Pool B)
3 9 Oregon Blaze 16U - Boynay (Pool B)
P13 10:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF2 Oregon Fury - Masters (Pool C)
3 4 NW Vandals - Medeiros (Pool C)
P14 10:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF6 NorCal Rage Peña 16U (Pool C)
2 3 Frost Elite (Landon) (Pool C)
P15 10:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF7 Oregon Thunder 18A (Pool D)
16 0 Bombsquad Fastpitch (Pool D)
P16 10:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF8 Giants Fastpitch- Pinder (Pool D)
9 10 NW Forge Fastpitch 16U Black (Pool D)
P17 12:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF7 Foothill Gold-Marderos (Pool E)
2 8 Oregon Blaze - Reyes (Pool E)
P18 12:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF8 Centennial 16U-Maxwell (Pool E)
5 3 Island Angels (Pool E)
P19 12:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF6 Soar Athletics 18U (Pool F)
8 4 Firecrackers Leles-Brandeberry (Pool F)
P20 12:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF2 PowerHouse 16U Braxton (Pool F)
4 2 NW Vandals Terry (Pool F)
P21 12:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF3 Preps Academy 18u - Floyd (Pool G)
13 1 Black Tornado Fastpitch (Pool G)
P22 12:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF4 NW Rampage 16A Searight (Pool G)
8 1 Oregon Titans 16U (Pool G)
P23 12:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF1 NW Ambush 18A (Pool H)
11 4 Frost Elite (Morgan) (Pool H)
P24 12:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF5 Lil Rebels Oregon (Pool H)
9 0 NW Forge Fastpitch 18U (Pool H)
P25 2:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF7 Oregon Thunder 18G (Pool A)
2 3 L'il Saints Kaddatz (Pool A)
P26 2:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF8 16U Southern Oregon Blackout (Pool A)
8 7 Soar Athletics 16U White (Pool A)
P27 2:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF6 CA YardSharks 18G - Leavell (Pool B)
7 8 Oregon Blaze 16U - Boynay (Pool B)
P28 2:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF2 Rampage Thunder (Pool B)
9 3 Firecrackers Wa Drummond 18u (Pool B)
P29 2:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF3 Oregon Fury - Masters (Pool C)
14 2 Frost Elite (Landon) (Pool C)
P30 2:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF4 NorCal Rage Peña 16U (Pool C)
5 6 NW Vandals - Medeiros (Pool C)
P31 2:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF1 Oregon Thunder 18A (Pool D)
8 8 NW Forge Fastpitch 16U Black (Pool D)
P32 2:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF5 Giants Fastpitch- Pinder (Pool D)
4 3 Bombsquad Fastpitch (Pool D)
P33 4:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF1 Foothill Gold-Marderos (Pool E)
5 9 Centennial 16U-Maxwell (Pool E)
P34 4:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF5 Oregon Blaze - Reyes (Pool E)
5 14 Island Angels (Pool E)
P35 4:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF3 Soar Athletics 18U (Pool F)
4 5 PowerHouse 16U Braxton (Pool F)
P36 4:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF4 Firecrackers Leles-Brandeberry (Pool F)
7 9 NW Vandals Terry (Pool F)
P37 4:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF2 Preps Academy 18u - Floyd (Pool G)
2 5 NW Rampage 16A Searight (Pool G)
P38 4:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF6 Black Tornado Fastpitch (Pool G)
0 13 Oregon Titans 16U (Pool G)
P39 4:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF7 NW Ambush 18A (Pool H)
1 2 Lil Rebels Oregon (Pool H)
P40 4:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF8 Frost Elite (Morgan) (Pool H)
6 4 NW Forge Fastpitch 18U (Pool H)
P41 6:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF1 Foothill Gold-Marderos (Pool E)
9 0 Island Angels (Pool E)
P42 6:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF5 Oregon Blaze - Reyes (Pool E)
10 6 Centennial 16U-Maxwell (Pool E)
P43 6:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF3 Soar Athletics 18U (Pool F)
1 6 NW Vandals Terry (Pool F)
P44 6:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF4 Firecrackers Leles-Brandeberry (Pool F)
3 3 PowerHouse 16U Braxton (Pool F)
P45 6:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF2 Preps Academy 18u - Floyd (Pool G)
8 7 Oregon Titans 16U (Pool G)
P46 6:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF6 Black Tornado Fastpitch (Pool G)
7 10 NW Rampage 16A Searight (Pool G)
P47 6:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF7 NW Ambush 18A (Pool H)
