
Tournament Note

- Format: 6 Games, 3 days - Showcase Format
- Game times 1:45 finish the batter
- Three 6 field complexes in 2024!
- Cost: $1395 Entry Fee
- $60/game pay @ the plate


2024 Starz Gold Summer Showcase

Jun 7 - 9, 2024
Chester, VA • Henrico, VA • Richmond, VA
SportsEngine Tourney

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Pool Standings

Pool C
Team W L T
Starz Gold Bunn 0 0 0 0 0 0
EC Bullets Cornett 0 0 0 0 0 0
Va Glory National - Christiansen 0 0 0 0 0 0
PA Chaos 16u Gold 0 0 0 0 0 0
NY Nighthawks 16u 0 0 0 0 0 0
Stars Showcase Colangelo 0 0 0 0 0 0
Carolina Crush-Corn 0 0 0 0 0 0
CO Bombers 16 Gold 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hanover Lady Hornets 2026 - Knicely 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pool D
Team W L T
TNT Maryland API 0 0 0 0 0 0
Va Glory Bain Ellis 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hanover Lady Hornets 2025 National 0 0 0 0 0 0
LLG Futures VA 0 0 0 0 0 0
Starz Gold Clarke 0 0 0 0 0 0
Starz Gold Fishburn 0 0 0 0 0 0
NC Challengers 16u Elite/Altiers 0 0 0 0 0 0
Virginia OC Elite - Fincham 0 0 0 0 0 0
EC Bullets Garza 0 0 0 0 0 0
Post 290 Bombers 16U 0 0 0 0 0 0
NLP - Jennings 09 0 0 0 0 0 0
VA Fury Platinum Posten 0 0 0 0 0 0


