
Tournament Note


UBT Sports Complex - NORTH: 21015 Cumberland Drive - Elkhorn, NE 68022
UBT Sports Complex - SOUTH: 702 N. 210th Street - Elkhorn, NE 68022
BOWLERO/MARK: 20902 Cumberland Drive - Elkhorn, NE 68022
IOWA WEST FIELD HOUSE - 5 Arena Way - Council Bluffs, IA 51501

For Tournament Details and Tournament Rules, click on the MORE tab and then DOCUMENTS.

SPECTATOR ADMISSION FEES: (Daily Admission is good for all games, all day, at all tournament venues.)

All-Site Daily Admission: (Daily Admission is good for all games, all day, at all tournament venues.)
Adult = $11 + Tax
Senior Citizens = $9 + Tax
Students = $5 + Tax.
Children = 5 and under are Free.

All-Site Weekend Pass: (Weekend passes sold Friday night only)
Adult = $26 + Tax
Senior Citizens = $22 +Tax
Students = $11 + Tax

The AWAY TEAM is the first (TOP) team listed on the phone app and will wear DARK COLORED jerseys. The HOME TEAM wears light-colored jerseys and is the second (BOTTOM) team listed on the phone app schedule.

There are Midwest Regional Champs T-Shirts for the first place team in each pool/bracket. If your team places first in your pool/bracket, then please see the Site Director at the front desk area to receive your t-shirts. (For Players Only)

Good Luck to All Teams!

5th - Boys

Midwest Regional Hoops Championships Boys & Girls Tournament – Hosted by Elkhorn Attack/Elite and OSA

Mar 1 - 3, 2024
Council Bluffs, IA • Elkhorn, NE
SportsEngine Tourney

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Waukee Wildcats

5th - Boys Champion

Fri Mar 1, 2024 - Sun Mar 3, 2024

Pool Standings

Team W L
Love the Game- Hruska/ Mumma 4 0 70 136
C.B. Elite Blue 3 1 26 131
OSA 5th Elite Andersen 2 2 5 161
BBA BADGERS - MAY 1 3 -58 189
OSA 5th Elite Yosten 0 4 -43 147
Boilermakers A
Team W L
Waukee Wildcats 3 0 46 74
OSA 5th Elite Ringenberg 2 1 15 108
PBC Patriots Red 5th 1 2 -1 114
Wahoops 5th Gold 0 3 -60 139
Boilermakers B
Team W L
AEF 5th Blue 3 0 40 64
GBA 5th Elite Friehe 2 1 17 82
Elkhorn Attack All-Stars 5th (Hartle) 1 2 -36 108
Elkhorn Attack Ballers 5th (Evans) 0 3 -21 107
Team W L
Jr. Wolves 4 0 28 96
Iowa Battlers 5th Black 2 2 -12 125
C.B. Elite White 2 2 -16 123
AEF 5th Silver 1 3 12 127
Nebraska Impact Yeager 1 3 -12 121
Team W L
OSA 5th Select Thompson 4 0 49 108
Elkhorn Attack All-Stars 5th (Herout) 3 1 25 124
Jr Titans 5th Blue 2 2 18 111
Nebraska Impact 5th (Judd) 1 3 -36 140
Iowa Battlers 5th White 0 4 -56 176
Team W L
Provision 5th 3 1 54 85
NLA Heat - Oliver 3 1 23 63
OSA 5th Select Slauter 3 1 -14 106
Jr. Warriors 5th (Wallace) 1 3 0 87
JCC Lions 5th Grade Blue 0 4 -63 106
Team W L
AEF 5th White 3 1 43 112
Wildcats 3 1 23 90
Elkhorn Attack Lakers 5th (Anderson) 2 2 -10 101
OSA 5th Select Whalen 1 3 -20 129
Elkhorn Attack 5th (Friesen) 1 3 -36 115


