

2023 SIYB Best in the Northwest

Jun 2 - 4, 2023
Spokane Valley, WA • Spokane, WA
SportsEngine Tourney

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River City - Stockton

11U Champion

Fri Jun 2, 2023 - Sun Jun 4, 2023

Pool Standings

Team W L
Sandpoint Sasquatch 2 0 16 4
River City - Stockton 2 0 15 7
Bombers Baseball 2 0 9 7
Prairie Cardinals A 2 0 16 11
Shockwave Baseball Club 1 1 -1 13
Palouse Cougars 1 1 -4 15
Eastmont All Stars 1 1 -6 21
Cashmere 1 1 -7 25
Ellensburg Blues 0 2 -5 13
Spokane Rawlings Tigers 0 2 -10 22
Prairie Cardinals B 0 2 -14 22
River City - Godinez 0 2 -9 28


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Friday, June 02, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P6 6:00 PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 1 Prairie Cardinals B
2 15 River City - Stockton
P9 6:00 PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 2 Sandpoint Sasquatch
11 3 River City - Godinez
P3 8:00 PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 1 Palouse Cougars
4 10 Bombers Baseball
P12 8:00 PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 2 Prairie Cardinals A
12 6 Spokane Rawlings Tigers
Saturday, June 03, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 8:00 AM Franklin Park - 4 Bombers Baseball
6 3 Ellensburg Blues
P2 10:00 AM Franklin Park - 4 Ellensburg Blues
5 7 Palouse Cougars
P4 10:00 AM Franklin Park - 3 River City - Stockton
10 5 Shockwave Baseball Club
P5 12:00 PM Franklin Park - 3 Shockwave Baseball Club
7 3 Prairie Cardinals B
P8 12:00 PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 2 Cashmere
1 9 Sandpoint Sasquatch
P10 12:00 PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 1 Spokane Rawlings Tigers
6 10 Eastmont All Stars
P7 2:00 PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 2 River City - Godinez
16 17 Cashmere
P11 2:00 PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 1 Eastmont All Stars
5 15 Prairie Cardinals A
B2 6:00 PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 2 [4] Prairie Cardinals A
0 13 [5] Shockwave Baseball Club
B3 6:00 PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 1 [6] Palouse Cougars
7 13 [3] Bombers Baseball
B1 8:00 PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 1 [1] Sandpoint Sasquatch
6 4 [8] Cashmere
B4 8:00 PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 2 [7] Eastmont All Stars
1 16 [2] River City - Stockton
Sunday, June 04, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
B8 8:00 AM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 2 [9] Ellensburg Blues
7 11 [12] River City - Godinez
B9 8:00 AM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 1 [10] Spokane Rawlings Tigers
4 15 [11] Prairie Cardinals B
B10 10:00 AM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 2 River City - Godinez
5 6 Prairie Cardinals B
B5 12:00 PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 1 Sandpoint Sasquatch
17 2 Shockwave Baseball Club
B6 12:00 PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 2 Bombers Baseball
3 4 River City - Stockton
B7 2:00 PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 1 Sandpoint Sasquatch
3 12 River City - Stockton


River City - Stockton
11U Champion
Prairie Cardinals B
Silver Champion
[4] Prairie Cardinals A - 0
B2 - Sat 6/3 6:00PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 2
[5] Shockwave Baseball Club - 13
[7] Eastmont All Stars - 1
B4 - Sat 6/3 8:00PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 2
[2] River City - Stockton - 16
Bombers Baseball - 3
B6 - Sun 6/4 12:00PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 2
River City - Stockton - 4
River City - Godinez - 5
B10 - Sun 6/4 10:00AM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 2
Prairie Cardinals B - 6
[9] Ellensburg Blues - 7
B8 - Sun 6/4 8:00AM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 2
[12] River City - Godinez - 11
[6] Palouse Cougars - 7
B3 - Sat 6/3 6:00PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 1
[3] Bombers Baseball - 13
Sandpoint Sasquatch - 3
B7 - Sun 6/4 2:00PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 1
River City - Stockton - 12
Sandpoint Sasquatch - 17
B5 - Sun 6/4 12:00PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 1
Shockwave Baseball Club - 2
[1] Sandpoint Sasquatch - 6
B1 - Sat 6/3 8:00PM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 1
[8] Cashmere - 4
[10] Spokane Rawlings Tigers - 4
B9 - Sun 6/4 8:00AM Dwight Merkel Sports Complex - 1
[11] Prairie Cardinals B - 15