
Tournament Note


Iowa West Field House: 5 Arena Way - Council Bluffs, IA 51501

For Tournament Details and Tournament Rules, click on the MORE tab and then DOCUMENTS.

SPECTATOR ADMISSION FEES: (Daily Admission is good for all games, all day, at all tournament venues.)

All-Site Daily Admission: (Daily Admission is good for all games, all day, at all tournament venues.)
Adult = $11 + Tax
Senior Citizens = $7 + Tax
Students = $5 + Tax.
Children = 5 and under are Free.

All-Site Weekend Pass: (Weekend passes sold Friday night only)
Adult = $27 + Tax
Senior Citizens = $18 +Tax
Students = $13 + Tax

The AWAY TEAM is the first (TOP) team listed on the phone app and will wear DARK COLORED jerseys. The HOME TEAM wears light-colored jerseys and is the second (BOTTOM) team listed on the phone app schedule.

There are medals for the first and second place team in each pool/bracket. If your team places first or second in your pool/bracket then please see the Site Director at the front desk area to receive your medals.

Good Luck to All Teams!

2nd Grade Boys

Santa Shootout Boys Tournament 2023 - HOSTED BY ELKHORN ATTACK

Dec 8 - 10, 2023
Council Bluffs, IA
SportsEngine Tourney

Install the mobile app for this event at:

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Papio Power 2nd

2nd Grade Boys Champion

Fri Dec 8, 2023 - Sun Dec 10, 2023

Pool Standings


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Friday, December 08, 2023
Game Time Location Visitor (Dark Jerseys) Score Home (Light Jerseys)
P8 5:45 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #8 Jr. Mustangs Blue 2nd
16 9 OSA Kings 2nd (Haas)
P21 6:40 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #8 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Hasenjager)
32 8 Jr. Mustangs White 2nd
P1 7:35 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #7 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Zuck)
16 12 Jr. Mustangs Blue 2nd
P2 7:35 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #8 OSA Kings 2nd (Haas)
14 24 OSA Lakers 2nd (Feeney)
Saturday, December 09, 2023
Game Time Location Visitor (Dark Jerseys) Score Home (Light Jerseys)
P7 12:35 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #7 Jr. Mustangs White 2nd
12 15 Griddy City 2nd (Gretna)
P3 2:25 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #7 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Brown)
5 24 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Stapleton)
P4 2:25 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #8 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Klostermann)
14 11 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Kodra)
P5 3:20 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #8 Jr. Mustangs Silver 2nd
17 30 Papio Power 2nd
P13 3:20 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #7 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Westphal)
31 14 Jr. Mustangs White 2nd
P17 4:15 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #7 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Kodra)
10 24 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Stapleton)
P12 5:10 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #7 Bennington Badgers 2nd
10 6 Jr. Mustangs Silver 2nd
P18 5:10 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #8 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Brown)
20 11 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Klostermann)
P16 7:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #8 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Zuck)
34 13 OSA Kings 2nd (Haas)
P19 7:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #7 Papio Power 2nd
26 17 Bennington Badgers 2nd
Sunday, December 10, 2023
Game Time Location Visitor (Dark Jerseys) Score Home (Light Jerseys)
B1 8:55 AM Iowa West Field House - Court #7 [3] Jr. Mustangs Silver 2nd
10 20 [2] Bennington Badgers 2nd
P14 9:50 AM Iowa West Field House - Court #7 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Hasenjager)
35 18 Griddy City 2nd (Gretna)
B2 10:45 AM Iowa West Field House - Court #7 Bennington Badgers 2nd
16 28 [1] Papio Power 2nd
P10 11:40 AM Iowa West Field House - Court #7 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Stapleton)
12 5 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Klostermann)
P6 12:35 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #7 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Hasenjager)
26 19 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Westphal)
P9 1:30 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #7 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Zuck)
30 15 OSA Lakers 2nd (Feeney)
P20 2:25 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #7 Griddy City 2nd (Gretna)
21 23 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Westphal)
P11 3:20 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #7 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Brown)
33 10 Elkhorn Jr. Attack 2nd (Kodra)
P15 4:15 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #7 OSA Lakers 2nd (Feeney)
22 27 Jr. Mustangs Blue 2nd


Papio Power 2nd
[3] Jr. Mustangs Silver 2nd - 10
B1 - Sun 12/10 8:55AM Iowa West Field House - Court #7
[2] Bennington Badgers 2nd - 20
Bennington Badgers 2nd - 16
B2 - Sun 12/10 10:45AM Iowa West Field House - Court #7
[1] Papio Power 2nd - 28