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Friday, March 01, 2024
Game Time Location AWAY TEAM (Dark-Colored Jerseys) Score HOME TEAM (Light-Colored Jerseys)
P14 6:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #3 Elkhorn Attack All-Stars 5th (Hartle)
25 42 GBA 5th Elite Friehe
P48 6:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #1 Elkhorn Attack All-Stars 5th (Herout)
43 28 Jr Titans 5th Blue
P61 6:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #2 Wildcats
19 16 Elkhorn Attack Lakers 5th (Anderson)
P2 7:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #3 OSA 5th Elite Andersen
48 61 Love the Game- Hruska/ Mumma
P62 7:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #8 AEF 5th White
40 24 Elkhorn Attack 5th (Friesen)
P26 8:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #8 Wildcats
24 28 OSA 5th Select Whalen
P28 8:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #3 Elkhorn Attack Ballers 5th (Evans)
29 36 GBA 5th Elite Friehe
P60 8:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - South - Court #5 JCC Lions 5th Grade Blue
23 45 Provision 5th
Saturday, March 02, 2024
Game Time Location AWAY TEAM (Dark-Colored Jerseys) Score HOME TEAM (Light-Colored Jerseys)
P49 8:00 AM Iowa West Field House - Court #3 Jr. Warriors 5th (Wallace)
25 26 OSA 5th Select Slauter
P50 8:00 AM UBT Sports Complex - South - Court #5 Provision 5th
18 21 NLA Heat - Oliver
P51 8:00 AM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #6 Elkhorn Attack Lakers 5th (Anderson)
26 25 OSA 5th Select Whalen
P53 8:00 AM Iowa West Field House - Court #7 BBA BADGERS - MAY
28 26 OSA 5th Elite Yosten
P54 8:00 AM Bowlero/Mark - Court #2 C.B. Elite Blue
48 31 OSA 5th Elite Andersen
P58 9:00 AM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #2 Nebraska Impact 5th (Judd)
27 31 Elkhorn Attack All-Stars 5th (Herout)
P38 10:00 AM Iowa West Field House - Court #6 OSA 5th Select Slauter
21 18 JCC Lions 5th Grade Blue
P39 10:00 AM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #1 Elkhorn Attack 5th (Friesen)
14 26 Elkhorn Attack Lakers 5th (Anderson)
P40 10:00 AM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #5 OSA 5th Select Whalen
29 59 AEF 5th White
P44 10:00 AM Iowa West Field House - Court #4 OSA 5th Elite Andersen
P57 10:00 AM Iowa West Field House - Court #3 Jr Titans 5th Blue
25 31 OSA 5th Select Thompson
P43 11:00 AM Iowa West Field House - Court #7 OSA 5th Elite Yosten
26 52 Love the Game- Hruska/ Mumma
P25 12:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - South - Court #6 Elkhorn Attack Lakers 5th (Anderson)
21 43 AEF 5th White
P30 1:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - South - Court #5 Love the Game- Hruska/ Mumma
53 36 C.B. Elite Blue
P34 2:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - South - Court #6 Iowa Battlers 5th Black
30 35 C.B. Elite White
P35 2:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #3 Elkhorn Attack All-Stars 5th (Herout)
31 42 OSA 5th Select Thompson
P36 2:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #5 Iowa Battlers 5th White
31 37 Nebraska Impact 5th (Judd)
P4 3:00 PM Bowlero/Mark - Court #1 OSA 5th Elite Ringenberg
28 52 Waukee Wildcats
P56 4:00 PM Bowlero/Mark - Court #3 C.B. Elite White
18 36 AEF 5th Silver
P8 5:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - South - Court #6 Elkhorn Attack All-Stars 5th (Herout)
44 27 Iowa Battlers 5th White
P31 5:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #3 Waukee Wildcats
37 12 Wahoops 5th Gold
P32 5:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #6 PBC Patriots Red 5th
31 46 OSA 5th Elite Ringenberg
P42 5:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #5 Elkhorn Attack Ballers 5th (Evans)
29 30 Elkhorn Attack All-Stars 5th (Hartle)
P45 5:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - South - Court #2 Nebraska Impact Yeager
24 26 Iowa Battlers 5th Black
P41 6:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - South - Court #5 GBA 5th Elite Friehe
21 28 AEF 5th Blue
P46 6:00 PM Bowlero/Mark - Court #2 AEF 5th Silver
32 33 Jr. Wolves
P3 7:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #6 PBC Patriots Red 5th