20 1 NW Forge Fastpitch 18U (Pool H)
P48 6:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF8 Frost Elite (Morgan) (Pool H)
5 12 Lil Rebels Oregon (Pool H)
Sunday, October 08, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B1 8:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF1 L'il Saints Kaddatz (Pool A)
8 0 NW Ambush 18A (Pool H)
B2 8:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF5 Oregon Blaze 16U - Boynay (Pool B)
4 1 Preps Academy 18u - Floyd (Pool G)
B3 8:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF2 Oregon Fury - Masters (Pool C)
0 2 NW Vandals Terry (Pool F)
B4 8:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF3 Oregon Thunder 18A (Pool D)
10 4 Oregon Blaze - Reyes (Pool E)
B25 8:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF4 Oregon Thunder 18G (Pool A)
9 0 NW Forge Fastpitch 18U (Pool H)
B26 8:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF6 Firecrackers Wa Drummond 18u (Pool B)
5 9 Black Tornado Fastpitch (Pool G)
B27 8:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF7 Frost Elite (Landon) (Pool C)
7 3 Firecrackers Leles-Brandeberry (Pool F)
B28 8:00 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF8 Giants Fastpitch- Pinder (Pool D)
6 8 Foothill Gold-Marderos (Pool E)
B5 9:40 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF1 Centennial 16U-Maxwell (Pool E)
8 6 NW Forge Fastpitch 16U Black (Pool D)
B6 9:40 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF5 PowerHouse 16U Braxton (Pool F)
0 4 NW Vandals - Medeiros (Pool C)
B7 9:40 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF2 NW Rampage 16A Searight (Pool G)
10 0 Rampage Thunder (Pool B)
B8 9:40 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF3 Lil Rebels Oregon (Pool H)
4 5 16U Southern Oregon Blackout (Pool A)
B29 9:40 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF4 Island Angels (Pool E)
3 7 Bombsquad Fastpitch (Pool D)
B30 9:40 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF6 Soar Athletics 18U (Pool F)
8 2 NorCal Rage Peña 16U (Pool C)
B31 9:40 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF7 Oregon Titans 16U (Pool G)
0 8 CA YardSharks 18G - Leavell (Pool B)
B32 9:40 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF8 Frost Elite (Morgan) (Pool H)
0 11 Soar Athletics 16U White (Pool A)
B9 11:20 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF5 NW Ambush 18A (Pool H)
0 11 Preps Academy 18u - Floyd (Pool G)
B10 11:20 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF3 Oregon Fury - Masters (Pool C)
7 5 Oregon Blaze - Reyes (Pool E)
B13 11:20 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF1 L'il Saints Kaddatz (Pool A)
2 7 Oregon Blaze 16U - Boynay (Pool B)
B14 11:20 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF2 NW Vandals Terry (Pool F)
7 1 Oregon Thunder 18A (Pool D)
B33 11:20 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF7 NW Forge Fastpitch 18U (Pool H)
2 12 Firecrackers Wa Drummond 18u (Pool B)
B34 11:20 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF8 Firecrackers Leles-Brandeberry (Pool F)
5 12 Giants Fastpitch- Pinder (Pool D)
B37 11:20 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF4 Oregon Thunder 18G (Pool A)
9 0 Black Tornado Fastpitch (Pool G)
B38 11:20 AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF6 Frost Elite (Landon) (Pool C)
8 7 Foothill Gold-Marderos (Pool E)
B11 1:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF5 NW Forge Fastpitch 16U Black (Pool D)
2 11 PowerHouse 16U Braxton (Pool F)
B12 1:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF3 Rampage Thunder (Pool B)
3 2 Lil Rebels Oregon (Pool H)
B15 1:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF1 Centennial 16U-Maxwell (Pool E)
6 3 NW Vandals - Medeiros (Pool C)
B16 1:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF2 NW Rampage 16A Searight (Pool G)
3 5 16U Southern Oregon Blackout (Pool A)
B35 1:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF7 Island Angels (Pool E)
6 5 NorCal Rage Peña 16U (Pool C)
B36 1:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF8 Oregon Titans 16U (Pool G)
7 8 Frost Elite (Morgan) (Pool H)
B39 1:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF4 Bombsquad Fastpitch (Pool D)
4 8 Soar Athletics 18U (Pool F)
B40 1:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF6 CA YardSharks 18G - Leavell (Pool B)
4 2 Soar Athletics 16U White (Pool A)
B17 2:40 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF5 Preps Academy 18u - Floyd (Pool G)
