Mixed Doubles 3.5-4.0

The Florida Open @ The PicklePlex

May 6 - 7, 2023
Punta Gorda, FL
SportsEngine Tourney

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Tanner Brust/Ashley Humphries

Mixed Doubles 3.5-4.0 Champion

Sat May 6, 2023 - Sun May 7, 2023


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Sunday, May 07, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 8:20 AM The PicklePlex - Court 10 Garrett Tienstra/Megan Garriott
1 11 Paul Maloney/Alex Ross
P2 8:20 AM The PicklePlex - Court 11 Rick Graves/Kirsten Richter
3 11 Tanner Brust/Ashley Humphries
P3 8:20 AM The PicklePlex - Court 12 Guy Bouchard/Robyn Bouchard
6 11 Don Heslep/Christine Palmer
P4 8:40 AM The PicklePlex - Court 12 Ted Stone/Megan McBroom
11 3 Addam Shand/Nicolett Shand Manzano
P5 8:40 AM The PicklePlex - Court 11 Jonathan Ith/Jennifer Kahler
6 11 Garrett Tienstra/Megan Garriott
P6 8:40 AM The PicklePlex - Court 10 Paul Maloney/Alex Ross
7 11 Tanner Brust/Ashley Humphries
P7 9:00 AM The PicklePlex - Court 10 Joe Viscusi/Shellie Feola
7 11 Guy Bouchard/Robyn Bouchard
P8 9:00 AM The PicklePlex - Court 12 Don Heslep/Christine Palmer
11 0 Addam Shand/Nicolett Shand Manzano
P9 9:00 AM The PicklePlex - Court 11 Rick Graves/Kirsten Richter
8 11 Jonathan Ith/Jennifer Kahler
P10 9:20 AM The PicklePlex - Court 11 Tanner Brust/Ashley Humphries
11 6 Garrett Tienstra/Megan Garriott
P11 9:20 AM The PicklePlex - Court 10 Ted Stone/Megan McBroom
11 3 Joe Viscusi/Shellie Feola
P12 9:20 AM The PicklePlex - Court 12 Addam Shand/Nicolett Shand Manzano
3 11 Guy Bouchard/Robyn Bouchard
P13 9:40 AM The PicklePlex - Court 11 Jonathan Ith/Jennifer Kahler
10 12 Tanner Brust/Ashley Humphries
P14 9:40 AM The PicklePlex - Court 10 Rick Graves/Kirsten Richter
5 11 Paul Maloney/Alex Ross
P15 9:40 AM The PicklePlex - Court 12 Joe Viscusi/Shellie Feola
11 0 Addam Shand/Nicolett Shand Manzano
P16 10:00 AM The PicklePlex - Court 11 Ted Stone/Megan McBroom
11 4 Don Heslep/Christine Palmer
P17 10:00 AM The PicklePlex - Court 12 Paul Maloney/Alex Ross
2 11 Jonathan Ith/Jennifer Kahler
P18 10:00 AM The PicklePlex - Court 10 Garrett Tienstra/Megan Garriott
11 8 Rick Graves/Kirsten Richter
P19 10:20 AM The PicklePlex - Court 10 Don Heslep/Christine Palmer
0 11 Joe Viscusi/Shellie Feola
P20 10:20 AM The PicklePlex - Court 11 Guy Bouchard/Robyn Bouchard
12 10 Ted Stone/Megan McBroom
B1 10:40 AM The PicklePlex - Court 9 [2] Jonathan Ith/Jennifer Kahler
15 6 [3] Joe Viscusi/Shellie Feola
B2 10:40 AM The PicklePlex - Court 10 [3] Paul Maloney/Alex Ross
15 10 [2] Ted Stone/Megan McBroom
B8 10:40 AM The PicklePlex - Court 11 [4] Garrett Tienstra/Megan Garriott
15 12 [5] Addam Shand/Nicolett Shand Manzano
B9 10:40 AM The PicklePlex - Court 12 [5] Rick Graves/Kirsten Richter
8 15 [4] Don Heslep/Christine Palmer
B4 11:00 AM The PicklePlex - Court 9 [1] Tanner Brust/Ashley Humphries
15 12 Jonathan Ith/Jennifer Kahler
B5 11:00 AM The PicklePlex - Court 10 Paul Maloney/Alex Ross
15 4 [1] Guy Bouchard/Robyn Bouchard
B10 11:00 AM The PicklePlex - Court 11 Addam Shand/Nicolett Shand Manzano
14 16 Rick Graves/Kirsten Richter
B11 11:00 AM The PicklePlex - Court 12 Garrett Tienstra/Megan Garriott
15 9 Don Heslep/Christine Palmer
B6 11:20 AM The PicklePlex - Court 10 Jonathan Ith/Jennifer Kahler
4 15 Guy Bouchard/Robyn Bouchard
B7 11:20 AM The PicklePlex - Court 9 Tanner Brust/Ashley Humphries
15 9 Paul Maloney/Alex Ross