50 28 Wahoops 5th Gold
P13 8:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - South - Court #5 Elkhorn Attack Ballers 5th (Evans)
28 41 AEF 5th Blue
P55 8:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #1 Jr. Wolves
23 21 Nebraska Impact Yeager
P17 9:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #6 Wahoops 5th Gold
25 52 OSA 5th Elite Ringenberg
Sunday, March 03, 2024
Game Time Location AWAY TEAM (Dark-Colored Jerseys) Score HOME TEAM (Light-Colored Jerseys)
P16 8:00 AM UBT Sports Complex - South - Court #1 BBA BADGERS - MAY
26 50 Love the Game- Hruska/ Mumma
P27 8:00 AM Iowa West Field House - Court #2 AEF 5th Blue
37 15 Elkhorn Attack All-Stars 5th (Hartle)
P18 9:00 AM Bowlero/Mark - Court #2 PBC Patriots Red 5th
34 40 Waukee Wildcats
P20 9:00 AM UBT Sports Complex - South - Court #2 Jr. Wolves
34 22 Iowa Battlers 5th Black
P33 9:00 AM Iowa West Field House - Court #4 AEF 5th Silver
39 41 Nebraska Impact Yeager
P1 10:00 AM Iowa West Field House - Court #4 C.B. Elite Blue
P37 10:00 AM UBT Sports Complex - South - Court #5 Provision 5th
37 20 Jr. Warriors 5th (Wallace)
P6 11:00 AM Iowa West Field House - Court #6 AEF 5th Silver
32 35 Iowa Battlers 5th Black
P19 11:00 AM Iowa West Field House - Court #5 Nebraska Impact Yeager
23 33 C.B. Elite White
B1 12:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #3 Waukee Wildcats
44 28 AEF 5th Blue
B2 12:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #4 OSA 5th Elite Ringenberg
43 24 GBA 5th Elite Friehe
B3 12:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #5 PBC Patriots Red 5th
46 29 Elkhorn Attack All-Stars 5th (Hartle)
B4 12:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #6 Wahoops 5th Gold
39 42 Elkhorn Attack Ballers 5th (Evans)
P10 12:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #2 Provision 5th
42 21 OSA 5th Select Slauter
P5 1:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - South - Court #5 C.B. Elite White
21 34 Jr. Wolves
P23 1:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - South - Court #4 Jr. Warriors 5th (Wallace)
20 0 JCC Lions 5th Grade Blue
P47 1:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - South - Court #3 OSA 5th Select Thompson
47 34 Iowa Battlers 5th White
P24 2:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #4 NLA Heat - Oliver
21 23 OSA 5th Select Slauter
P22 3:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #3 Jr Titans 5th Blue
48 15 Iowa Battlers 5th White
P11 4:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #4 AEF 5th White
25 38 Wildcats
P12 4:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #5 Elkhorn Attack 5th (Friesen)
20 17 OSA 5th Select Whalen
P15 4:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #6 OSA 5th Elite Yosten
25 31 C.B. Elite Blue
P59 4:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #2 NLA Heat - Oliver
24 22 Jr. Warriors 5th (Wallace)
P21 5:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #4 OSA 5th Select Thompson
37 18 Nebraska Impact 5th (Judd)
P9 6:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #3 JCC Lions 5th Grade Blue
0 20 NLA Heat - Oliver
P29 6:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #4 OSA 5th Elite Andersen
36 21 OSA 5th Elite Yosten
P7 7:00 PM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #3 Nebraska Impact 5th (Judd)
22 41 Jr Titans 5th Blue
P52 7:00 PM Iowa West Field House - Court #1 Elkhorn Attack 5th (Friesen)
21 32 Wildcats


5th Boys Boilermakers
PBC Patriots Red 5th
5th Place
OSA 5th Elite Ringenberg
3rd Place
Waukee Wildcats
Elkhorn Attack Ballers 5th (Evans)
7th Place
Waukee Wildcats - 44
B1 - Sun 3/3 12:00PM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #3
AEF 5th Blue - 28
OSA 5th Elite Ringenberg - 43
B2 - Sun 3/3 12:00PM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #4
GBA 5th Elite Friehe - 24
PBC Patriots Red 5th - 46
B3 - Sun 3/3 12:00PM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #5
Elkhorn Attack All-Stars 5th (Hartle) - 29
Wahoops 5th Gold - 39
B4 - Sun 3/3 12:00PM UBT Sports Complex - North - Court #6
Elkhorn Attack Ballers 5th (Evans) - 42