7 3 Oregon Fury - Masters (Pool C)
B18 2:40 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF3 PowerHouse 16U Braxton (Pool F)
6 5 Rampage Thunder (Pool B)
B19 2:40 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF1 Oregon Blaze 16U - Boynay (Pool B)
5 2 NW Vandals Terry (Pool F)
B20 2:40 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF2 Centennial 16U-Maxwell (Pool E)
12 10 16U Southern Oregon Blackout (Pool A)
B41 2:40 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF7 Firecrackers Wa Drummond 18u (Pool B)
6 2 Giants Fastpitch- Pinder (Pool D)
B42 2:40 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF8 Island Angels (Pool E)
13 2 Frost Elite (Morgan) (Pool H)
B43 2:40 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF4 Oregon Thunder 18G (Pool A)
5 3 Frost Elite (Landon) (Pool C)
B44 2:40 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF6 Soar Athletics 18U (Pool F)
3 5 CA YardSharks 18G - Leavell (Pool B)
B21 5:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF6 Oregon Fury - Masters (Pool C)
9 0 Rampage Thunder (Pool B)
B22 5:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF4 Preps Academy 18u - Floyd (Pool G)
5 2 PowerHouse 16U Braxton (Pool F)
B23 5:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF1 NW Vandals Terry (Pool F)
12 5 16U Southern Oregon Blackout (Pool A)
B24 5:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF2 Oregon Blaze 16U - Boynay (Pool B)
9 3 Centennial 16U-Maxwell (Pool E)
B45 5:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF8 Giants Fastpitch- Pinder (Pool D)
10 1 Frost Elite (Morgan) (Pool H)
B46 5:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF3 Firecrackers Wa Drummond 18u (Pool B)
8 4 Island Angels (Pool E)
B47 5:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF7 Frost Elite (Landon) (Pool C)
8 6 Soar Athletics 18U (Pool F)
B48 5:00 PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF5 Oregon Thunder 18G (Pool A)
0 1 CA YardSharks 18G - Leavell (Pool B)


L'il Saints Kaddatz (Pool A) - 2
B13 - Sun 10/8 11:20AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF1
Oregon Blaze 16U - Boynay (Pool B) - 7
L'il Saints Kaddatz (Pool A) - 8
B1 - Sun 10/8 8:00AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF1
NW Ambush 18A (Pool H) - 0
Centennial 16U-Maxwell (Pool E) - 8
B5 - Sun 10/8 9:40AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF1
NW Forge Fastpitch 16U Black (Pool D) - 6
Centennial 16U-Maxwell (Pool E) - 6
B15 - Sun 10/8 1:00PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF1
NW Vandals - Medeiros (Pool C) - 3
Oregon Blaze 16U - Boynay (Pool B) - 5
B19 - Sun 10/8 2:40PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF1
NW Vandals Terry (Pool F) - 2
NW Vandals Terry (Pool F) - 12
B23 - Sun 10/8 5:00PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF1
16U Southern Oregon Blackout (Pool A) - 5
Oregon Fury - Masters (Pool C) - 0
B3 - Sun 10/8 8:00AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF2
NW Vandals Terry (Pool F) - 2
NW Vandals Terry (Pool F) - 7
B14 - Sun 10/8 11:20AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF2
Oregon Thunder 18A (Pool D) - 1
NW Rampage 16A Searight (Pool G) - 3
B16 - Sun 10/8 1:00PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF2
16U Southern Oregon Blackout (Pool A) - 5
NW Rampage 16A Searight (Pool G) - 10
B7 - Sun 10/8 9:40AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF2
Rampage Thunder (Pool B) - 0
Centennial 16U-Maxwell (Pool E) - 12
B20 - Sun 10/8 2:40PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF2
16U Southern Oregon Blackout (Pool A) - 10
Oregon Blaze 16U - Boynay (Pool B) - 9
B24 - Sun 10/8 5:00PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF2
Centennial 16U-Maxwell (Pool E) - 3
Oregon Fury - Masters (Pool C) - 7
B10 - Sun 10/8 11:20AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF3
Oregon Blaze - Reyes (Pool E) - 5
Oregon Thunder 18A (Pool D) - 10
B4 - Sun 10/8 8:00AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF3
Oregon Blaze - Reyes (Pool E) - 4
Lil Rebels Oregon (Pool H) - 4
B8 - Sun 10/8 9:40AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF3
16U Southern Oregon Blackout (Pool A) - 5
Rampage Thunder (Pool B) - 3
B12 - Sun 10/8 1:00PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF3
Lil Rebels Oregon (Pool H) - 2
PowerHouse 16U Braxton (Pool F) - 6
B18 - Sun 10/8 2:40PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF3
Rampage Thunder (Pool B) - 5
Firecrackers Wa Drummond 18u (Pool B) - 8
