Tournament Note
CLICK HERE FOR MORE TOURNAMENT INFO:PLEASE REVIEW FULL PARK RULES ON OUR WEBSITE. BUT HERE'S A FEW QUICK REMINDERS...-PLEASE TREAT EVERY PARK LIKE YOUR HOME FIELD AND CLEAN UP AFTER EACH GAME-BLD PERRIS HAS COMPLETED 1 NEW TURF FIELD SO TEAMS PLAYING ON YANKEE THIS WEEKEND WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO WEAR METAL CLEATS-FOR TEMECULA WE WILL HAVE A FULL MOBILE SNACK BAR AT RONALD REAGAN SPORTS PARK BUT THE CITY IS STILL UNSURE IF THEY'LL BE ABLE TO STAFF AND OPERATE ONES AT BIRDSALL & SOMMERS BEND SO PLEASE PLAN ACCORDINGLYROSETTA CANYON SPORTS PARKNO ALCOHOL OR TOBACCO PRODUCTS Absolutely no alcohol or tobacco products will be permitted inside the Rosetta Canyon Sport Park complex. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in ejection from the complex. Alcohol is also not permitted in the parking lot. GUM / SUNFLOWER SEEDS / SHELLED NUTSGum, Sunflower Seeds and any Shelled Nuts are NOT PERMITTED at Rosetta Canyon Sports Park. This includes spitting seeds or shelled nuts into a cup or any other container. Failure to comply with this regulation will result in ejection from the complex.SEEDING PROCEDURE (First factor is Win-Loss record)Two Way Tie1. Head to Head between tied teams2. Total Run differential3. Runs Allowed4. Runs Scored5. Actual run differential in last pool game6. Coin FlipThree (or more) Way Tie1. Head to Head (if sweep)2. Total Run differential3. Runs Allowed4. Runs Scored5. Actual run differential in last pool game6. Coin FlipRA=Runs AllowedRS=Runs ScoredLAD=Last Actual DifferentialIMPORTANT: Run differential maximum1. Forfeits will be scored 7-02. Maximum run spread per game is 7 regardless of score.Note: When 3 or more teams are tied and there is not a common opponent amongst all tied teams, run differential is the first tie breaker.Ties will be counted as a .5 win and .5 lossPitching Rules (Innings per Tournament):7's, 8's, 9's and 10's = 6 innings, 11's and 12's = 6 innings, 13's and 14's = 7, 15's thru 18's = 8One inning can be added in each game after your 4th game (5th game)* *Each player on the roster gets (1) additional inning per game played starting in a team’s 5th game played. (Example: During a 12u team’s 7th game, each player can have a max of 9 innings pitched.)
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11's Division 1 Champion
Sat May 27, 2023 - Mon May 29, 2023
Pool Standings
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