Mixed Doubles 3.5

Kentucky Amateur Open @ Tom Sawyer State Park

Jun 3 - 4, 2023
Louisville, KY
SportsEngine Tourney

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Sunday, June 04, 2023
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P1 9:20 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 11 Eric Feller/Sarah Magee
7 11 Luke Christopherson/Darby Witherspoon
P2 9:20 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 12 Tod Carron/Charlotte Carron
11 3 Robert Eisenback/Rudelyn Mabe
P3 9:20 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 13 Aiden Bartlett/Nicole Simpson
2 11 James Zabel/Irina DeLong
P4 9:40 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 11 Luke Christopherson/Darby Witherspoon
9 11 Tod Carron/Charlotte Carron
P5 9:40 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 13 Eric Feller/Sarah Magee
9 11 Aiden Bartlett/Nicole Simpson
P6 9:40 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 12 Robert Eisenback/Rudelyn Mabe
8 11 James Zabel/Irina DeLong
P7 10:00 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 11 Aiden Bartlett/Nicole Simpson
4 11 Luke Christopherson/Darby Witherspoon
P8 10:00 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 12 James Zabel/Irina DeLong
1 11 Tod Carron/Charlotte Carron
P9 10:00 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 13 Robert Eisenback/Rudelyn Mabe
11 8 Eric Feller/Sarah Magee
P10 10:20 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 11 Luke Christopherson/Darby Witherspoon
11 8 James Zabel/Irina DeLong
P11 10:20 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 13 Aiden Bartlett/Nicole Simpson
11 13 Robert Eisenback/Rudelyn Mabe
P12 10:20 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 12 Tod Carron/Charlotte Carron
11 9 Eric Feller/Sarah Magee
P13 10:40 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 11 Robert Eisenback/Rudelyn Mabe
9 11 Luke Christopherson/Darby Witherspoon
P14 10:40 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 12 Eric Feller/Sarah Magee
11 9 James Zabel/Irina DeLong
P15 10:40 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 13 Tod Carron/Charlotte Carron
11 5 Aiden Bartlett/Nicole Simpson
B1 11:20 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 11 [1] Tod Carron/Charlotte Carron
15 8 [4] Robert Eisenback/Rudelyn Mabe
B2 11:20 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 12 [2] Luke Christopherson/Darby Witherspoon
15 13 [3] James Zabel/Irina DeLong
B3 11:40 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 12 Robert Eisenback/Rudelyn Mabe
5 15 James Zabel/Irina DeLong
B4 11:40 AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 11 Tod Carron/Charlotte Carron
12 15 Luke Christopherson/Darby Witherspoon


Luke Christopherson/Darby Witherspoon
James Zabel/Irina DeLong
Tod Carron/Charlotte Carron - 12
B4 - Sun 6/4 11:40AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 11
Luke Christopherson/Darby Witherspoon - 15
[1] Tod Carron/Charlotte Carron - 15
B1 - Sun 6/4 11:20AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 11
[4] Robert Eisenback/Rudelyn Mabe - 8
[2] Luke Christopherson/Darby Witherspoon - 15
B2 - Sun 6/4 11:20AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 12
[3] James Zabel/Irina DeLong - 13
Robert Eisenback/Rudelyn Mabe - 5
B3 - Sun 6/4 11:40AM Tom Sawyer State Park - Court 12
James Zabel/Irina DeLong - 15