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Friday, June 07, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P31 2:00 PM Dorey Park - Field 4 Post 290 Bombers 16U
NLP - Jennings 09
P76 2:00 PM Ironbridge - Field 7 Va Glory National - Christiansen
Hanover Lady Hornets 2026 - Knicely
P96 2:00 PM Ironbridge - Field10 Starz Gold Bunn
CO Bombers 16 Gold
P6 3:50 PM Ironbridge - Field 9 Tri-State Thunder Gold 16u Frazee
P12 3:50 PM Dorey Park - Field 1 Starz Gold Clarke
Va Glory Bain Ellis
P13 3:50 PM Dorey Park - Field 4 Starz Gold Fishburn
Post 290 Bombers 16U
P33 3:50 PM Dorey Park - Field 2 Virginia OC Elite - Fincham
Hanover Lady Hornets 2025 National
P53 3:50 PM Ironbridge - Field 8 Hanover Hornets Plank 16U
EC Bullets Cornett
P60 3:50 PM Ironbridge - Field10 Starz Gold Bunn
Va Glory National - Christiansen
P79 3:50 PM Ironbridge - Field 7 Carolina Crush-Corn
Virginia Intensity Fastpitch Blue
P1 5:40 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 2 Firecrackers VA-Shaffer
Virginia Thunderbolts 2026- Cassedy
P4 5:40 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 3 Starz Gold Estep
Maryland Blue Jays 16U Showcase
P8 5:40 PM Ironbridge - Field10 NY Nighthawks 16u
CO Bombers 16 Gold
P10 5:40 PM Ironbridge - Field 7 PA Chaos 16u Gold
EC Bullets Cornett
P15 5:40 PM Dorey Park - Field 2 NLP - Jennings 09
Virginia OC Elite - Fincham
P16 5:40 PM Dorey Park - Field 1 NC Challengers 16u Elite/Altiers
TNT Maryland API
P23 5:40 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 1 Lady Tigers 25/26
USSSA Pride 16U National (Sexton)
P24 5:40 PM Ironbridge - Field 9 Knockouts-Cole
Virginia Phoenix 16U- Wood
P46 5:40 PM Dorey Park - Field 4 Va Glory Bain Ellis
VA Fury Platinum Posten
P54 5:40 PM Ironbridge - Field 8 Virginia Diamonds
Tri-State Thunder Gold 16u Frazee
P3 7:30 PM Ironbridge - Field 8 Hanover Hornets Plank 16U
Virginia Diamonds
P25 7:30 PM Ironbridge - Field10 Hanover Lady Hornets 2026 - Knicely
NY Nighthawks 16u
P29 7:30 PM Dorey Park - Field 4 VA Fury Platinum Posten
Starz Gold Clarke
P34 7:30 PM Dorey Park - Field 2 TNT Maryland API
Hanover Lady Hornets 2025 National
P52 7:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 2 Virginia Thunderbolts 2026- Cassedy
Starz Gold Estep
P55 7:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 1 Firecrackers VA-Shaffer
USSSA Pride 16U National (Sexton)
P56 7:30 PM Ironbridge - Field 9 Virginia Intensity Fastpitch Blue
Virginia Phoenix 16U- Wood
P58 7:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 3 Maryland Blue Jays 16U Showcase
Lady Tigers 25/26
P81 7:30 PM Dorey Park - Field 1 NC Challengers 16u Elite/Altiers
Starz Gold Fishburn
P95 7:30 PM Ironbridge - Field 7 PA Chaos 16u Gold
Carolina Crush-Corn
Saturday, June 08, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P19 1:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 5 Firecrackers VA-Shaffer
Hanover Hornets Plank 16U
P20 1:30 PM Ironbridge - Field 5 VA Fury Platinum Posten
Starz Gold Estep
P42 1:30 PM Ironbridge - Field10 Starz Gold Bunn
PA Chaos 16u Gold
P47 1:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 3 Starz Gold Fishburn
Starz Gold Clarke
P57 1:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 6 Virginia Diamonds
P61 1:30 PM Ironbridge - Field 9 NY Nighthawks 16u
Stars Showcase Colangelo
P62 1:30 PM Ironbridge - Field 7 CO Bombers 16 Gold
Carolina Crush-Corn
P80 1:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 1 NLP - Jennings 09
NC Challengers 16u Elite/Altiers
P82 1:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 2 Hanover Lady Hornets 2025 National
Va Glory Bain Ellis
P84 1:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 4 Virginia OC Elite - Fincham
EC Bullets Garza
P90 1:30 PM Ironbridge - Field 6 Va Glory National - Christiansen
Lady Tigers 25/26
P103 1:30 PM Ironbridge - Field 8 EC Bullets Cornett
Hanover Lady Hornets 2026 - Knicely
P14 3:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 2 Starz Gold Fishburn
LLG Futures VA
P35 3:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 1 Va Glory Ladia
Virginia Thunderbolts 2026- Cassedy
P39 3:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 6 USSSA Pride 16U National (Sexton)
Virginia Diamonds
P40 3:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 5 Virginia Phoenix 16U- Wood
Maryland Blue Jays 16U Showcase
P49 3:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 4 Hanover Lady Hornets 2025 National
Post 290 Bombers 16U
P101 3:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 3 Starz Gold Clarke
Virginia OC Elite - Fincham
P26 5:30 PM Ironbridge - Field 7 CO Bombers 16 Gold
PA Chaos 16u Gold
P27 5:30 PM Ironbridge - Field 9 Carolina Crush-Corn
Hanover Lady Hornets 2026 - Knicely
P28 5:30 PM Ironbridge - Field10 Starz Gold Bunn