B46 - Sun 10/8 5:00PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF3
Island Angels (Pool E) - 4
Preps Academy 18u - Floyd (Pool G) - 5
B22 - Sun 10/8 5:00PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF4
PowerHouse 16U Braxton (Pool F) - 2
Oregon Thunder 18G (Pool A) - 9
B37 - Sun 10/8 11:20AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF4
Black Tornado Fastpitch (Pool G) - 0
Island Angels (Pool E) - 3
B29 - Sun 10/8 9:40AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF4
Bombsquad Fastpitch (Pool D) - 7
Bombsquad Fastpitch (Pool D) - 4
B39 - Sun 10/8 1:00PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF4
Soar Athletics 18U (Pool F) - 8
Oregon Thunder 18G (Pool A) - 9
B25 - Sun 10/8 8:00AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF4
NW Forge Fastpitch 18U (Pool H) - 0
Oregon Thunder 18G (Pool A) - 5
B43 - Sun 10/8 2:40PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF4
Frost Elite (Landon) (Pool C) - 3
Oregon Blaze 16U - Boynay (Pool B) - 4
B2 - Sun 10/8 8:00AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF5
Preps Academy 18u - Floyd (Pool G) - 1
NW Ambush 18A (Pool H) - 0
B9 - Sun 10/8 11:20AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF5
Preps Academy 18u - Floyd (Pool G) - 11
PowerHouse 16U Braxton (Pool F) - 0
B6 - Sun 10/8 9:40AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF5
NW Vandals - Medeiros (Pool C) - 4
NW Forge Fastpitch 16U Black (Pool D) - 2
B11 - Sun 10/8 1:00PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF5
PowerHouse 16U Braxton (Pool F) - 11
Preps Academy 18u - Floyd (Pool G) - 7
B17 - Sun 10/8 2:40PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF5
Oregon Fury - Masters (Pool C) - 3
Oregon Thunder 18G (Pool A) - 0
B48 - Sun 10/8 5:00PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF5
CA YardSharks 18G - Leavell (Pool B) - 1
Oregon Fury - Masters (Pool C) - 9
B21 - Sun 10/8 5:00PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF6
Rampage Thunder (Pool B) - 0
CA YardSharks 18G - Leavell (Pool B) - 4
B40 - Sun 10/8 1:00PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF6
Soar Athletics 16U White (Pool A) - 2
Frost Elite (Landon) (Pool C) - 8
B38 - Sun 10/8 11:20AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF6
Foothill Gold-Marderos (Pool E) - 7
Soar Athletics 18U (Pool F) - 8
B30 - Sun 10/8 9:40AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF6
NorCal Rage Peña 16U (Pool C) - 2
Firecrackers Wa Drummond 18u (Pool B) - 5
B26 - Sun 10/8 8:00AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF6
Black Tornado Fastpitch (Pool G) - 9
Soar Athletics 18U (Pool F) - 3
B44 - Sun 10/8 2:40PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF6
CA YardSharks 18G - Leavell (Pool B) - 5
NW Forge Fastpitch 18U (Pool H) - 2
B33 - Sun 10/8 11:20AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF7
Firecrackers Wa Drummond 18u (Pool B) - 12
Frost Elite (Landon) (Pool C) - 7
B27 - Sun 10/8 8:00AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF7
Firecrackers Leles-Brandeberry (Pool F) - 3
Oregon Titans 16U (Pool G) - 0
B31 - Sun 10/8 9:40AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF7
CA YardSharks 18G - Leavell (Pool B) - 8
Island Angels (Pool E) - 6
B35 - Sun 10/8 1:00PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF7
NorCal Rage Peña 16U (Pool C) - 5
Firecrackers Wa Drummond 18u (Pool B) - 6
B41 - Sun 10/8 2:40PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF7
Giants Fastpitch- Pinder (Pool D) - 2
Frost Elite (Landon) (Pool C) - 8
B47 - Sun 10/8 5:00PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF7
Soar Athletics 18U (Pool F) - 6
Firecrackers Leles-Brandeberry (Pool F) - 5
B34 - Sun 10/8 11:20AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF8
Giants Fastpitch- Pinder (Pool D) - 12
Giants Fastpitch- Pinder (Pool D) - 6
B28 - Sun 10/8 8:00AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF8
Foothill Gold-Marderos (Pool E) - 8
Frost Elite (Morgan) (Pool H) - 0
B32 - Sun 10/8 9:40AM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF8
Soar Athletics 16U White (Pool A) - 11
Oregon Titans 16U (Pool G) - 7
B36 - Sun 10/8 1:00PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF8
Frost Elite (Morgan) (Pool H) - 8
Island Angels (Pool E) - 13
B42 - Sun 10/8 2:40PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF8
Frost Elite (Morgan) (Pool H) - 2
Giants Fastpitch- Pinder (Pool D) - 10
B45 - Sun 10/8 5:00PM Driveway & Lithia Fields - DLF8
Frost Elite (Morgan) (Pool H) - 1