Stars Showcase Colangelo
P32 5:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 1 LLG Futures VA
NC Challengers 16u Elite/Altiers
P36 5:30 PM Ironbridge - Field 5 Starz Gold Estep
Va Glory National - Christiansen
P37 5:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 6 Virginia Intensity Fastpitch Blue
Firecrackers VA-Shaffer
P51 5:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 3 TNT Maryland API
Virginia OC Elite - Fincham
P64 5:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 5 Va Glory Bain Ellis
NLP - Jennings 09
P74 5:30 PM Ironbridge - Field 6 Lady Tigers 25/26
VA Fury Platinum Posten
P78 5:30 PM Ironbridge - Field 8 EC Bullets Cornett
NY Nighthawks 16u
P86 5:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 2 Virginia Thunderbolts 2026- Cassedy
Tri-State Thunder Gold 16u Frazee
P89 5:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 4 Hanover Hornets Plank 16U
P7 7:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 5 USSSA Pride 16U National (Sexton)
Virginia Phoenix 16U- Wood
P21 7:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 6 Virginia Diamonds
Virginia Intensity Fastpitch Blue
P22 7:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 3 Maryland Blue Jays 16U Showcase
Tri-State Thunder Gold 16u Frazee
P67 7:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 4 Post 290 Bombers 16U
TNT Maryland API
P111 7:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 1 Va Glory Ladia
LLG Futures VA
P112 7:30 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 2 EC Bullets Garza
Virginia Thunderbolts 2026- Cassedy
Sunday, June 09, 2024
Game Time Location Team Score Team
P9 8:00 AM Dorey Park - Field 2 Starz Gold Bunn
Carolina Crush-Corn
P43 8:00 AM Dorey Park - Field 3 PA Chaos 16u Gold
NY Nighthawks 16u
P44 8:00 AM Dorey Park - Field 1 Stars Showcase Colangelo
CO Bombers 16 Gold
P63 8:00 AM LC Bird Complex - Field 3 VA Fury Platinum Posten
Starz Gold Fishburn
P65 8:00 AM LC Bird Complex - Field 4 Starz Gold Clarke
NC Challengers 16u Elite/Altiers
P68 8:00 AM LC Bird Complex - Field 6 LLG Futures VA
Virginia OC Elite - Fincham
P70 8:00 AM Ironbridge - Field 9 Tri-State Thunder Gold 16u Frazee
Starz Gold Estep
P107 8:00 AM LC Bird Complex - Field 5 TNT Maryland API
NLP - Jennings 09
P72 10:00 AM Ironbridge - Field10 Virginia Phoenix 16U- Wood
Va Glory Ladia
P75 10:00 AM Ironbridge - Field 9 Maryland Blue Jays 16U Showcase
EC Bullets Garza
P77 10:00 AM Dorey Park - Field 1 Stars Showcase Colangelo
PA Chaos 16u Gold
P87 10:00 AM LC Bird Complex - Field 5 NLP - Jennings 09
USSSA Pride 16U National (Sexton)
P94 10:00 AM LC Bird Complex - Field 4 EC Bullets Cornett
NC Challengers 16u Elite/Altiers
P98 10:00 AM LC Bird Complex - Field 6 Virginia Diamonds
Hanover Lady Hornets 2025 National
P100 10:00 AM LC Bird Complex - Field 3 Va Glory Bain Ellis
Hanover Hornets Plank 16U
P104 10:00 AM Dorey Park - Field 3 CO Bombers 16 Gold
Va Glory National - Christiansen
P105 10:00 AM Dorey Park - Field 2 NY Nighthawks 16u
Starz Gold Bunn
P5 12:00 PM Dorey Park - Field 2 Virginia Intensity Fastpitch Blue
Lady Tigers 25/26
P11 12:00 PM Dorey Park - Field 3 Va Glory National - Christiansen
Carolina Crush-Corn
P18 12:00 PM Dorey Park - Field 1 Virginia Thunderbolts 2026- Cassedy
P45 12:00 PM Ironbridge - Field10 Va Glory Ladia
Firecrackers VA-Shaffer
P85 12:00 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 6 LLG Futures VA
Post 290 Bombers 16U
P88 12:00 PM Ironbridge - Field 7 Starz Gold Estep
Virginia Phoenix 16U- Wood
P93 12:00 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 4 Starz Gold Clarke
TNT Maryland API
P106 12:00 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 3 Hanover Lady Hornets 2025 National
VA Fury Platinum Posten
P108 12:00 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 5 Hanover Lady Hornets 2026 - Knicely
Va Glory Bain Ellis
P110 12:00 PM Ironbridge - Field 9 Tri-State Thunder Gold 16u Frazee
EC Bullets Garza
P41 2:00 PM Dorey Park - Field 1 Knockouts-Cole
Lady Tigers 25/26
P48 2:00 PM Ironbridge - Field10 Va Glory Ladia
EC Bullets Garza
P59 2:00 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 4 Hanover Lady Hornets 2026 - Knicely
Starz Gold Fishburn
P69 2:00 PM Dorey Park - Field 2 Virginia Intensity Fastpitch Blue
Virginia Thunderbolts 2026- Cassedy
P71 2:00 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 3 USSSA Pride 16U National (Sexton)
Hanover Hornets Plank 16U
P91 2:00 PM Ironbridge - Field 9 Firecrackers VA-Shaffer
Maryland Blue Jays 16U Showcase
P102 2:00 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 5 EC Bullets Cornett
Post 290 Bombers 16U
P109 2:00 PM LC Bird Complex - Field 6 LLG Futures VA
Stars Showcase Colangelo


No Bracket Games for this Division